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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think these will be some of the last tries of Fior trying to have Daniela ..Of course , with the reveal being that fior lives nearby , we can’t know if some absent days have been there 😁😆
  2. Too young not being able to handle it 😂😛 .. I am not watching continuously , thanks for info 😇
  3. As soon as she’s out of the apartment , nobody actually knows where she goes except of the info that she gives to Paul when she’s in the apartment , reporting her movement/ how her day was .All the rest is completely her own life , I don’t know why WE ( ups , sorry , some people 😂🤣 ) should consider that she’s not lying to Paul ..except of course if she’s in direct contact with people here at the forum and she speaks to them ( even that who can know that what she says is truth … )
  4. The whole CC recent idea of allowing only 20 pages has been a mistake , the best would be changing topic every 10 days , that is , 3 times per month ..Many many times , when you reach the point of 20 pages , many members don’t notice , we post and then the comment disappears because the topic is locked ..Anyway , we suggested it , it doesn’t change ..
  5. And the most hated woman of the 80s , Kamila , will be the Queen 😂🤣
  6. I totally agree , it can’t be anymore this “ monastery “ way of living ..These two apartments have been “ legendary “ of the things that happened , it’s a shame that they have turned to the absolute nothing and instead , all the fun continuing in B5 and B6..
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  8. You don’t give a shit about anyone but you are also participating in a forum that you consider a joke ..I think your mind isn’t communicating with what you write ..
  9. Again ..why don’t you use the “ ignore button “ function ? You scroll but you always give emojis ..you need to decide what you do , scroll or read or just add emojis to make a point ?
  10. Hardly obsessed keeping a record how many times a girl has masturbated ? Please 😂🤣😂🤣 You give emojis , I post , we make exactly the same actually posts but you simply don’t write because you are bored or don’t know how to express yourself or whatever and I do ..that’s all
  11. You are funny scoutari… You are focusing always on my posts and whenever I use the word “ we “ …please , give us ALL a break and learn to understand the point of a comment and the meaning rather than trying to come out the smart guy to underestimate a comment thst doesn’t suit your thoughts and beliefs … If anyone was writing the way you personally wish ,what’s the point ? Please… comment on something valuable , make criticism , present your theories or opinions for the tenant than each and every second post , you and your minions commenting on people who actually have something to say here ..I guess the boredom and the lifeless apartment isn’t giving you the chance to appear here and the only way doing it is to focus on other people ..Please continue scoutari… Dit ; Can you enlighten the community as of “ What Leora does “ ? In comparison to you , I open my mouth and state my opinion as of what Leora does , when is it the last time that you presented an opinion commenting about Leora ?
  12. Girl 201 , welcome ..😇 I guess people who wish for newcomers can be happy 😁
  13. It will be nice for all reactions from the joining tenants of B5 plus O&U in the villa when the talk and explanation begins of the intruder and also waiting to see O&U reactions .. Seeing Tata also being here after some days , another great thing when we can remember both T&T and also lately L&M not joining ..
  14. You are the one waiting and waiting to watch a girl bating and being able to store it in your archives 😂🤣 and unluckily for you , it is a dead period and you don’t know how to make your time pass and you are disappointed of the content provided . I have incredible plenty of time at the moment , whenever something nice or worth of commenting happens , I will come here and post it , that’s all .
  15. I admit I didn’t check the whole evening and details , anytime I was tuning in it would be Harley and this guy having sex 😁 It would be for me a major surprise that they haven’t been known before and a guy appear just like this in front of cameras and goes on a wild sex marathon when RLC viewing experiences shows that they are incredibly few the guys that have managed to perform , but of course , anything is possible . This still can’t change my belief that it is ridiculous and not being able to go anytime they want in the shower or in the bathroom and in my eyes , Harley keep on accepting this type of living , it is more than remarkable .
