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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Ongoing roomating preparations , the place will become for sure more interesting and Leora will be able to manage to deal with easier absent times as soon as spring and summer arrives ..An occupied apartment can always make it easier , Malia “ covered “ it great for more than 1,5 years 😇
  2. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 For days there are posts and posts and posts and here comes the Almighty Nicholas to post his hilarious nonsense English for the lonesome and isolated Lonely Boy Of Corfu 😂🤣😂🤣😂 Thank you for the honors Almighty Nicholas , data recorders and greggs are of non threat to a woman your are idolizing because she has managed to make certain personal things of yours being like a rubber 😈😈😈🤡🤡🤡🤡 that you are doing anything with your Almighty Nicholas power to speak about me because I am one of the few who do post something , have an opinion and criticize and you simply can’t swallow it that despite your Almighty efforts of you and your minions for months and months and months , I am not shutting my BS mouth 😂🤣😂🤣 Please continue , it is just ridiculous that you make it so obvious of having escalated at the hierarchy of Leora’s worshipers / defenders / protectors …You have learnt your lesson incredibly well from your fellow archpeasants and army of subjects of the goddess …Oh Almighty Nicholas , tell me , have you bend the knee also or are you waiting in the queue ? Good night 😴💤
  3. The only way that she can manage to make this apartment interesting to watch are the appearances of her friend , she has understood the likes of the audience and also she’s bored by herself , what is it left for her to do ? …Feed and tease the audience because she did things with Malia and the time passed by , copy paste it nearly two years after with a friend that agreed to appear on cameras and that’s how you avoid in a way negative criticism and extend the staying without worrying the employer … Two same RLC concepts under the roommates / singles tab in the RLC main page category , find the differences …Yes , the one having a private life both in and out of cameras and being considered a slut / whore / nympho and the other , well , she’s Leora … Leora is Leora , a private life both in and out of cameras and I still try to figure out what’s her private life inside the apartment . Ahh well , it’s speaking to Paul , sleeping , watching her portable devices , taking showers , eating , ironing , dancing , and masturbating ..Value for money .
  4. If I could see any enthusiasm so as at least to interact or get to know other tenants apartments , I could think that they at least try to do something during their stay . It was Karol that had to make the first step , it is now the 2 new girls that pay them a visit .They haven’t gone anywhere and of course for anyone who wants to watch only adult entertainment , it is even worse ..Unless Cleopatra and Agneta hadn’t joined , I would really wonder what would be the purpose of B2 ..Anna and Lola had at least once twice per month a bit of a teasing and provoking show , here it is like wake up , dance classes and the days gone by .. Maybe it isn’t a fair criticism especially when Kristy has been generous in the past but it is the bitter truth at the moment and what’s happening with these 2 …
  5. What more anyone can say about this apartment ? A COMPLETE ignorance from the tenant to the viewers , a total apathy but of course when in the top thumbnails an empty living room is always present what more can be said ? Obviously and as was recently said , Leora is Leora , she is untouchable or invisible 😁
  6. Well , this can be even a bigger surprise than Zabava’s incident on Saturday night , B1 visiting B2 and really great seeing the girls trying to learn one another ..An impressive progress all thanks to the wonderful presence so far of both Marlene and Zebava , I consider a MAJOR disappointment that both Kristy and Alana seem continuously not in the mood to visit anyone -and it’s now a month - or elsewhere or in general with a very limited happenings stay .. with what we have seen , even Lola and Anna that they were at least walking around in the apartment naked had a more pleasant for the viewers stay..in any case , at least these two girls and hopefully Agneta and Cleopatra can provide a really great content 😇
  7. Money obviously 😁 After many years being together and staying in an RLC installment in Russia that had to close after a decision that was taken by the RLC administrators , it seems that either RLC contacted Leora and Paul ( or Leora and Paul contacted RLC ) and told her that there was an option to continue in another apartment in another country . Between the decision of continuing their lives in Russia without the cameras ( therefore without RLC benefits ) and the RLC benefits ( money ) , the decision was taken in even less than 2 months for Leora to move in Prague . It is up to everyone’s life what decision to make and everything is judged by the result , this couple chose this .Leora had / has still ? a fuck buddy in her new residency country tells even more about their relationship , it is though unexplained that many people here still believe that Paul and Leora after more than 2 years of no physical contact have this great erotical love …I guess the majority of this site here ( which I believe are men ) would go back to their girlfriend that haven’t seen for more than 2 years knowing that she’s fucking another guy .. of course , maybe knowing that the girlfriend has a lot of money , why not ? 😁 I guess the question after all these , it is the following , have they really broke up or for both of them the color and smell of money is what matters the most in their lives that all the rest comes as a secondary option ? 😆
  8. You give some points , valid or not it is the way that anyone sees the situation and from which side .. The facts about Crimea are right and what has happened , the present is more complicated .. There are many forum members from many countries and also lots of Americans here so I don’t want to go into details what I believe , there’s the politics section in this forum for such occasions .. i say it once again as I have said it since there were the first rumors , no war is going to happen .. while the whole world is talking about it , there are things happening under our nose let’s say .. but this might also sound as a “ conspiracy “ comment 😁 so nothing more on that 😇
  9. The people , normal , daily life people , they have nothing to separate , it is just politics . It’s like us Greeks and the Turks , Germany and France , UK and Ireland to name a few .. The wars happen from dozens of people deciding and affecting millions , it is such an obvious game once again for whoever watches a bit carefully the events and really calm behind the curtain what’s going on .. I think then that the girls are pretty fine , I can’t think that friendships will be by any means affected and in the end , nothing as I have said repeatedly is going to happen .
