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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. She will still miss some nice relaxing showers in the bathtub , unless she is allowed to use the jacuzzi …
  2. @Noldusare you maybe a bit fast updating the status as it might be temporary ? 😉 A very used mattress in the guest room by the way 😂
  3. A good friend said that the room was always ready but due to the visitors and Svetlana not sleeping over anymore , they always had to wash the sheet and it kind felt like “ helping “ place for the recent incidents .. I don’t think we should also be surprised that the decision of moving them in B4 might have happened only today and seeing Svetlana in B6 to clean the apartment was more important and “ urgent “ than fixing the room in B4 ( which also might be an indication of the importance of the new people who join B6 rather than RLC caring for Fiora and Harley so as to have their room prepared )
  4. To be honest , I don’t believe that the rest of the girls give a shit for Harley and Fiora , it is most probably a temporary solution ..
  5. For months Fiora either won’t share her bed with Harley or Harley never wanted to sleep with Fiora..And now they will HAVE TO ..Except if Harley continues in the LR’s couch 😱
  6. Clubbing night preparations for Holly and Tweety … And still Radislava MIA …
  7. Well , there’s still this rumored apartment opening , maybe some days here before another moving ? They are like ping pong balls 😁 It is so weird as both these two girls never developed any particular connection with anyone except Fiora with Radislava for a couple of shows and the recent visit of Tweety in B6 . The thing is that 6 months after , RLC’s original plan having all these 4 girls together came true again 😁 even if most probably won’t last much .. The girls are in full power now in the villa , let’s see how it is going to be with Harley and Fiora with the rest and the almost zero connections they had ..Ahh , of course , where poor Harley will sleep again …
  8. Here we go then…Some of the plans at full exposure ..This changes the dynamics as there’s the big reunion of the 4 girls ..Let’s see how this affects the relationships ..Very nice that they keep them both .
  9. Or Karol and her boyfriend in a couple of days ? But Karol has her clothes always in B1 despite her boyfriend sleeping “ somewhere else “ as we have seen the last days .
  10. Esmi for the first time not that much shy after her shower ,even with lights off .
  11. Now , some nice improvement on cameras for Tweety and Holly , let’s hope it isn’t for professional reasons only .
  12. UM ..time for some or RLC plans to be revealed slowly ..
  13. Before Eva appeared in Masha’s apartment , her real name was mentioned by Masha on cameras to a talk she had as the person that she and a guy will move in an RLC apartment . Their whole presence also during their stay , I think it suggested that they were just warming up let’s say 😁 to move in ..But good friend noldus speaks about “ plans changed “ , therefore , let’s see what happens and who moves in the ready to be empty B6 apartment ..
  14. Sorry I am straight and I want to see the way that the creator decided things to happen and nowadays people get more excited watching gays than straights 😂🤣😂🤣 You don’t get it old man , do you ? You can’t accept that people can have a different opinion of what they want to see , but no , you have to persuade by insulting what it is right or wrong because “ Fatboy said so “ 😂🤣😂🤣 But to who am I talking to , giving him his desperate attendance that he seeks here so as not to feel alone in his miserable lonely world ? The one that trolls the forum day in and a day out , complaining , bitching , insulting , using his 1% of his brain that he has left to decrease the personalities of forum members , calling them prostitutes and drug dealers , delusionals and whatever else he says and at the same time BEGGING a couple of months ago for the product he everyday says “ SAD SAD “ “ WHAT SHIT RLC HAS BECOME “ to be sent a video for a tenant that everyday speaks his misery against her and only recently he revealed that the product he everyday degrades and accuses , he tried some weeks ago to use his credit card to become a member ..You are sick PAL , go find an asylum , lock yourself in and take some anger pills to feel better because your heart suffers from exactly this , your endless rage against everyone and everything .. Have a nice evening Fatboy , consider this a gift and a favor answering you … You have argued with almost anyone here , you are the worst member ever in your behavior towards the others because you have learned the dictatorship way to degrade everyone and everything , CamCaps has / had even made a tool that they could ban you forever but your 20dollars per year it is too valuable as it seems and The Admin has a special love to you and despite the repeated mails to the site administrators to get rid of you once and for all , you are always here ..Anyway , I wish you only the best as a human being , sick people are amongst us and next to us and they need help and in comparison to you , I hope you keep on with your crisis you get here to express your endless pain and rage you have inside your Fatboy soul and that the way you express yourself to give you the peace to fight this anger …
  15. On a funny note , AGAIN then that an apartment goes UM during the tenants asleep , AGAIN soon after the tenants ( at this moment only Harley ? 😔😔 ) need to go ….
