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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. An amazing erotic game of senses , full electric eroticism session by Eva and boyfriend … Free lessons how to create goosebumps at sex .. Quality entertainment of how things can be done at times , the return of an even more beautiful and more woman Eva is beyond words 🤩🤩🤩😊😊😊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  2. Advising what’s best is never judging , as a friend you simply say your opinion direct on the face and not “ oh my sweet whoever , yes , he’s the asshole “ and bla bla bla to make the other feel better . It might be simply that we see the issue differently which is perfectly fine , different countries and cultures , different approach perhaps .
  3. If I was writing a 5 paragraphs post praising Kitty , your comment would have been totally different I think . I told you again , only being real , sincere and speaking the truth no matter how much it hurts can define you as a real fan or a person that she considers as you have said a friend due to your direct contact to her . A real friend knows that no matter what you say to this person , no matter the criticism or whatever , is done out of pure and real concern and because you want to see this person succeed , triumph and be happy in life . All these images and emojis and bla bla bla , it is just virtual confirmations for the vanity of an individual and to know that people are kept busy and she’s in the center of interest .
  4. I believe the majority will be extremely happy 😇
  5. I think they will have a lot of benefits and there will be ways to extend easily their stays . It will take some time till these people return back home , the question is if RLC will be helping them by keeping them as “ permanent “ residents let’s say or will be replacing them in the long run , thst will be a difficult call I think .
  6. Ukraine refugees given right to live in EU for three years | Refugees | The Guardian WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM The proposal, expected to be approved, is based on a law drawn up in the aftermath of the Balkan wars It will be difficult for Ukraine to be a EU member , most probably the country will be divided in west and east Ukraine like Germany in the past . As always , the only who lose everything is the people .
  7. She came late home alone , the wound was fresh made when she was seen in cameras entering the apartment . Did she hurt herself ? Did the door hurt her ( that smith smashed ) ? Or Smith outside ? Anything else as a suggestion that I can’t possibly think ? The best is to move on and stop this disappointing stay for dozens of reasons .Is it difficult to see that we reached today’s incident due to gradually ongoing situations the previous months ? How can we want the best of those people when we remain blind that this relationship has been way more than toxic since a very long time and the current stay was for financial reasons only ? If you are satisfied watching a sad , anger and full of shouting , arguments and fights apartment , please , keep supporting .But only the truth can perhaps persuade the mind of these people that changes are needed and not filling their minds with promises that things can only get better when they simply can’t .
  8. Never read then a site that you know that except the nice comments , lots of shit will be posted . In general , I think she knows her value and she doesn’t care , she has never shown any frustration or in a way punishing the viewers .She’s a 23 years old beautiful girl , her sex skills are Masha equals , she is a volcano that it is always smoking and when it erupts , she’s incredible . But RLC moved her from the master bedroom to move there Tweety ..Now , Holly is the 100% approved fan favorite and yes , she deserved also the master bedroom ..but Tweety in comparison to Ulyana and Olivia , I don’t think so . I see it then at least as I downgrade for her contribution , however she has made also some crucial staying mistakes and perhaps she and her sister got punished in a way . Let’s see how it goes in the next weeks .
