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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I think everyone seems to forget that Kristy ISN’T a lesbian , why then should she mess with Taylor ? Obviously she tried something that - in my opinion - wanted to check her woman feeling , how she would react and how all that experience will feel like for her . She understood her direction pretty fast , very happy and brave for her that she tried to see how it is , but that’s it . Now , staying friends is a different story , don’t forget that Kristy is a cameras veteran and she knew EXACTLY how the ratings were doing during her time with Taylor . We now asking to a woman to go against her nature , I think we should think better ..
  2. She gets visitors every now and then , she will go at least at other places very very very rare , she shows much more than the daily boredom and predictability of the apartment you mention 😏
  3. Paul better spend more time with his girl and do more things with her and their lives together .
  4. Wanted to mention the same as I also observed it , let’s see if it is going to be a visit for a couple of days in another apartment ( boost the ratings accordingly 😂 ) or just as you suggest ( or even a short/long trip/ holidays ) ..
  5. So , let’s see how it will be since no one dares to address and suggest it .. Can you please @berty_47 , if you have the time and you wish of course , repost what you shared at the forum and then see how your message will be treated ? Because I don’t think it is of any use what’s happening the last days , with an ongoing “ awkward “ situation and not definition of what , why and when , let’s see how the message will be treated . After all , soon to be either this apartment closes or Martina departs or whatever , so , no matter what’s going to be revealed ( once again ) it has little to do since the decisions have already been made and the choices have already been selected . Let’s see then berty47 this time .. And curious to see the reactions of people here .
  6. As always , towards the end of the month , Esenia transforms from the “ innocent shy “ beautiful girl to the “ woman that does it all in a wild way “ , a little pretty devil 😈.. Surprisingly today in full exposure under natural lighting , for sure a not so often visual experience , always though a pity that this couple lives in the WORST EVER RLC apartment , apparently under a special deal they have with the company they work for .. by the way , the NV appeared on and off just now , it is what it is .
  7. All of your statements/ arguments are right , we have discussed that again . BUT .. as I have said , how can it be that we see it in ALL of the other apartments and not this one ? It is 4 years , please don’t tell me that in 4 years Leora hasn’t explained to ANY of whoever people they have outside ( yes , if they have of course ) that they are living in an apartment with cameras for whatever reasons ( how the other apartment tenants explain the cameras to their guests when they visit them ? ) .. Were I friend , a real one that accept the choices of my friend , I would actually love to see what “ my friend “ means living in an apartment with cameras and would like to see it what she / he means . Go and spend an evening and have a nice chat and a coffee , why would i be bothered being on cameras ? The life of my friend , her/his choice . I accept and like my friend no matter what AND I have complete trust and faith of what has been presented verbally to me and that’s it . I would accept at the maximum your thoughts if there was at least 1 apartment that we also see no people ( actually there are 2 , Esenia and Dima / Eliska and Pepik ) but here we are talking of 2 people that 1/3 of their lives know how to live in front of cameras and it is difficult for my understanding to accept that they can’t explain what the cameras are for and someone visits . They don’t steal or do whatever crime , they just ( BY THEIR CHOICE ) live in an apartment with cameras and I would like to visit because they are my friends and spend time with them and cameras or not , their choice .
  8. Once again … 4 years in Prague , she didn’t even make 1 ( ONE ) real friend , how could she survive alone ? Then Paul is the ONLY one being there , to trust , to believe , to have faith , confidence . If she had ONE ( 1 ) at least real friend, she would visit her ( him ) , she ( he ) would visit her in her apartment , they would chat , have a wine , stay overnight perhaps , it would be a MORE NORMAL life . But no , 4 years and not even another one to trust and escape a bit the daily routine . Therefore , Paul was , is and will always be .
  9. Long live Planet Earth that people will stop approaching and doing things with others 😂🤣 Long live isolation , loneliness and misery so as certain people feel happy and keep on following the tenants and what they do 😂🤣
  10. But the post of the fellow member was deleted because he mentioned facts that were explained / discussed inside the apartment ( for things happening outside ) …
  11. Another one supported “ the losers gang “ with an emoji , they are so dumb that they reveal who they are for those that they don’t know 😂🤣😂 … And I thought stupidity had its limits 😂
  12. I thought the Queen of the site has always been Leora … 🤔
  13. But again Noldus , the meetings she had with other girls outside , they were discussed between Martina and Alberto inside the apartment ( otherwise nobody would know .. )
  14. I don’t judge what’s going on and what’s happening lately in B1 .. Just a general comment, from all the fun , unpredictability and what we could expect from “ The Mistress “ ( Sambuka ) , we have gone to this .. It took only one AMAZING ( perhaps the best of 2023 )tenant to leave in order for this to happen ..
