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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. This is Shantal’s last chance … if she escapes these two , well , I can’t think another moment that there will be a possibility to surrender and not be a Virgin ..
  2. Lialia 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 SHE INDEED DOES NOTHING WHEN NOT GETTING PAID … Oh … I am sorry , she didn’t masturbate , yes yes , she did nothing , she only had sex ( what an anomaly , people in this age prioritize to masturbate than to have sex , how dare they … )
  3. There’s no real life in this place when the sex happens facing the cameras , the private Leora moments happen with Leora facing the camera and at the time frame of “ prime time “ in Europe , that is “ 21:00-00:00 “ and after careful inspection of Leora if any other participant at the various apartments is doing a show or there’s action elsewhere , she will then hardly ever proceed going “ head to head “ , she will patiently wait so all attention goes on her ( the benefit of having an incredible on cameras experience ) . Real life you would expect to see at least a 10-20% minimum of similar happenings that we see at the rest of the apartments , this one is A UNIQUE one , zero interactions , zero emotions ( please watch Paul’s reaction when he finishes with sex , it is like a robot , no emotions at all , nobody would know that it ended if there’s no visual of his - as pulo says - milk 😆 ) .. If this is real life in this apartment , then it is a daily boredom routine , it just changes where things occur ( in which room ) .
  4. She’s there in comparison to what Lialia has been doing with nearly 45 days absence while being a tenant .
  5. You are overreacting with your judgment .. Tim was a strange guy , Lacrim is a JOKE , the boyfriend of Leia , these have been / are not the best people . Wolf is fine , the proof is always when people WANT to hang around him and they don’t do because they HAVE TO . I think that ALL of the tenants like that he is part of the “ crew “ , this it comes out on cameras also and I don’t think it should be denied by anyone .
  6. It is in a civilozed way and we simply chat , not stupidity with emojis and whatever . We have a different opinion and is presented with arguments , we disagree 90% , we agree 10% , if this was the way that the forum worked , it would be an amazing place to spend time and interact in nice ways .. but - especially the last year - it has been infiltrated with really really bad people ..
  7. Pff .. I wonder when the time comes that you will be deleted from here . We try to have a civilized chat here and you start with characterizations about another forum member , words like “ dumb post “ , “ shite being posted “ , “ massive pain in the arse “ , you are a complete loser and you have no idea either of what you are watching or how things occur on cameras . But it is good that you reveal what you truly are with such garbage posts you make .
  8. Fair enough and a good chat we have here , as it should always be 😊
  9. I think that Sara had her pleasure and her horny mood calmed down and she simply hated to rest and sleep .
  10. We judge the action and what was seen on cameras , it was WOLF’S phone that rung and not “ THE CHILD’S “ Lacrim that he was also sleeping . The girls feel nice around him and they trust him, no matter knowing that he fucks around , it has been clear with all the girls he is interacting , that’s why he is also allowed to visit and isn’t forbidden territory for him . The “ most likely “ comment indicates a speculation and not what we witnessed happening . PLUS , Lialia has been a terrible tenant and personally i really hated her “ presence “ but as a guest has been .. WOW 😉😉
