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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Nothing happened , even though Masha liked Timur , he was totally uninterested in her .. One of the few times that Masha didn’t succeed with her seduction , that’s why I think Tereza and Timur are really ok with what they have 😊
  2. I totally agree .. it was at that time one of the most realistic things we had ever seen … it is pity how these two couples ended not even talking to one another 😔 Lucian didn’t want Alex to have anything with Bonnie , strangely also many things changed after that shower show when the girls invited Rama and Lucian inside to watch ..and then , BOOM , disaster .. But both of these two couples had some really great sex to show ..
  3. Fiora is back , crazier , hornier , more unpredictable than ever .. First Harley , then the boyfriend , today Ulyana before teasing earlier with Radi… well , she definitely loves her presence and job 😇 … and us 😈😈
  4. Too much “ recreational stuff “ use for all three of them since yesterday .. very strange that Holly doesn’t sleep on the couch … even stranger being between this couple which have made it clear that they don’t do anything with someone else .. The mystery is bigger considering the time that Holly takes away from the villa , when all Harley / Fiora / Pam/Amalia pay a visit .. I can’t think of other explanation rather than RLC is currently on plans with all these people who have appeared , but what exactly unless introducing a new apartment ?
  5. The apartment and its tenant sink more and more .. Leora has no alternative than keeping on with RLC because she can’t achieve anything without the financial support of this easy life . Imagine , how could accomplish her plans if RLC isn’t part of her life ? With a normal job outside and paying bills in Prague ? Please … It’s funny to see how much she will keep on this double life which she has chosen to live and it is more than obvious how much damage has made to her mind . But of course , Leora is clever and knows what she does 🥸🤩 . I wonder if she’s not seeing how much this way of life hurts her everyday more and more in all aspects of her daily behaviors and actions that we see on cameras ( imagine away of it where she can’t explain what she does for a living , where she gets the money to live in Prague , imagine not being able to tell the truth and hiding for almost 2,5 years to the people she knows in Prague .. ) except the money of course which keep on coming . Does it really worth it ?
  6. People want to see things and not only girls filing beds .. look at the comments that girls like Nana and the twins get , look what goes on with the B2 except Anna who really shows more than the other two .. The biggest mistake of RLC is if they are basing their strategy according to what’s written in here , for sure they can get reactions and ideas but it’s an epic mistake if they “ rehire “ girls because of what’s written in here . I think that RLC currently has no direction or let’s say a business plan of what they want to do . Do they want to have shows ? Do they want to let the girls live the way they wish with parties , loud music , possible drugs , visitors , new people on the screen ? Do they want to have just tenants for the eye candy wondering around ? From one side , I find it very positive that they give the chance to the viewer to choose what he/she wants to watch / observe , either this being the Barcelona girls or the Prague apartments with the couples … but unfortunately , and this could be a nice topic for discussion perhaps , what RLC currently misses is unpredictability . In all apartments you know what’s expected seeing . The only unpredictable places are B4 with a crazy combination of characters and personalities that anything is possible and it is strange for me that people don’t give the credit as much as this place deserves . K&S ? Fights and back to peace . L&T ? Happy couple with their ups and downs as a normal couple . N&V? New couple , but unhappy . Leora ? Please 😂🤣😂🤣 Masha , the only one that you don’t know what’s gonna be , B2 , Lola and Mila with certain things and Anna with expecting always or most of the times something . B5 ? Great couple T&T but what to see more ? L&M? Problems and just a couple that they will fuck , Leia will visit friends and that’s it . B1 ? Except Karol who tries to have a normal relationship ( that I don’t personally like having chosen an RLC life instead of being with her boyfriend ) , what’s left to see there ? My conclusion is that if somehow , someway RLC brings the unpredictability back , this is how they can possible get new subscriptions .. Tweety and Radislava for example that no one saw it coming .. Harley and Fiora with being open to things and not being back 4 or 5 days and we saw again the boyfriend , visit in B4 … I always hope that RLC has a plan but since many months now they lose much more than winning and I think their business plan ( if they have one ) isn’t working .
  7. Despite of having a lot of girls back ( as I said some days ago , it’s like RLC compensates for the empty beds for a long time ) , it doesn’t give any privacy to the girls . With that being said , no matter if they are back , girls without their own place , it makes it even worse for the permanent residents . Knowing also that the financial status of RLC isn’t at its best with the loss of many viewers , I find it extremely unlikely to have more girls on the pay roll . This doesn’t explain the show of Amira ( very few have done things on camera when they aren’t employees ) which seems like a possible casting at the time it happened. The only explanation i have is that RLC is testing reactions by bringing back extreme fan favorites girls , I speculate that there’s soon a new place opening .. of course this means extra cost , payroll for the new girls as we said , but honestly , how to bring back viewers unless you offer more to see ? Leora is hurting RLC at the moment with her stay and the absolute fooling of subscribers and the couples in Prague in general don’t attract many viewers . There’s only left the Barcelona apartments , Masha with her adventures and the endless speculations for Martina due to her temporary involvement with the COV/GOV concept … I would go with a new GOV apartment soon and Fiora’s / Harley’s place having a couple there ..