  16. If they don’t keep both these girls ( except of course due to the EU measures against the Russians there are complications that affect these two girls ) , it would be really stupid to lose them , the two that perhaps were the best trying - and actually they did - in a shitty apartment to live their lives as normal as possible .
  17. 😜🤪 Can it be that insanely I wasn’t so wrong after all ? 😜🤪😜🤪( talking about moving .. )
  18. I agree that she hasn’t been shown completely comfortable but then , where is their / her “ voice “ to deny things ( which she did partially when she kind of “ asked “ Kylie that she didn’t want more while Radi was on top of her ) .. From a person we saw nearly nothing , the last couple of weeks and since the incident with Loraine and then with Holly and onwards , it is a realization from her part that more money comes with more things .. If she wants to stop , she can anytime , find a guy like Holly did and enjoy her holidays .. Or simply masturbations - that she doesn’t have the privacy because of the sharing bed - and the majority is happy .. She might have second or conflicted thoughts maybe because Kylie and Rus are married but , personally , even if it is just shows the last days , it is much much better than a do nothing Tweety for a very long time .. it is just wise to know how much more you can show every time and how far you are willing to go .. And Tweety has gone a much different way than before her holidays and even for almost after a month that she came back with RLC ..
  19. Very good points , in my opinion the one he “ wants “ the most is Ulyana ..But let’s not forget , they are married , it is all part of work and unfortunately for any of us that we would like to see anything more , once again a woman runs the concept with her own rules and this means that Kylie won’t allow more .. Full nudity though for the first time from Radislava and Tweety who starts shining step by step and doing things we haven’t seen.. Radislava ? Well , she was declining same shows from Claire and Carlos and look at her now .. I don’t say she does anything or she’s gonna do with these two but I think if we ever see any open relationship couple , it is all possible . I don’t watch anymore her shows , even her girl / girl things , it is a repeated process and nothing excites me personally , in my opinion it is too much this almost everywhere girls on girls but her mixing with a b/g , that I could watch unlimited replays 😁 … there are no guests anymore except in Fiora’s and Harley’s .. Once we saw B2 with guys , an off camera thing between Cleopatra and a guy and then nothing .. The potential looks great with the slow unfolding of Tweety , say whatever about Radislava but she’s completely unpredictable of what she’s gonna do as she looks incredibly sex horny during this period ( yes the substances have started becoming an issue perhaps ) , Cleopatra we can’t predict and Kristy who has done everything in the past so who knows ? The cast to see things is actually there but …
  20. Trying to satisfy the majority of perverts with the speculations 😂 ..which already proved “ wishful thoughts “ ( apart from Nana , twins and Nelly & Bogdan 😜🤪 ) since B6 are online .. Let’s see what we gonna get , it can’t be that we see any change at all..
  21. Ok …Let’s go .. - Fresh reminder , last time an apartment went UM while a tenant was sleeping , the tenant was all of a sudden removed… 😬 - Last weekend of March upon us , free weekend for many people who don’t work perhaps , has the time arrived for ; a) Fiora and Harley moving in B4 ( Harley taking the couch or the improvising bed of Svetlana , after all she’s used to be treated as shit by RLC 🤬🤬🤬👿👿 ) and Fiora the free guest room or are they gonna be in the rumored since long time to open B7 ? b) Eva and new boyfriend in B6 c)Karol and boyfriend with the dog in new opening B7 followed by Nelly and Bogdan , Gina and the twins d) Tesla returning in the empty bed of B1 as a good friend had an idea about it ? e) Is it also the return of Nana either in B1 or the rumored B7 ? Changes are coming for sure , even if 1% of above speculations have been finalized by RLC , it remains to be seen and the reactions will be epic 😁😆
  22. By the way , first overnight For Tata since she joined I think …
  23. Olivia and Ulyana back from clubbing ? around 05:30 I believe ..
  24. UM out of nowhere around 05:00 am I believe …Did mice appear ? 😁
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