  10. The most ridiculous comments come from you , a guy that has no idea what’s going on , a guy that is begging to get photos and videos of a product he hates ..It is all surreal , an insanity of reality ..Of course , it is all our mistake that ( including me first ) keep on giving value to a nobody which actually makes him proud that he manages to piss everyone off .. You are a 0 , whatever try you make , you will remain the absolute miserable Harley Crying Boy with your only aim to poison with your imagination and ferry tales that are script for the Oscars this small corner of the internet .But it isn’t your fault , it is the fault of the people who allow you this .
  11. I make my life easier , when you poison the forum with your endless misery just trying to feel useful for the society , but what am I trying to say to a person that his only aim in life is to find a place to feel that people deal with him and therefore not being alone …The difference is that I enjoy watching and participating here with other people when you infiltrate to degrade , insult and be a typical full of hate guy and express your anger that you have inside you .
  12. There’s no need to write anymore 😂🤣😂🤣 You just use a voice to text app and you then copy the text 😂🤣😂🤣 Welcome in 2022 😂🤣
  13. Good points , the thing is that the guy seemed a bit much into her when she looked like simply wanting to have fun . She refused a BJ when he insisted , I totally agree that the whole cameras and covers prediscussed outside most probably affected his performance . As I have said , with spring / summer approaching , Barcelona going back to absolute no Covid restrictions as also predicted by Easter arrival and perhaps a new villa opening and the pool and the Barceloneta beach escapes , this might indeed be a return to the roots year for RLC , all great for us 😇
  14. The best thing is that RLC seems to have found gold , all 4 girls are completely different , for what I have observed these few days that have joined it is the fact that they are very “ strong “ personalities all of them , they seem determined and know exactly what they have signed for ( in comparison to the first 24 hours that I believe the majority had objections for Zabava , even good friend moos made a more analyzed post in his opinion about what could be with Zabava but nobody could predict the morning session after her first night out in Barcelona ) and if we think what we have been watching for more than half a year , well , this is like a 180 degrees positive turn .
  15. There you go my friend 😇😇😇👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Better late than never , there are some “ DEFINED “ posts in this forum “ made in “ and “ copyright “ by certain members , that’s totally yours and always nice to see .
  16. I don’t think she’s a cam girl , I think we could say it for Agneta , but I also doubt it as well .I think RLC is trying to avoid to bring girls in general who work in such field , however now with the OF style of accounts , it is many possibilities that girls can have who aren’t shy or they can tease in any way possible . I think Marlene is the most elegant and sensual of the girls that have joined , the way she’s dressed , the way she moves and her extreme comfort she has on cameras and enjoying the mirrors , at the moment I consider her the best addition , I simply enjoy pleasant and smiley and giving good vibes girls and Marlene is more than a pleasure to watch . Cleopatra is the B2 attraction also but being a local as it seems , we need to see how this affects her presence . The conclusion says that currently B1 > B2 but what a week for RLC … Imagine that one week ago we were still stuck with the twins and Mila , the change , the difference and the aura is incredibly different .
  17. I am sure we will find out in the next days / weeks 😉As some good sources say , she might be a friend of Tesla , Tesla was / is a cam girl , so …
  18. As good friend Noldus said , she might have been controlling it for her own pleasure from her mobile 😉
  19. Access of her toy to another guy ? Meaning ?
  20. What is the answer to the question when you say Leora is Leora ? What do you mean ?
  21. Before sleeping here , I hope that good friend @ed2 appears anytime soon , his unique quote has been missed 😇😊…
  22. That’s a wrap , extra time passed , guy showing more “ feelings “ mood than Zabava who seems like wanting to just have fun .
  23. Well , that was awesome to witness 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  24. Off to sleep , the guy most probably will try another light approach .. But I think Zabava was expecting more and she cooled down gradually .
  25. Hope RLC is generous with the girls also , this one deserves very much for example .
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