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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. We see how this goes , last time , Viola , another close friend of Kylie was responsible for some of the best sessions we saw .. new tenant , new face , more will be happy than seeing a repeater , it remains to be seen if she’s going to confirm the expectations .
  2. Exactly … on going RLC decisions are more difficult to explain and solve than the Gordian knot 😁
  3. Before finishing the post , the name appears 😇😇😂 Welcome Tata , extreme extreme surprise that B5 gets a GOV and B2 remains empty beds …
  4. Elvis exit , tech guy enters .. let’s see if the “ FWB” situation reappears 😁🤓
  5. Very strange on going happenings in this apartment , we can’t actually tell what the two girls do , a new girl appeared , what a mess ( positive at least this time 😇 )
  6. The fact is that if you REALLY LOVE someone as you claim , you don’t make 2 years to see this person .. She could easily go and visit him in Russia , we named the ways since she’s of Russian citizenship .. and if you REALLY love someone , you don’t abandon the person you love for the sake of money .. You stay in the place you are , trying to find a common solution . If they both had financial problems, I could understand . But Leora has solved much of her economical difficulties , well , let’s say that in comparison to many people of her nationality , she can have a very comfortable life . Nelly and Bogdan have already two own apartments in Russia just to see how much they were benefited by RLC . And L&P didn’t make any crazy luxury life like going out in bars , restaurants or in general spending the money in such way . I posted links what many Russians do so as to be able and travel easier in the world and how they can get vaccinated in Europe . In any case , I said it many times and I don’t hesitate to say it again , Paul is the past and he’s there always because Leora can’t let go of the safety and back up plan if things get off the rail in Europe . I don’t know if this means that Leora believes that she can control Paul because she’s the one with the money but you NEVER maintain a parallel relationship with another guy for 1,5 years when you had opportunity after opportunity to terminate it if this person doesn’t mean anything to you . This doesn’t change that Leora and her current boyfriend aren’t at their best in this period and their situation has got worse , but like Paul being around , he is also .
  7. Not necessarily because of the late arrival .. but the girls seemed also “ shy “ , of course it has happened in the past that we get shy new tenants , but this didn’t “ click “ as new girls . I think during the day , the questions will be answered 😇
  8. Why shouldn’t I believe you ? I only had an opinion concerning the post about the kisses and I simply posted it here , that’s all . I had never thought about the kissing thing and I was fascinated in a way . Love at first sight , but I don’t think that the majority here won’t agree that as the years pass , there are other things that keep a couple together than love at a first sight . Question that comes inevitable , many times asked , never answered … Why Leora started a relationship with another guy ? Do you believe personally that if you love truly madly deeply , you are in need to find another guy ? Isn’t it a betrayal having a relationship to another guy as well ? And let’s say it was / is “ a mistake “ , knowing that it is a mistake , why not terminating it ? Can it be then that Leora’s boyfriend was also a feelings development in Prague the more she was spending time with him and the more Paul was day by day further and further away from her ? With all these thoughts , that’s how the conclusion of the earlier post came .
  9. Good thoughts and arguments developed and explained , good luck seeking for a dialogue in this topic 😁 You have seen how things work , you either praise and avoid criticism or you just post an opinion that you believe and at times , frequently or not , speaks or judges negative Leora and you are targeted . I will simply say that anything Leora does is her absolute choice , doing it for so many years , she has reached the point that in my opinion she shouldn’t care about the opinion of anyone . Her body , her life , her decisions . Still , in an unbelievable contrast , she can’t find the way to present this life to her circle for nearly 2,5 years now .. mystery .
  10. I can’t translate or understand the shameless non monogamy term , I just wanted to point out that Leora loves and is attracted to Paul for his personality but I believe she isn’t attracted to him as a man judging by the ( non ) kissing . Now , someone would say how then all these years together ? But think then , Paul hardly ever satisfied her sexually , she learned to satisfy herself , she would ( at least in Russia because Czech Republic is another story ) try to isolate herself in order to please herself and we haven’t also seen her even once masturbate in front of him ( women will praise a man with some of the best words whenever a man manages to make them masturbate in front of him , they consider it an achievement of sorts 😇 ) . Of course , we are talking about eastern world mentality and a different in general society concerning emotions and feelings in comparison of what we believe and know for the westerner way of things happening .. it is just observations and of course it can be a completely wrong thought 😇
  11. Yes , you are absolutely right , I checked the replay later , it was a wrong post since I checked first when one of the girls laid down to sleep in the guest room and couldn’t see any suitcases . With whatever has been seen so far , it seems like friends visiting and not possible COV but we will see .
