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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Radi the director , another premiere today .. unfortunately , it is a limited production anything that may occur with any girl in front , nobody touches , tastes , feels Rus’s cock, the privilege and ultimate command of how things go and proceed belongs to Kylie …Bring immediately Jane And Dick , give them time and then , MAYBE , MAYBE , we could see some open sex sessions ….
  2. With Holly bating , it becomes more obvious how these two girls need to split and have their own bedroom for privacy ..RLC has one room empty for such a long time , they can easily move Tweety there so as she can also offer some private moments ..But of course they had Alana and Kristy for also a very long time sharing the master bedroom before presenting Agneta and Cleopatra..Non logical RLC decisions , at least for a viewer , nice to see Holly after a long time doing something 😊
  3. Let’s hope then for a Cleopatra - Radislava in the future , it can be very promising 😋😋..And with Beatrice staying behind , I think it is safe to say that she’s a girl who wants to do things and tries to find some others as the rest of B2 are kind of limited with their things ..A personal opinion also but I think she feels a bit isolated from the other 3 , but that’s again a personal opinion .
  4. At least , there’s this rare chance and occasion presented that the two Barcelona locals finally met ( Cleopatra and Radislava ) , two bisexuals that who knows , maybe we see something interesting between them ..
  5. The only positive thing today is that we got to see B2 doing something all together elsewhere , it has been so much time that B2 didn’t interfere or interact with anyone so it is a pleasant change .Of course , apart from the 2 days in a row of Tata in B4 some days ago , we can also say that Tata the last 10 days or something seems to have some issues …In general , RLC at the moment feels like being in a stable situation , like something is being expected to happen ( new apartment ? new tenants ? ) but it’s not happening ..It is only one guy - Rus - who is amongst all these women , we are just getting some few masturbation shows and tons and tons of g/g shows from Radislava mostly ..The girls don’t have visitors anymore , there are no guests , the only ones who live normal in my opinion is Karol with the return of her boyfriend and B6 ..This is my resume at this period for the Barcelona RLC hub .
  6. Well , Radislava seducing Kristy as well , or the opposite …Radislava can seduce anyone into shows ..
  7. Are you talking about Loraine , the super orchestrator of some of the worst “ must done “ fake shows , the same Loraine that was instructing by whispering to anyone which position they should take in front of cameras ? The same Loraine who was pushing her ex boyfriend to participate till a certain level , the same Loraine that would check every 5 minutes her mobile to see how the ratings are ? Loraine and Radislava was a normal alliance , this Holly / Loraine it is unexplained ..But , finally , we have the step up of amazing Tweety who comes out of her shell and seems to finally understand her GOV role .
  8. Please stop indicating what others should do and don’t insult the tenants , you don’t know them , be a respectful human being .Good night , I have no intention to give you the attention you are seeking desperately .
  9. You have your opinion , I have a different one .
  10. One of the most popular tenants in history , “ everybody loves Holly “ teaming up with ice cold Loraine ..All of a sudden an alliance ..Now , in the past , someone could think that it would be fun and some shows could be seen or whatever as the girls have been generous , but during this stay , as a good friend says , it proves that these two have no actual interest since the year changed .Loraine and her personal issues and Holly upon returning from her holidays that ( it has been a quite in general stay ) has been simply wondering around in the villa and the only nice thing doing is learning English ..Let’s see where this alliance will lead …
  11. Very nice to see gradually Kristy ( and this time Alana as well ) interacting with the other tenants , it isn’t so bad after all 😁..Very nice seeing in general all of B2 , one of the surprises ..As it is the “ staying home” of Marlene …And most probably , Tweety and Holly seems only for RLC reasons their talk as it doesn’t seem any reconcile between the two of them …In any case , a great gathering finally of all B2 girls at the apartment of the usual suspects who really manage to bring most of these people together , well done Kylie and Rus .
  12. Let’s hope that Tweety and Holly had an adults talk earlier and they agreed that they should let the bygones be bygones and cooperate for the greater good .. I don’t think anyone likes what we were witnessing the last days , where they had to share the bed for their contractual reasons that says “ Holly and Tweety “ bedroom .. let’s see what happens .
