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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The Nobody that comes by the name of Nicholas has arisen again by his ashes 😂🤣 The Nobody who is known as Nicholas who is hiding all these days with the number of posts that criticize Leora and comments after comments that cataclysm the topic arises when ddhm makes a comment ..Please , stop being so pathetic , loser and prejudiced having targeted one of the few voices who have things here to say ..Because the only thing that the posts of the Nobody that goes by the name of Nicholas and his nonsense repetitive English with lack of grammar writing posts can only characterized as a big BULLSHIT 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  2. I also don’t agree with the way that Tweety “ appreciated “ the job she got from RLC but it is as you can see an ongoing RLC issue ..Leora doesn’t give a shit and she’s always there .. Tweety left like an ultimate opportunist , she enjoyed a period with a “ sponsor “ and when the time came that the guy was bored and wished the next one , he left her and she found shelter back with RLC …I don’t think it is about not finding girls , they filled the beds the last period as we have seen and they are also opening a new apartment very soon which means that there are already stand by tenants .. I think she’s very popular for this short period she was on cameras and also I start slowly believing that RLC has its favorites , girls that no matter what and during the difficult RLC times they were there for RLC when the business needed them , I call them “ loyal soldiers “ ..These girls for me are Holly , Ulyana , Leora , Loraine , Radislava , Olivia …These girls they supported the business during difficult times and they most probably have drawn good money for RLC , Holly is a top 5 fan favorite in the history , as I have said again , I can’t find anyone saying anything negative for her , everyone loves Holly …Holly brought Tweety in the beginning , it was easy I guess to bring her back ..
  3. Imagine if she hadn’t introduced this girl on cameras .. But Leora does exactly what she’s supposed to do , that is being in front of cameras and working , the money comes no matter what , people praise her and the ones who comment the obvious like you , they are simply people who only want to harm her and don’t appreciate her beauty and contribution …
  4. Hanno chiuso l'appartamento perché erano troppo rumorosi, Luna era un'inquilina molto gentile e anche Zac era divertente e sembrava godersi il suo soggiorno in RLC. Non credo che vedremo più questo appartamento e se ci sono tali problemi, sarebbe meglio se chiudessero anche B1.
  5. I think that we might be even surprised by the tenants we are going to see in this new apartment that I still believe it is opening , one reasonable rumors get confirmed , perhaps it would be better not opening 😂😆 Olivia and Ulyana have expressed their disappointment repeatedly to Fiora and Harley about living in the villa and there were pushing for an apartment change but Fiora hasn’t been so thrilled actually and has rejected the references of this subject . Harley is adorable , she tries to enjoy with lovers , friends , drinks, food , she’s great and a fantastic “must see “ tenant . Let’s see how it all evolves .
  6. She will be needing to empty the pee bucket later and during the night or she’s gonna need a diaper 😁
  7. Harley ….. Can it be another fantastic surprise ..? One of the best tenants with no actual bed in the worst apartment and with a mouse almost walking on her ..There are simply no words for this RIDICULOUS RLC BEHAVIOR and to her superior dealing with the subject , she’s quiet and not in a complaining or angry mood , she simply tries to enjoy what she has …Harley , BIG RESPECT 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙏
  8. I think the only time that this apartment can sign again is when K&A leave and we see ( hopefully ) one new girl taking over the master bedroom and not this stupidity with two girls sharing it .. Of course any last minute surprise will be hugely appreciated but …
  9. Kitty’s sister isn’t shy , she has been taking showers , this time simply didn’t happen .
  10. More visitors ..They keep on having one of the most interesting apartments to watch and they have to “ invent “ ways to make the apartment look comfortable ..imagine again if the guests want to stay and Fiora wants to sleep ..Bring more pee buckets or find something in case of emergency 😂🤣😂🤣
  11. It’s not .. her real name begins with K…
  12. There’s for sure a new apartment coming , it is strange that hasn’t been online yet .. the posts are assumptions that is nearby due to things that have been said on cameras by the girls .. What RLC does to Fiora and Harley it is indeed ridiculous and the words you use are really “ gentle “ .. I don’t know what words I can use but two of the best tenants in showing , respecting and being generous to the subscribers , RLC treats them as the worst participants .. they have girls like K&A enjoying B2 luxury and I can’t even imagine poor Harley and what excuses she gives to her lovers and the visitor yesterday needing to pee without disturbing Fiora in the bedroom .. unbelievable indeed and complete lack of respect 😡🤬😡
  13. Once again , B5 great socializing , thinking how it was with the previous couples , K&R appear everywhere and I believe everyone has a good feeling with them either in tier apartment or wherever they go ..And Tata also following and being a nice tenant too and I am sure we will see really much from her .
  14. Last week , one of the newcomers had sex after nearly 48 hours in open cameras ..The other newcomer had a really nice and smiley attitude , dancing and sexy moving in front of cameras , she has been out to have fun and the other one she is one of the veterans and “ guides “ the new ones ..I don’t know what more you are expecting to see in just one week /10 days from newcomers ..
  15. It was exactly the same thing each and everyday when Malia was there ..Everyday people tuning in to see if anything more than a message and whatever more would happen .. The crazy thing is that both this girl and Leora’s Boyfriend look like replicas to both Paul and Malia ..it is like she has scanned a face recognition application or software in order to find these two people in her life .
  16. Yes , I was overwhelmed with the possibility ( because it was freaking maksim talking 😂😱 ) being him but when he sat on the couch , it was immediately revealed that it wasn’t him , the tattoo also was a hint , I need to apologize on believing it was him and making some comments about that . Two new guys , all nice , we are waiting for more .
  17. I thought the same but after observing her sessions fully , I saw that she takes it in the mouth and once she went in the bathroom to spit it and the second today with the glass ..A bit more “ training” and she will be fine 😄 David seems to have a dominant aura on her and Harley seems to submit most of the times or as shown with the ex and this one , she “ obeys “ at the partner’s requests and she hardly ever goes for initialization …With the precious guy she had more control but this one he is the one guiding her.. as a man , I am impressed that he recovers really fast and he manages also to make equal times during his services ..He could not be blamed if he was even 1-2 times performing and the 2 or more of them taking much time to finish..On the contrary , he pleases Harley at a really great average sex performing time and as a man to man , he really has impressed me ..Maybe one more reason for Harley to have embrace his presence occasionally 😉😏
  18. Honestly ? You are asking someone how does he know when you are the biggest troll of this site promising everyone about who fucks who and outside the cameras and knowing all by promising EXACTLY what happens ?? What a joke of a man …Ups I forgot “ wait and you will see “ 🤒🤒🤒😷😷😂🤣😂🤣
  19. 😂🤣😂🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Miracle ..but it takes maybe one thing ( break up with Leia ? ) or two ( RLC away ) and the twin brother appears …
  20. I agree .. but don’t forget the reasons that Tesla backed off and perhaps Marlene is a bit skeptical also..Zabava might have sacrificed a Saturday’s night adventure to get with the friends , really nice in my opinion .. I think both girls will be really great , I enjoy this great natural attitude of both of them on cameras , I prefer them for example than cleopatra and Agneta .. let’s see..
  21. It’s existing in B1 and B6 what you are asking ..
  22. Something was happening last night as cleopatra seemed to have a guy outside the door’s entrance ..maybe he didn’t want to come inside due to the cameras , who knows ? But it was the closest of seeing a “ no tenant “ person in this place .. I think Cleopatra and Agneta will prove good tenants , Kristy and Alana should go and perhaps the girls can behave more in the local residents way .. friends , guests , visitors , maybe now they hold back because of K&A being the veterans and not feeling comfortable .
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