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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Let’s hope that it was some good hours outside of the prison .. otherwise , with the 2 out of 3 private moments having already happened , I don’t know what we could expect other than endless browsing .. come on pretty girl Leora , show us something from your extended arsenal 😉😇😎
  2. I don’t think anyone wonders who this lady at Martina’s and Alberto’s is 😏…
  3. Then I was wrong with the days staying .. to make fun of me 😂🤣 , they go back in B1 the day that Rasputin leaves B2 😆
  4. We can only wait and see what’s next … I simply don’t “ buy “ the fact that Holly and Luya would leave from Barcelona center when they had the chance to go out in pubs , bars , walk the city and generally Luya enjoy her “ holidays “ or let’s say visiting her friend only to go in B4 for so many days and spend days with other girls 😂🤣 If it was summer , i could maybe think that they simply wouldn’t like the beach and they would prefer the quiet and luxury of the pool , the garden and a couple of BBQs . The strange thing is that Olivia and Ulyana haven’t offered them the jacuzzi and to be honest , I was expecting “ closer encounters “ between Holly and O&Y .. we will see
  5. Just a quick observation … i don’t believe that the majority here “ buys “ the fact that Holly and Luya are simply visiting 😆 There’s absolutely no way that Daniela would have accepted ( even being a great tenant so far and with good intentions with the rest of the cast ) for so long to sleep not in her bed by herself rather than sharing with Buffy and being the one offering her bed to Holly and Luya . And here’s my theory and insane speculation ( still Holly and Luya I believe aren’t staying so many days in B4 because of their own will ) I think RLC is doing some kind of viewership and subscription tests . I think they intentionally removed Holly and her friend from B1 for this time so as to measure the views in B1 with Holly there . They also run a test now in B4 for the same reasons . I predict that Holly and Luya will be staying in B4 for a week . With all beds filled , RLC seems to have solved their main problem which was the lack of finding tenants . I think there will be some “ clearings “ the next weeks and for sure before Christmas . I am expecting to see more camera exposure by most of the girls , i don’t know if it going to be equal levels like B2 but this Holly and Luya seems like a big big big test by RLC and doing an experiment . That’s all I can say for now and need to observe a bit more for some better conclusions
  6. I don’t care what the majority here believes , likes or enjoys to read . I am not here to please the masses , I am here to let my thoughts communicated in a platform that it is open for everyone to express their opinion. I am not forcing anyone to read my posts . You are becoming incredibly obsessed with me and trust me when I tell you , you aren’t going to succeed anything in whatever intentions you have by speaking your repeated no meaning English posts that few here understand . I ask you again as politely as I can , for all the questions I have addressed the forum here again and again and again , do you have anything to comment ? I promised myself not to bother with the type of people who , like another dictator , are telling me what and how and when I should write or not write things . The forum isn’t about you and me , this thread here is open to everyone to express their opinion of what they see from this tenant . For as long I feel cheated with the “ program “ , the robot performances , the fake things and the things that i wish to see and I simply expressing it and not demanding to watch , you will see me here day in and day out till there won’t be anything of importance to say . You have managed ( not you in particular but people worse than you in behaviors to others ) to silence and remove from this very topic dozens and dozens of people .. you are trying to remove the wrong guy here , the more you continue , the more you make a hole in the water .
  7. I agree with that 😄 After what I saw from Anna , I don’t have a problem if she stays and she showcases her talents every now and then .. it’s been a long time i have seen a woman except Masha that knows a lot about sex .. she has earned my devoted attention 😋
  8. @moulesvery good observations and points 😉
  9. I don’t insult you or Leora , I will always write what I wish here . I can’t help you that you don’t like my posts but perhaps I also don’t like yours too . I watch the apartment when the resident of this apartment respects the money for the way i believe that the RLC project is addressed to the customers . You enjoy an empty apartment or watching a woman sleeping half of the day and the rest half of the day browsing her portable devices . Please declare your sympathy of what you watch as I declare my dislike of the content .
  10. But of course ☺️ And I hope she does for many hours during the day and be with people and feel human and not like the robot behavior we see when she’s indoors .
  11. I prefer the entertainment than seeing them doing nothing again for 3-4 months , except 1-2 times per month that they would organize some Saturday night themes usually or the maximum being visiting B5 .. it’s becoming more and more intriguing that even with the new status in the villa they keep avoiding to have any contact with the girls there .. definitely their own agenda on Barcelona and more and more the common sense says that they were called urgently from RLC in the summer to occupy the B2 apartment so as not to remain empty ..
