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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Maybe one week by herself made her reevaluate the things and she maybe thinks she can work this out , except if it is a sex break weekend . I think that if she wants , both a whatever kind of relationship with Elvis and the cats can happen , it just needs that she sees this as a possibility and dedicate time on it , other than that , I agree , it isn’t going to work .
  2. It’s Leora who makes it nothing or something , I don’t think that Denis should be blamed even for the fact that Leora is completely unsocial in her own apartment . I don’t think that he enters the apartment without Leora’s will , if Leora has the visitor typically for viewership reasons , it is only her to be blamed . After all , she has made it clear that she doesn’t want people inside her apartment , therefore , her loneliness inside this apartment is her own fault and the “ nothing “ for her when it is “ translated “ later to full top cams attention , well , mission accomplished , especially when she has her period 😁
  3. When the apartment went back to its old habits before Zena , reinforcements have arrived 😄😆😂 It is becoming slowly a nice pattern when the famous “ sleep , wake up , go out , come back and ( masturbate or not ) browse the portable devices , REPEAT “ is occurring . Nevertheless , always nice to see Leora opening her apartment to someone , whoever it is , for whatever reason it is , well done 😇
  4. What I was saying about Elvis ?? 😂 Sex break was needed I guess ..😉
  5. It has happened in the past that she came back home very late morning hours , I think Smith also . I can’t think how many times she ( must have ) said that she wanted to end this ..The truth is the facts , the facts say that they always argue and they always end up together . Knowing that something isn’t what makes you happy since many years , flirting with others and possibly trying to find a way out but saying at the same time that you will suffer without the person who makes you happy only few times and sad the most of the times , well , theres nothing more to add of what needs to be done . This forum and members have said their opinion repeatedly over the years , nothing more that any of us can add as well .
  6. Time , as always , will reveal what the issues have been . But personally I don’t think their marriage is not working or in general they have problems as a couple , they are fine but Linda had for sure something troubling her .
  7. Masha from the past is resurfaced .. Yoga practice , visitors , showing affection on her cats and perhaps dumbing Elvis for being just her sex tool for a period of time . Yes , she did have company rather than being alone but it cause troubles to surrounding things trying to educate and grow up a child .. This is more like a Masha we got to know being single , some RLC rumored changes might give her even better motivations for future to do things .. let’s hope that the surprises will be revealed soon and we can talk and analyze in better terms 😉 I will never stop saying that as a participant and RLC contribution in general , Masha will be the number 1 tenant of all time .
  8. It was the same with Gina and Bruno till they removed them …. I think also with Olivia and Co. in B1 when they removed them due to noise .
  9. In my opinion , this was a more or less exactly same incident like Gina and Bruno in the current Fiora and Harley apartment except of no police but I believe that Kitty was threatening him while shouting to him that she would phone the police . I believe it is for sure real life and this happens in thousands of couples around the world but it is more than obvious that this stay for K&S is completely for the money and nothing else . The amount of fights never changed in comparison to previous stays , sex life even less , personal Kitty moments still trying to remember any of them , the change was the dogs and the moments to remember the 3-4 times per year that we see Smith’s parents and sister and Kitty’s mama . It is scary to think that if it wasn’t the cameras and for sure Smith knowing that it was his mistake last time they lost the apartment , what could have possibly been , I mean , without cameras maybe there would have been body abuse as the cameras have been a reason to “ protect “ for such incidents . They managed to keep the relationship in the past , maybe and most chances are that it happens now again if they are removed . But honestly , I don’t see any reason that they keep them , Kitty will remain always a top 10 girl ( at least for my taste ) in the history of the more than 250+ women we have seen in the history of this site , but RLC and comfort life and income is doing them more bad than good , it hurts them in a way so as to move as individuals . Last but not least , Smith has heard enough but he really tried many times to remain calm , I don’t justify his actions as any time a man dares to hit a woman automatically loses the privilege of innocence but he has suffered incredible verbal violence and he always was trying to either lock himself in the toilet and let the storm pass or ignore Kitty which at times was making her crazier . Today he didn’t manage , but honestly , how more it could continue like this and burying all his anger inside because of the cameras ? Kitty will always be one of the biggest RLC assets and discoveries they made in Prague , but life should move on for everyone . And since they can’t do it personally after so many life reasons given in front of cameras , it would be better to be removed and perhaps save some of the years they still have as young people and make life changes off cameras . Kitty has friends and she’s hiding them , Smith isn’t meeting any of his friends in the apartment , therefore , a more normal life for them without cameras is the solution .