  11. At least this guy ( Wolf ) offers whatever kind of content , he is socializing , he goes amongst apartments , he respects what he has signed for , he is quite good with what he does in front of cameras , as a viewer watching the Barcelona project , I am totally satisfied with his performance and on cameras behavior . “ The Child “ , from where to start and where to finish 😂🤣 .. The guy as a guest was quite ok , he was seen with Harley and - as I have said in the past - I think she was with him just for things that might have helped her in Barcelona during the arrival there and the first period that must have been difficult for her moving from Russia . In a way , Harley was “ repaying “ him for the help he gave her ( speaking Spanish a very big asset for him ) when it must have been not the best period as we were watching . “The Child “ as a tenant is BY FAR one of the worst . He absolutely has no idea how to behave , he mimics the guys that are successful ( Dylan and Wolf ) , he has no idea how to stand next to women , his only goal is to get laid but he doesn’t even know how to do it . He is completely jealous of the guys , he approaches the girls when they are vulnerable and weak ( that’s why he got Harley I believe ) , in general his whole presence on cameras is an embarrassment for me as a man and a disgrace on how things should be done when we want to flirt a girl , approach her , interact with her , HE IS A JOKE . He got drunk during a drinking evening in B4 and he was seen ( if I remember correctly ) having passed out next to the bathroom of the LR in B4 . He was following the girls who were trying to stop Aziza to be fucked by Dylan next to the pool and he fall on the ground , the HIGHLIGHT came last week when this JOKE took his dick out in the LR of Harley and Fiora ( with Sambuka visiting and PLAYING him by masturbating to show him that she liked what he was doing when she clearly was making fun of him till the chair broke ) and started masturbating , pretending that he does something of value and whatever to grab attendion of Fiora and Sambuka and maybe have a threesome 😂🤣😂🤣 Wolf is fine for my books and what I want to watch in the villas . The villas - as I have said repeatedly here - should be just singles , fun , nice , young people , ready to enjoy the opportunity given with parties , guests , crazy times , fun and freedom to do , try and enjoy all . Of course it should all be with a right dose and not over exaggerating , it then becomes repeating and not worth seeing . The threesome if it happens again in 2-3 weeks is fine , watching it every second day it will lose the special aura around it .
  12. The unthinkable happened , RLC put the airplane sign already , miracles still happen 😂 With Margo away till the end of the month , the villas will become boring to watch except Sara ( if she’s in the mood for adventures ) and of course Wolf ( however Lali is all the time at bed and not so much willing to socialize and Rachel is a teaser and nobody knows what to expect from her ) . Lacrim is a joke , Shantal keeps on making money rental free and she should PRAISE RLC to give her the opportunity , Octavia nobody knows what she does , Megan is confused with the distance relationship ( she wants to do much more but she’s holding back ) and we only have B2 to admire the beauty of the girls in a RARE coincidence that all 3 are amazing but Esmi has her agenda ( big fan so no matter what she does , always a pleasure ) , Nadia that you never know if she becomes naughty or being quiet but she always has her moments and then of course , The General , but she can’t work for everyone else. Then we have Harley and Fiora but they aren't considered temporary apartments like the previous mentioned and luckily we got to see Sambuka the last days , so , let’s see from that place . In general , when the end of the month is usually when the tenants step up their game , it looks now that it is needed just a tenant to do something different with Margo away , time will be the answers ( need to see if there will be the birthday party of Isaac in B5 on Sunday 29th and who appears … ) .
  13. Very very true 😂🤣😂 👏👏👏 ( still that other guy hasn’t been seen since then 😝 )
  14. I disagree with you , Sambuka simply enjoys life .. she has her fun and she’s not shy , monogamous or conservative .. A guy doing Sambuka’s life he will be called here ASSHOLE / DRUG ADDICT / WANNABE PORN STAR … an RLC member watching Sambuka , if he could be in the guy’s position that he pays to watch , he would conserve himself a Brand Pitt , a Leonardo Di Caprio or James Deen 😂🤣😂🤣 … Sambuka is a woman that MEN would simply love her life , that is to have as many as possible and whenever she feels , to make the phonecall and have her fun .
