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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Most probably on talks with kitty ..For what we have seen in the past , for sure strange that there are still thoughts on what needs to be done .Desperate RLC to lose an apartment till they find new tenants ? Let’s see .
  2. I agree with you but not saying or calling her crazy , it was just a toxic relationship which was maintained for years when the end should have happened long time ago . Smith had / has the same problem like Alberto in my opinion , the RLC money has comforted him and despite being a nice , young , great looking guy and trying to have a job or at least show that he is willing to do things for his future , he was grabbed repeatedly by the money that RLC is supplying all these people and he left inactive next to a girl that for sure loved him as crazy but when he has been called all the things that she has said to him and he kept in staying and not abandoning her , imagine his mistakes then as well . I think both of them could easily have other men or women , but I agree , he has done really a few so as to be judged as the complete fault person here .Still , for the abuse he made once in the previous apartment and possible in this one either outside the entrance or accidentally by smashing the door causing her to be injured , it is more than totally unacceptable and whatever right we can give him , it is lost simply with such actions .
  3. It is a pity in my opinion that you seem wanting to encourage Kitty continuing with RLC instead as the friend that you say you are make her understand that the future for her is out of the cameras and - please face the results and be realistic - that the more the RLC involvement , the more her life was kept stable and without improvements ..Am I wrong to another bitter truth ? No friends as she says , a boyfriend that was sharing her life with because she can’t let go , fights , flirting on cameras with other men ( videocall , sugar daddies , arabs ) …I wish you could really see what the better thing for her is , if you believe that after this last stay the best for her is to return with an apartment of her own , then we evaluate real life and a tenant in a complete different way . I hope your wish is granted since you seem desperately wanting to watch her , I hope my wish is granted as I want desperately my wish to be granted , that is for Kitty to be a normal , happy and full of passion girl to pursue her dreams which she has no chance doing by having the comfort of the RLC world and not going with her own personality and character to finally learn the world , meet a guy to respect her and satisfy her ..Honestly , can she do all these in front of cameras ?
  4. 18/400 , 382 more performances to go in the next 2 years and 5 months Tik Tok
  5. A colossal mistake if Kitty wants to return and not move on with her life . We have a woman living alone with no friends and an empty apartment , imagine if we get a second one .
  6. Most measures will be lifted , it is too confusing who has the validity and for how long if you have made the booster jab ( 3rd one ) or if you have got the virus meanwhile , a total mess . I am impressed with Eva and boyfriend as being Russians , they don’t have the western approved vaccinations in EU and I don’t know how they move , but this in general has been a big question for me when I watch also the other Russian tenants in Barcelona .
  7. There’s a delay actually , but I think it will be easy to see where they end up watching the rest of the apartments 😇
  8. I think it is better that she stays where she is than taking the chance to have her here and deprive the opportunity of thousand others who enjoy watching her .
  9. Strange result to end the evening ..
  10. As a general comment , B5 keeps on being on fire trying to make things and not just sitting down and watch TV when of course they could simply do and nobody will blame them .Cameras or whatever , Radislava’s transformation on being social is impressive , just think where she was and the do nothing girl discovering gradually her vibrators use last year to a girl that she interacts and tries really the best to build relationships with everyone .Fake or not , it is what comes on cameras , kudos and my applause to Radislava for her 180 degrees change 😇👏🏻👏🏻
  11. Tata showing that she has the oral skills , waiting till she shows us the live action one day ..BUT …I would love to know Radislava’s oral skills 😋😋😋😋😋🤩🤩🤩🤩🥳🥳
  12. Would be funny to see if Tata becomes one more “ victim “ for Radi and she falls in her web 😁😆…
  13. I guess one more like from a person that we don’t have the best of opinion is more important than not “ befriending “ and follow at instagram 🤔😏
  14. As I said “ the truth hurts “ ..Whoever faces it realistically , it is always the one that comes as a winner in the end .The woman’s biggest problem is insecurity , whoever learns to fight it , she has earned the life betting . You say it is BS when it is simply an opinion that you don’t agree , as I said , different time eras , different thoughts , different cultures . Be strict to your friends and be next to them not at the easy times but at the worst of their times and make them with your support feel strong and “ invisible “ to face the truth and overcome all difficulties .