  12. I wonder if he’s aware of the recent action with the short tech guy 😎. Your post has a great point by the way 👏🏻
  13. No suitcases or small bags , just local friends visiting ? Possible casting trial for locals ?
  14. What I have learned in life , concerning NOT kissing the other while making love / having sex , it means you aren’t attracted by that person . It doesn’t mean you can’t love someone that you aren’t attracted to but thinking this post about the kisses , I could never thought that I try to remember times that they were kissing and this not being able to happen .Of course , this might have to do with the fact that i was always concentrated to see L&P engage in sexual interactions and seeing her enjoying her time than concentrating my mind seeing them kissing 😜😂🤣 , but that’s another point to analyse perhaps another time .
  15. I don’t know or better saying , I can’t interpret her actions but i think people can see the recent events from two sides , like a coin . One side says that Leora reached a point that she couldn’t make this life of hiding anymore , she simply needed to have a person that can visit her at her own place , relax , chat , eat something and have a drink , she needed a friend , she got it .The next step was to see the reactions and how the audience will react and if it approves her , the results speak louder than words , Leora can have a friend inside her place that she can speak openly about everything , about Paul , her current boyfriend , her previous roomate , she did all that on cameras and without hiding it . I belong to this category that believe this side , I like this story in my mind and establishes Leora in the end in my head as finally a person that being a normal human being prevailed than going against society rules , hiding , struggling , making the audience disappointed with her absences being more than her on cameras time duration presence . The other side can tell that this is another long term plan of Leora , something that she has been organizing for a long or even a short time and the idea is to slowly find a person to share the apartment , make it more “ attractive “ and viewable again , perhaps have some old customers resubscribe or new potential people who will check this place and find it nice so as to test RLC and become subscribers . With a potential return of Malia perhaps sooner than the time she actually needed to be able and return in Prague , having a roomate and keeping the audience busy with the new girl , she can focus in all of her side stories that trouble her mind and the last months she seemed not being able to coordinate in the way she wanted . Time will give the answers , a combination of the two sides of the story may apply in some of the arguments that I express with this post but as the majority here knows , Leora will always do what she has in her mind . I hope that this will include satisfying a larger audience who want to see more than tits ,ass and pussy and allow us an enhanced look of her life in Prague , I would like to believe that we are in this direction and this is a small step , if it is a repeat , I will be in the back seats again watching when anything worth - for my taste - will be happening . It was 2 years ago more or less that Malia appeared , it is again the same period that a “ new Malia “ perhaps has appeared.
  16. Top replays and continues viewership have been achieved for nearly 24 hours or so , why should be proceed with a show ? 😂🤣😂🤣 Ups , I forgot , she would need to satisfy the audience ( …. ahh , yes yes yes , the audience that she has stopped “ serving “ for a very very long time … )
  17. Rado who watches Masha’s apartment the most , can tell of Masha’s plans , there was a talk that she might be visiting Poland and perhaps the now VH.TV and ex RLC tenants Carlos and Claire .
  18. I don’t know when it happened , as I said it is information from a source 😇
  19. Vivian didn’t fuck but I think , being a friend of Pam and since we saw how Pam had approached her RLC stay , I can’t think why she wouldn’t find a boyfriend in Barcelona as well . I keep on insisting that the leaked video of Tesla and the Brazilian guy kind of “ messed “ Nana’s mind of what she wanted to do in front of cameras . We have / had no other option than accept her desire , the problem is that she was after a certain period without any actual interest in front of cameras , at least the way I see it .
  20. If the information was known by me and not by a source , I would have shared . Whenever I tune in to watch Masha , if I have the volume on and follow what she speaks in Italian I also try to share . This has to do with money and I prefer to keep it as a general information , it might be revealed in the future though .
  21. 3 weeks .. to be honest , I prefer the nudity that was shown from both Anna and my favorite Lola with the best RLC nipples 😇 but of course , let’s see how they proceed when all beds are filled .
  22. It’s all part of a more realistic show with Radislava and Cecilia , Cecilia obviously has an apartment in Barcelona .. but the current lifestyle of Radislava could be great for her exhibitionistic instincts , the sauna , the couch , the double bed , being in downtown Barcelona .. but then , totally unfair to be the easy “ victim “ and move her all the time . Plus , if she finds out about the mouse that appears every now and then in the dining room of B6 , she will go bananas 😂🤣
  23. You are absolutely right . But if Radislava and Cecilia were in a show or let’s say Kristy and Alana who are “ returnees “ , i believe people would prefer watching the shows . But I have also again and again said why shows have been reduced and generally the activities across the Barcelona apartments .
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