  15. Customers 😂🤣😂🥲 .. you man are unbelievable .. you can’t accept how life works nowadays , for you , any person brought on cameras is a customer . The funny thing ? YOU CAN’T even prove what you are saying , you just hate a person so very much that you need to express your hatred for this person .. I really wonder why you spend your money watching customers 😂🤣😂🤣🤣
  16. Harley has the “ back up “ guy ( even Lacrim or the one night stand that we saw her some months ago ) ready if she wants sex .. Sambuka i consider one of her best friends , seeing that guy with Sambuka , I don’t think it was anything really serious with Harley . Sambuka can “ show “ him what means to be exposed on cameras 😉😌😏
  17. No worries and please no sorry 😂 , all perfectly fine .. I truly believe Kristy is straight , she just tasted Taylor so as to try what is the experience with a woman . I don’t know if this makes her lesbian or better say bisexual , but I think the “ term at its full meaning it is more than the sex we witnessed or the journey that they had in Madrid ( for me it was 2 good friends visiting a city , the spiral of Spain and that’s all ) . I might have it wrong in my mind and SUDDENLY we see Esmi and Kristy going CRAZY to one another . Then I need to reconsider and not only , hide behind the Great Wall of China full of embarrassment due to wrong judgment 😂🤣
  18. I admire and RESPECT ( AND YOU KNOW THIS VERY VERY WELL ) all of your hard work and dedication to this site . BUT , CamCaps made a huge mistake deleting the post of the forum member . He for sure has no knowledge apart from what he shared according to the inside of the apartment discussions , (I think he even mentioned that ) if I remember correctly he even gave a time stamp of when all that were discussed at a certain point .. I am very insisting and kind of sensitive with that post which was deleted only for ONE SIMPLE REASON . @berty_47 spent a really big time ( at least that’s what I think ) to write so detailed and analytical anything that has occurred , he wrote it in a way that there wouldn’t be any misinterpretations or wrong conclusions .. He really put so much effort and for me , whoever does that , simply deserves recognition and endless positive / upvoted emojis , he really made us all understand major “ essential details “ so as to come in complete lineage with the INCREDIBLE post of good friend emnv who OPENED THE EYES to this forum and the speculations that were running wild for months by letting us know what really goes on between Martina and Alberto since last February . This is the reason I have been posting really in favor of the deleted post and the number of posts I have made recently here which are OT as they don’t contribute on what we see and I need honestly to apologize about that to anyone contributing here and need to “ fall “ on my endless bla bla bla 😟😞😬😬😮
  19. It’s getting even more ridiculous this place . One day Alberto is FORCED to sleep in the LR and Martina in the bedroom , the next day Alberto brings the girl ( switch ) to have the bedroom while Martina is nowhere to be found … Conclusion , a new member is watching thumbnails believing he “ buys “ one of the apartments as “ Martina and Alberto “ , if he/ she doesn’t know about the CamCaps site and the forum explanations , he / she would know SHIT of the people in front of his/her screen . HONESTLY , absolutely ridiculous and complete disrespect to the viewers / subscribers and the most important to Martina and Alberto allowing this atrocity to continue .
  20. Very very horny Harley the last days . I need to agree 1 million % with the recent post made , Harley’s pussy is THE BEST THAN ANY OTHER TENANT by far from the second ..Harley has the dream pussy for all men , perfectly shaped and “ configured “ , simply amazing .
  21. I am Greek and for sure not Catholic 😂 .. I always “ call “ things the way I see them / interpret them according to my culture knowledge and how I grew up ( principles 😆 ) .. I think I know by now how RLC works but at times things happen that belong majorly to the eastern lifestyle way of living ( Russia /Ukraine ) and it is impossible to understand the famous “ What The Hell “ or WTF 😂
  22. The one airport is the Chopin airport ( main one ) and the other the Modlin ( smaller one , mostly for the low cost European airlines like Ryan Air / EasyJet/ Wizz Air )
  23. So , this means that the post of @berty_47 was wrong deleted .
  24. Sambuka even as a guest = RATINGS aka VIEWERSHIP .. I can’t believe we are stuck with girls like Lali , Shantal and ( EMPTY BEDS 😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬 ) Sambuka , the WOMAN THAT respected each and everyday she couldn’t be on cameras while a tenant and gave all of her “ will “ to satisfy the paying RLC customers and remind to all what is being on cameras and “ working “ for RLC , this girl , Sambuka , the best 2023 female tenant in Barcelona is away of cameras .. unbelievable .. Sambuka , if you read this , CHEERS TO YOU on being who you are 😇
  25. He has ( impressively ) lost manny many kilos to his defense 😆
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