  15. As you see , one of the losers appeared to “ approve “ the post made 😂 .. part of the “ losers gang “
  16. Please , don’t give him compliment titles 😆😆 … he will continue “ thrilling “ the forum with the so AMAZING opinions , ability to write and incredible skills to let anyone know here what he thinks of what’s happening ( he has no clue this guy what he watches .. ) .. After all , his MC circle advised him to stop posting ( Thank you my love Leora , a big kiss all over you know where 😂🤣😂🤣 ) because he was embarrassing the whole group of losers ..
  17. By the way , IT IS THE FIRST TIME after a really long time that the departure of a tenant is at the news feed as RLC wasn’t promoting departures and they were keeping the people who join as “ first “ news despite not being the right chronological sequence .
  18. There are no flights from Russia anywhere in Europe , the only way for Russian people to enter is either to travel to Konstantinoupoli or in Serbia or of course from countries like Dubai . Whoever goes in Poland , it is most probably because they wish to go to Ukraine as it is the safest/ closest passage . I don’t think Margo and Wolf are a couple ( open relationship of sorts ) I think they came gradually , after the first couple of weeks in the villa , to an agreement to enjoy and have some fun , their first interaction was to masturbate next to the other . Wolf was seen flirting massively Shantal when he entered RLC , we all thought that it was her boyfriend ( then we had the talks that he is gay because he was wearing a skirt or pink clothes , then that he is a steroids addicted , anything coming from people jealous that can’t stand him being a guy that IS THE ONLY one that wherever he goes , the forum gets busy with posts ) , since then , he seems that is adorable amongst the girls and most of them who interact with him enjoy his company . Margo isn’t the same social , for sure gets busy making videocalls to guys that maybe are waiting for “‘ The Life After RLC “ .. The MASSIVE weakness of RLC to find tenants to fill in the beds , it has never been in this grade like now . The lack of chemistry also is a factor , I am sorry to say again and I know that people disagree , under Nelly’s and Bogdan’s stay all these problems have been magnified in a crazy extended rate . It is unbelievable that we see people that have been sent away from RLC because they were shy accepting exposure on cameras ( Bella ) and then suddenly now she’s on cameras everyday ( which is great but what the hell they were thinking giving her a bed ? ) or Lialia who didn’t respect the project and now suddenly she makes threesomes as a guest . It is chaotic in Barcelona , my opinion is that the money is REALLY FEW according to the past , maybe 50% less than what they used to give , we all know that in the past there was a queue of girls waiting to get the phonecall to enter and look now , ridiculous . And I agree that this is why we still have on cameras people like Shantal ( clearly using the B1 bedroom for living free in Barcelona ) or the girls we saw recently abandoning the project after some weeks. They really did a great job and they worked hard back in April to recruit really great tenants , we saw some really great tenants inhabiting both villas but ( no surprise as i said earlier of the two people who “ run “ the villas ) in nearly 2,5 months , it was really difficult for the majority of them to continue and the results were obvious with one after the other abandoning during the summer and of course after middle of June being a disaster .
  19. As was revealed from stncld , it isn’t allowed everything , that’s why the cut / delete of the post of the member who gave the full timestamp of the happenings in Martina’s life .
  20. Excellent observation .. Lialia had quite a lot of alcohol ( whiskey with cola ) as she was drinking from the bottle(s ) and not the glass that The Archmaster prepared for her ( and the rest of the girls and himself during their bathtub session ) , she had pleasure and sex that had her having an orgasm , she then finished packing quite in a hurry to be honest and left , there are endless possibilities to speculate , I would go with the one that the person she was either going to move in Barcelona or the place she was supposed to travel or the person that was accompanying her when she left the villa , dumbed her . While at the place where all this was happening , insane amount of alcohol ( and not only …. ) was consumed , bringing her in that state .. The phonecall that the Archmaster received when she was almost at the villa( coming back ? ) seems difficult that it was done by her , therefore someone that knows Wolf’s number informed him to come and pick her up from the main gate ( it might be that she was even abandoned there ) .. I am sure the talks will reveal the incident , still , very few here at the forum will know ( except if it is shared by “ luck “ with Mati the Italian or perhaps with the Spanish speaking couple , somehow , someway alongside in the future and out of nowhere ) .
  21. Speculations could easily not be in such a large scale since the translators know most of the things but they aren’t allowed to say what’s really going on ..
  22. Ahh ok, it was for more than a year or two that they had only 2 keys and many times one of the tenants had to wake up so as to open to the one who didn’t have or they didn’t borrow . I hadn’t noticed that they finally made a 3rd spare ( it was mentioned that it wasn’t so easy to make a new one ) .
  23. This was THE RULE in the past , since Covid arrived , it has been a different reality.
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