  15. 12 thousand instagram followers , a real life job outside RLC and she has no one to contact , go out for a drink , have a coffee , sit down and tell her problems , discuss , feel that there’s someone there that can be next to her , a real , trustworthy friend . Welcome to the fake virtual world where a post that gathers thousand likes , where a filter for the perfect photo posing and some “ you look amazing and incredible “ comment define the life of these people .Kitty is in a profession with hundreds of people , people that she interacts verbally , face to face and not locked in an office and a cubic to be isolated .Life choices , the virtual apotheosis in comparison to face to face interactions , building friendships and get to know people that will be there at both good and bad times , like now . I don’t think that there’s anything more to add than what it is obvious what’s going on the life of this girl . You will say that it is all about judging but it is exactly this that these girls avoid doing , they can’t look themselves in the mirror , face the real themselves and ask deeply inside them “ who am I “ and the fastest possible , go out and face the world and its challenges with 100 times more passion of self confidence and dynamic than when they try to get the best pose and spend hours to find the best filter and gather the “ friends followers “ praising . Once again , the biggest friend and enemy at the same time of anyone is his/her own self . The power we have to face anything is incredible but it is our actions that make us look so little and hide behind fakery things to avoid whatever negative we believe might come to us .Kitty has one last chance to realize that she needs to reboot herself , if she loses this one by returning to a world without friends only to be financially independent , yes , for our eyes will be fantastic , for her life would be an even worse than whatever decisions she has made so far . I enjoy and applause RLC kitty but as a human being to another , she needs to exit .The same like Leora , the same like Linda and Tibor , the same like Nelly and Bogdan , they should know all these people when the time to stop has come , Kitty’s time has come . And that’s my opinion , a bitter truth but that’s how I would speak to a friend of mine , directly and without “ sugarcoating “ the situation .
  16. That’s why they follow each other at instagram and at least Leora likes Kitty’s posts 😂🤣
  17. As many people here know , I don’t use emojis , I could show my reactions with an action that I don’t like , that is use emojis . I prefer to gather hate or positive thoughts by speaking out loud my thoughts than remaining silent 😇 .This is how I have always been doing in real life , if i have anything to say , I simply open up my mouth and say it , nothing to afraid or hold back , I will make some people dislike the posts and some others will still read if they want 😁
  18. I think Leora must be disappointed as it was the first time that Denis joined and the people didn’t seem to buy on it , judging from the replays . Even her bath later didn’t bring any particular results . Let’s see how she retaliates with the ratings ..
  19. It was a great first session , started slowly and lasted for nearly 2 hours before finishing in the kitchen .Eva seemed to have some pain and it affected a bit some more fingering and penetration happened not with ease . I think she went to the bathroom to spit although she kept it in her mouth for some seconds and giving an affection let’s say hug to her guy .
  20. Everything posted here has been mentioned on cameras by the tenants , whether happening or not , it is also dependent on other reasons too , like last minute changes and so on 😇
  21. She joins but in another apartment , it would be nice for the Ukrainian tenants ( like Tata ) to be able and stay for a very long time - no matter what they will be showing although I believe Tata is a “ sleeping giant “ of what she can show and so “ - so they can be supported financially and also , in our case Rus , if he was finding a way back home , they would call him to arms . I wish only the best for all these people and RLC , we like it or not , can give this support to them , obviously through us at a big percentage with our subscriptions .
  22. First of , with all the shit that goes on , if we saw a dance teacher in the villa , well , ifEva offered any of her professional help to all the girls ( and boys ) who are there as part for RLC even per 20€ per session 2-3 times per month to a minimum of 5-6 tenants plus the RLC money which will be quite generous obviously , it will be absolutely fine 😆😆 And for both of you , don’t you think you are underestimating the boyfriend ? What about if he speaks Spanish ? 😉😏
  23. The new establishment has already been decided , this is one of the greatest returns of the golden RLC era and Eva looks better than ever , this is always the case when a girl / woman has become a complete woman .
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