  13. A well deserved and fair highest ever ranking for her according to previous stays but the current stay and especially since the year changed , it has been the quietest of them all . Let’s hope she becomes more active with the new hairstyle and perhaps change in mind 😃
  14. I think you go really a lot with the speculations 🙄🤔 .. Wolves why ? When in B1 , yes , we could see a lot from Ulyana and Olivia , but since being in the villa , ghosts .. Ending up in the center and having fun , escaping their apartment and do things outside , I wish they do it more often than being in their room and watching their laptop .. don’t forget , the success of the GOV projects has always been relied on the unexpected , unfortunately , the only unexpected things we have seen in 2022 has been the incident with Daniela / Loraine and that guy who stayed always with his underwear and the incident some days ago with Kylie and Co . The rest it has been more than quiet . We need to watch new faces , people like the ones we see in Fiora’s and Harley’s and they live normal lives .
  15. Let’s see RLC plans then in the next days … 😉
  16. I think the division in the current 3 types of concept content ( Singles / GOV/Couples ) is the right thing to do , the most important for a subscriber is to have options and choose whatever he/she thinks excites his entertainment . In my opinion though , they have allowed tenants to become more important than their business , the employees are part of a business and can’t be treated with special ways , nobody and no one should be more than the business . It is like a team , the athletes come and go but the team always remain . With this little detail , I will say one last thing . RLC seemed to have in the past one or more employees behind the cameras who were responsible to find participants . The people who participated in Russia have been a “ dream team “ of tenants , the scouting , the casting , the ultimate choice to give all that tenants apartments and even till now , almost 3 years later the majority speaking of the “ golden” RLC years is remarkable , we were lucky to witness some of the best tenants and indeed , that was real life at its best . And here comes the simple question , why didn’t they keep on employing the people who were responsible to recruit tenants ? Why didn’t they move these people either in Prague or in Barcelona and let them do one thing only , that is to find according to them the right tenants ? The success in Russia has been tremendous , why didn’t they keep with the same good recipe ? As always in a business , you need the right people at the right place , just simple as that . And unfortunately since 2019 , the employees have grown in value more than the business . Just fill the beds and ignore attitudes ,behaviors and whatever could make someone to become a potential subscriber .
  17. Hmm , can it only maybe be a short trip to either Napoli or Florence ?
  18. The tenants aren’t there because they saw the light and they entered , RLC invited them , cast them .. business as you said ..
  19. She’s the longest running participant , the truth is that as much as subscriptions skyrocketed during her time , they have dramatically fallen also during her time .. that’s the only sure thing . She is the only constant both in the good and the bad times .
  20. She was out of RLC for nearly 1,5 -2 months because she was with a guy .. of course she could only have provided “ accompanying him anywhere “ services or simply said , no sex 😁
  21. Seriously ? A business ?And having a woman that the site advertises “ real life 24/7 “ and you see a girl sleeping , waking up , going out of the apartment and masturbate 2-3 times per week ? Isn’t RLC helping Leora build her life in Prague or she could do it by herself ? Isn’t this a charity ? What business ? That they had in a place full of women a couple ( Nelly and Bogdan for over a year ) that the woman was continuously jealous when her husband was hugging any of the girls or the girls were shy to walk half or fully naked because the “ man of the house “ could appear anytime and they didn’t want to cause any theories perhaps to his wife ? What business are you talking about ? That they couldn’t for so many months find tenants to fill the beds ? That they have an empty bed in their most expensive investment ? I won’t repeat again why we might be seeing this kind of charity situation .. I will simply say that the girls know exactly what’s going on , what’s the purpose in the end to have guests , visitors , fuck on cameras , get all the negative comments where elsewhere someone else might be earning the same amount of money by doing the only thing that she can and does the last 8 years to justify the free bed and rental ..
  22. I agree ..but as I said , Esmi seems a much stronger character than Zabava who is more emotional .. I think I have never seen Esmi crying , she is determined , I think she has lots of hate inside her at the moment but she can handle her inner feelings very well .. Zabava is the softer person which is actually sweet watching the differences between them .
  23. If both they are getting paid let’s say 5,000€ per month and free rent , why should they search for anything ? In my opinion , the girls will appreciate this gesture .. I don’t say that they will do anything but I believe they will respect their stay when the time comes .. we will be here I believe to remember the war times and what is written now ..
  24. Zabava is a friend of Holly .. she was clearly there to have fun and be a great tenant of what we saw .. till the war started .. obviously the idea now is different , how can we blame this ? I won’t be surprised if the Ukrainian tenants get unlimited time staying with the new visa policy ..
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