  9. Harley loves the sex with the other guy but her frustration led her to bring the substitute in a way taking invincible revenge from him . It remains to be seen when the other guy reappears or she will be in search of a new lover , she succeeded easily as we saw finding a wild one as we saw earlier but he dumbed the cameras exposure . Let’s see how X- Factor Harley will continue with her frustration to the recent sex partner 😈😈😈
  10. Let’s say that more changes are coming , some hints are obvious today . I think we will be positive surprised with the results ☺️
  11. @DWI; I was answering you back but the topic was locked and the answer was lost , will try my thoughts soon 😇
  12. Lesson learned ..Don’t mess with Harley 😈😈😈😋😋😋😋
  13. Well , real life lesson , don’t mess up with a woman who wants to have fun and enjoy , she can easily replace anyone within hours ..Men , we are all puppets to a nice pussy 😂🤣
  14. Harley back to her A pathway 😎..Another surprise from totally unpredictable Harley , best current tenant of what she has shown by far to the second . The guy before lost a chance of a crazy wild night with her due to cameras exposure ..GOV in full effect , fantastic Harley 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  15. Eva is offering some amazing camera angles and teasing everyone 😋😋
  16. I agree with you ..But it was clear that this stay was only for the money , Kitty stopped doing things for her fans and she was mostly in an unhappy , worried , restless mood .And Smith was a robot , just being next to her so they are listed as a couple K&S ..Gina and Bruno is way much different and I consider this Gina’s first big crazy love that she met because of the RLC world , a toxic relationship but not one like from childhood as it seems that Kitty and Smith have The removal of the replay gives a hint of why StnCld is preparing the apartment for the archives , it will be a major scandal having them back .Maybe Kitty wants to return as a single , I think she’s a big asset for RLC but she has been the same like Leora , using RLC for income and that’s it , all her real life was happening outside of the apartment . And if for Leora you can say that she’s not local and she made her friendships during this 2,5 years , Kitty has so many friends in Prague and she has chosen a lonely , isolated life with Smith when she could for example have friends at home , feel better , enjoy a drink ..But no , she chose lonely evenings on her mobile and isolations rather than a more normal life . Kitty being in the model world she won’t face any money issues but maybe this RLC removal can teach her in her mind how to work the next day away from the RLC comfort .
  17. I saw exactly what happened live as I had just woke up and a furious Kitty phoning her mother .. I posted about the bleeding if anyone had seen it , I then checked the replay from all camera angles .. The injury was off cameras clearly but I don’t think that Kitty came back home with a bloody nose , therefore either Smith physically abused her when he denied her entrance during the first trial or the second time by smashing the door ..I think this furious Kitty has never been appeared , she wanted to phone the police , if they return , it will be another “ forgive them “ attitude like they have done in the past . It is time for both to move on with real life choices .
  18. I don’t think he has been completely the bad guy , the verbal abuse by Kitty has been at an extreme high level during this stay but being responsible for the previous “ sent off “ he was trying really hard not to explode .. He would always wear his headset or go in the no cameras bathroom to let the storm pass by ....He didn’t manage today , I think he was violent to her outside of the door when she was trying to enter the apartment but the injury in my opinion occurred when he smashed the door the second time she tried to enter .
  19. Defining smart … Knowing that you have a toxic relationship that leads nowhere except flirting other guys and promising them things , calling the boyfriend psychopath but still keep on being with a guy because you can’t say goodbye to him ? Kitty has no money issues I think , she makes enough , RLC has been a good platform for savings . It is time to use her whatever life experience , move on , grow up and from sweet little kitty become a grown up woman , responsible and certain for her actions and enjoy her life at the level she deserves .
  20. We have been saying this since more than a year but it was always “ argument , make piece , repeat “ ..For months and months we comment about kitty and smith and how wrong it is all this and that both lose some of their best years by having allowed the comfort of RLC income defining their lives , the truth is that they got again into such a situation only to return with - let’s be honest - disappointing results .They both had no RLC interest , Kitty stopped being playful with her fans , the apartment went Leora way with no guests apart from parents and when smith was making barber duties and a glimpse of being introduced to pretty Natalia that she became also a tenant for a short period only realizing that this isn’t for her . A return of Kitty will be a mistake for her life ,she reached the path of choosing “ fighting for a normal life in the real world “ ( having a job like a model actually helps her than being unemployed ) and keep on with the comforts that RLC provides . I hope this time she chooses right and wisely .
  21. Good to get your thoughts and opinions here and I know that Eva is your personal favorite , i think we will soon be seeing you more often 😉
  22. Serbia and Turkey is open to go back and forth in Russia .
  23. I think she isn’t happy where she lives and the whole stay has been affected by that ..I also believe she reads the forum here , the talks about the bad lighting and changing it , the negative comments about the guy she had sex with , if this has been the issue of course , it is really bad being affected by the opinions posted here and not doing whatever she’s pleased to ..She still remains a top favorite and it is a pity as I have said again that RLC isn’t unleashing a Ferrari going wild and treats her like a sports edition Audi .
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