  10. I am sorry to say , but it is all very normal what’s happening …how many times it has been ? But now it was for the first time blood , I think it happened at the main door entrance , Kitty must have arrived home late after being out and Smith locked her outside , she couldn’t enter and rang the doorbell and either he hit her outside off cameras or while he smashed the door preventing her from entering the apartment . This was really painful to watch , the shouting later was at an extreme different level than we know , Kitty phoned her mama and maybe others , really deep shit and I think the most extreme we have seen till back in 2019 when they lost the apartment …Toxic relationship , natural results .. it is a pity but how could it be different ?
  11. Pffff …Deep shit has happened … another and final termination for Kitty And Smith ?
  12. Is Kitty bleeding in the nose or something else happened ?
  13. Piper speaks Italian very clear and slower and in a way like a foreigner does it , don’t know how to explain but for any knowing foreign languages people here , maybe you can understand what I mean . Masha speaks gradually even with more Italian accent and more words in her vocabulary and of course Taylor being native has always the dialect that a foreigner needs to pay attention more as her vocabulary is more extended .. With Piper , it is really easy to follow the discussions 😇
  14. It could have remained the same lay out and simply move in the one main page as it was from top to bottom according to popularity . For example , it was Adam and Katie the first and the last was Masha , it could be a lay out like this the way you suggest . I know it isn’t a forum for one person and it is what serves/ helps the majority . Perhaps the users / members here are people with PC use mostly and less portable devices . Personally I use only my mobile or my IPAD to post and to be honest , the tablet user interface is fantastic ( haven’t checked how it is with the new lay out but it isn’t so much difference with the phone but has some other detailed features that can’t be seen with the mobile ) , in any case , we live in the era that we can carry the internet life with us so it could be nicer in case someone wanted to check anything , in my opinion, the previous lay out was so much easier to do so . Thanks for popping up and explaining , as I have said many times , through fair and constructive criticism anything can become better , it wasn’t by any means a post addressed particularly to someone but to whole CC as a site and very glad on having your answer 😇
  15. Some good friends here have pointed out that many friends of their social circle have already become parents and with them at the moment isn’t happening , in the summer they will be 2 years married , under normal circumstances 9 out 10 couples would have been trying so maybe that’s an issue .. also Linda crying or feeling sad nearly a month ago for a very long time might have to do with personal issues .. Anyway , at least with being a loving couple they give a nice real life experience of a married couple .
  16. She took care even more her on cameras appearance today , kind she felt she made an impact or she liked what all women love and they don’t admit , that is to be watched 😉 Super hot tight jeans exposing a perfect ass 😋
  17. UPS 😂🤣😜🤪 .. I don’t correct it now .. still , I believe you have the least to do with the new lay out 😏
  18. Sorry for the OT To RLC administrators .. I don’t know what’s going on in your minds , but what’s the point to categorize the RLC apartments? I don’t think a forum member cares if it is singles or COV/GOV ? Why to make more finger moves on portable devices or more mouse moves on PCs just to move back and forth to topics ? The site should not think about the clicks but for the content . And not how to make the life of a member to spend technically more time in it but to make it an easy surface use . I really don’t know how you think sometimes . You already have content that is accessible to paying members only and you make some thousands of dollars . Instead of making the site a fun and entertaining experience, you invent ways for click bait and so on. And you have forum members insulting others and tenants and instead removing them so as for respectful members that are either inactive or prefer not to post so as not to participate in this madness at times and increase traffic in that simple way , you encourage such behaviors and today you present this “ THING “ I apologize for my way of writing and it isn’t personal to anyone as I hope you understand this , but I am a premium member and I have the right of criticizing if I see something that in my opinion isn’t helping the site or it is at the wrong direction as it was the limit of the 20 pages thst recentky changed again . And since I don’t know who is responsible so as to write my thoughts directly to him , I express them here at the open forum because maybe other members think the same or of course find the new access content better to navigate . That’s all , sorry for the OT and choosing here to post but since it is the most popular members accessed topic , i think it is the most suitable to host my opinion ..
  19. Another female guest , I think another new one as she’s not the same like the first two ?
  20. A very nice reunion 😊 Welcome back to Taylor as well .
  21. She was trying at least and didn’t drink for quite some time after the Bruno incident ..Some information isn’t so difficult for people who know the social media of some of the tenants .. There’s no way I would personally pass an information out of nowhere , why should I ?
  22. Sources .. If HFB has without even watching , it wouldn’t be the best bot getting some info the ones that we watch at least 🤓
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