  8. Nana’s then exile in B1 can be explained with the return of Amalia and Pam as it seems that they will all sleep with Daniela .. the strange time away of Holly from B4 and spending time with T&T might be also another indication of someone sleeping with Tweety .. all in all , as good friend Fagen says , this current cast is now consisted of girls that have no camera issues , being shy or second thoughts of what to do in front of cameras .. if it is just holidays in Barcelona for the festive days , it remains to be seen .
  9. I don’t mind watching Lola , fantastic , erotical and sensual.. Mila is many times lost in her world , twins and nun Nana plus Radislava ( however difficult with a big fanbase built so far ) and Loraine could give their place to always unpredictable and ready for everything Pam and Amalia..
  10. Anthony is Loraine’s puppy .. she works and brings the money , he knows what he’s doing 😂
  11. Where else can they find such easy money , financial obligations solved and fooling the viewers by just being naked ? You can call it genius ..
  12. One of the twins bating , absolutely no reactions here except the cameras attention 😆🤡
  13. The only ones then missing are Monica and Megan 😂.. and of course , bring either C&C back for drama or stunning Alexandra and sharing guy Lucian..and let the things and drama happen 😏😉…although the ideal is just one couple , Jane and Dick .
  14. Possible Saturday night visit for Harley ? I can’t think another reason of leaving the villa by herself ..
  15. A wonderful story and I hope this great guy to be seen once again..the current tenants on screen are some of the most “ rewarding “ ever for viewers , they have done absolutely everything , I can’t think when it was the last time we saw such a “ powerful “ reunion ( not forgetting that Loraine is also part of the last strange complications with Anthony and Amalia which led to some problems .. )
  16. Amalia seems to be back in good shape and looking great , an RLC exit that definitely help , well done Amalia 😊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  17. RLC gets extremely unpredictable with the parade of former tenants continuing..Holidays in Barcelona or already a list of girls who will be inhabiting a new apartment as has been recently mentioned ? Let’s see… The trio is reunited , Pam , Daniela and Amalia .. dejavu 😎
  18. I always believe that it is good to have the knowledge , understand and convince yourself to abandon the cameras world . Life kept on for S&D , they spent time outside and they found out that they can make a life together which is fantastic of course . For me it is like a professional athlete that gets old and can’t make it anymore and he / she continues , losing the myth that has created ..For example , Federer , Nadal , Messi , top ever athletes but they can’t anymore compete at the top highest level , it is so difficult for them to abandon what they love to do and lose their daily routine .Tenants are a parallel story , they should know when they should abandon and let free of this life .Masha , despite thinking of it and quitting , she still believes that she has things to give … I believe that she can do 2-3 more years but then she should be considering to make a life, well built so far , outside of it and search for perhaps the stability that she can have by finding a person to share moments and experiences away of the cameras . Therefore , for as long as she stays , the journey watching her continues 😊
  19. In 2018 , it must have been her boyfriend Sasha and perhaps her friend Dasha who became the third person in the relationship and ultimately created complications and misunderstandings and brought the broke up .. Masha’s journey with RLC it is an amazing real life story , one example of the million things that can happen in the billions of people around the globe.
  20. I always wish that more and more people realize that Masha was , is and I don’t know for how long more she stays with RLC the definition of what this site - RLC - advertises ..The private life of other people 24/7 …6,5 years later and the only person who manages to keep the interest at more or less the same level like she joined back in 2015 with her boyfriend . As a couple in the beginning , we experienced already at that time her incredibly desire and fun for sex , her experiments with other people while with her boyfriend , the insertion of a long time friend which led breaking up with her boyfriend ,her struggles trying to recover from it , the evolution of her apartment which has now become her personal shelter , decorated at her style , the uncountable new faces on cameras who became fan favorites by working for RLC too ( e.g Piper ), to an incredible circle of emotions , sadness , loneliness , craziness , happiness , Masha has done it almost all and shared all her life on cameras like cameras don’t exist . She doesn’t even care about them anymore but at the same time she cares for anyone watching her , she respects the money she has made with this job , she respects us the viewers for our subscription , once again , the absolute definition what RLC’s dream and idea I believe was when they launched this site back in 2011..A site that hoped to have people that the cameras eventually become something that they shouldn’t think of and just be there to record so as for people to choose if they want to observe and watch certain people . Make the comparisons with the other current longest tenant and her behavior towards the cameras , the respect towards the viewers and it’s not difficult to say that Masha holds the title of the best RLC tenant ever .
  21. How can a woman not “ loving sexually “ such a guy .. he finished with a swallow from Masha and he immediately asks for sex , even Masha impressed by telling him so 🤩🤩
  22. So … Christmas a week earlier for Masha by giving a gift to herself , a gift that she needed so as for the bad thoughts to fly away temporarily .. let’s hope that after the weekend , preparations for Barcelona visit begin and that , as of today and her personal gift 😁🥳 , a much much better mood will accompany her for the following days ..
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