  16. As a conclusion of the last 48 hours , it seems that K&R and now Tata , will be another great friendship for O&U and also Fiora as we saw and for sure a nice escape for them when they can’t stay anymore in the villa and F&H aren’t available to stay over . For sure , you can tell that it is a more pleasant time for them than the isolation they have at the villa . As far as the things that have happened since they were brought back in Barcelona and in B1 , for sure they were noisy but I think they were the unlucky ones paying the price for an ongoing situation for many years and the previous also residents .They have been crazier , wilder , much noisier incidents , it just happened to be them occupying B1 and they paid the price . Nevertheless , RLC knows all this , they bring them back and it is like punishing all 4 of them ( O/U/H/F ) when it seems that originally they had invested an indefinite stay in Barcelona as they weren’t advertised as GOV but permanent tenants . And in a way , their frustration ( O&U ) might come also from the fact that they gave them the master bedroom only to have them moving to the worst room they could possibly have in the villa just to give it to Holly ( totally deserved ) and Tweety , a newcomer , who proved a wrong decision . And H&F , they gave them the worst apartment and they christened it a GOV apartment so as not to have it empty . They could at least reestablish H&F in B2 but not even this , they have them being tortured in that apartment and two of the girls that totally respect the money they get and have no issues showing their personal lives , make shows and solo acts need to find ways to coexist in a dysfunctional place . Seeing all these empty beds , it is even a question what’s the purpose for RLC keep on having these apartments for the girls , when they want for sure to make parties , have fun , enjoy , be active .Summer is coming , they can’t keep on living the “ nun “ life of B1 and current B2 , what’s the purpose if they can’t enjoy because if they make a bit more noise the police comes ? This will result for the girls to go all the time out and have fun , be hardly ever in their apartments and at the beach or clubs / bars and then of course the subscribers will complain for empty apartments .It is all mathematically towards this way .
  17. I didn’t observe and I was about to post that these now might be the best tits of all tenants ..Hmm , time to recheck 😁
  18. It’s simply a change of Leora’s approach to the project , once a visitor was “ allowed “ to enter ( and the results obviously were hugely appreciated , forum going on fire , half of the replays with the two girls sitting on the couch ) , I can’t find a reason why slowly she won’t be doing what we have been saying for ages , that is opening her apartment for other people .Maybe she realized that it was a mistake , maybe she understood that trying to hide her life didn’t lead anywhere or didn’t have the expected results , maybe she was also tired of this on/off double life with the cameras . It was also recently posted that Leora is adjusting more and more slowly to a more westerner way of life , the paradox was that for 2,5 years she was keeping her apartment “ a place not to be “ for the others , she made the beginning with someone , the reasonable would be for more to follow .
  19. It’s good that the clarifications from fellow forum members prove them that this is a totally new guy . Now , I said since the first week we saw Harley , that she’s an X-Factor . You can tell easily that she’s a woman who has done “ a lot “ in her life , experienced , wild . I never ever believed that the guy we had been used seeing was anything special , their times in the apartment ( body language , sitting down to talk ) and his absence on days that they could be together , was a strong indication . The same goes for Fiora , but we have seen her guy also during the previous stay , still , nothing serious with him too i believe . Saturday was Harley’s day , a fantastic sex marathon with the guy just resting between session and then going at it with her repeatedly . No cameras shy , in one of their sessions , I even believe he turned his head on the camera to check if he was allowing to be seen for a good angle . In any case , someone who appears just like this , he managed to satisfy Harley easily and her also looking happy , it was a great new adventure and experience and we need to see how this plays in the future and what this new guy is . The side note says that the ridiculous set up of the apartment was noticeable again of how RLC doesn’t care for its tenants that do actually show their real life on cameras , without caring for criticism or whatever . Again , Fiora didn’t even have a word ( at least of what I saw ) with the guy , they couldn’t take a shower if they wanted , and now I start believing that whenever they want to piss , there must be something outside in the balcony . Fantastic Harley with another “ checkmate “ move , well done to both her and her partner for making a fun Saturday 😇
  20. Masha a nympho because she has an intense sex life ? Or because the last year she had 6-7 different partners ? Is she married or in a relationship , therefore betraying anyone ? I think it is exaggeration speaking about Masha that she isn’t hiding anything on cameras when as it seems , she should be going and doing her life outside of the apartment also so as not suffering any criticism . This is now 2022 , a woman with 5-6 partners per year , even more , why a man trying to have 10 women per year isn’t criticized the same ? Hungry for sex or an active sex life isn’t defying anyone as nympho .. except if also the daily sex life is considered also as such , a nymphomaniac behavior . I will disagree then with you on that 😇
  21. Except …He is the same guy , shaved his light beard and new haircut 😱
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