  12. Another Groundhog Day has just began .. let’s hope that she “ meets the world “ today and not like yesterday that she was locked up in her prison .. and it seems that at least she is off for some good times outside her cell .
  13. When in Masha’s place , anything can happen .. With that being said , even nothing of course 😂😂 which I think that’s what will be .. But it is good that even with only a week in Barcelona , Masha managed to convince them to visit her anytime and show them Rome and some glances of her life in the city she loves . Whatever matters the most is the human side of the people we see daily in our screens and this I think Masha is the best , i haven’t seen anyone being the host that she is all these 6 years that she is with RLC , she has an incredible ability to open easily her apartment to everyone and make them feel comfortable .. We are both Southern Europeans and we know that , at least let’s say here , we are very good with hospitality while northern countries , imagine even her country of origin , people aren’t so “ warm “and they won’t open so easily their houses . But Masha is just the best with these things and that’s why she’s responsible for so many faces that we have been introduced in our screens through her and because of her . If only we could have one more so social person like her …
  14. Nana is leaving soon I think .. she’s the easy one to approach because she’s also alone in this place and Radislava seems to be difficult for the time being . We will see .
  15. Loraine seems completely out of her game in the villa , a total “ foreigner “ , I think she didn't expect ending up by herself and she’s struggling to find her position . Being an experienced GOV , she will sort things out , we can expect approaching Radi I think . Unfortunately , a girl who just isn’t happy with her job and enjoying that she is going to work for a big audience , it makes no fun for me to watch . Look at the positivity of Holly and Luya , Daniela of course and even Buffy that she hasn’t done much , they all enjoy the maximum they can . Loraine , Nana , completely off the equation so far and expecting the next moves by Ulyana and the “ brain “ , Olivia 😌😉
  16. WTF …😇😱 Another major surprise by “ only at Masha’s “ with T&T visiting for a short stay .It seems that Masha impressed the couple , enjoying some days in Rome and Masha introducing her in her world .A great real life achievement which shows the dynamic of Masha as an excellent social and public relations person …who’s next ? Holly and Luya ? Two people she didn’t know , some flirting moments by Masha who clearly had no issues to have more and Teresa completely “ dragged” by her experiences , a great great real life incident . And since this is Masha’s place and things played under her own rules , even with T&T not being the couple that shares and especially Timur showing that he isn’t into Masha , we just expect a normal visit …but .. the most insane things in history of RLC have happened here so … Off to a new interest for RLC after the recent B2 experiences .
  17. I think the best achievement was that he didn’t give a shit about the cameras and he behaved like they were never existing , the girls showed a completely different self by letting go all defensive mechanisms by relaxing and having an incredibly fantastic time , they felt safe and trusted while working with him , this guy was indeed one of the best guests we have ever seen , clever , not a showing off , well done Rasputin 👏👏👏 And I hope I am completely wrong but I can’t think of how this apartment won’t go back to boredom after a fully satisfying sexually Anna , Lola with her moments too ( who would have thought what we saw from her .. ) and Mila , well , Mila is at least the only one wishing to go to B4 to relax even for the cameras but it is something . All the best to a great guest .
  18. I think Rasputin is leaving the building during the day 😔 It was a great almost a week period and finally this apartment was great to watch .
  19. 10 posts per day in a negative criticizing way make for an obsessive and jealous poster when half of them are questions addressed to forum members but never get answers 😂🤣😂 A recording of events with +10 or +30 posts per day but on the contrary praising the “ Queen Of RLC “ aren’t characterized as anything 😂🤣😂🤣 Welcome everyone to defending / supporting / protecting Robo Leora’s thread .. the thread that the 2,569th masturbation must be considered a masterpiece , where the endless hours of sleeping must be considered great for the health of the Queen , when the endless browsing portable devices should be considered just Leora learning and reading news 😂🤣😂🤣 And of course nobody will ever speak about the humiliation she makes to Paul by having a parallel affair , nobody will characterize her for joking with a guy who is called “LB “ but still keeping dozens of phonecalls with her ex boyfriend 😂🤣😂🤣 But the most important , all of the defenders / protectors / supporters can’t see ( how can they do it if the only thing they see - sorry jimbo-is a sex worker ) that this woman has no real friends , no real people to trust and feel safe there . Isolated , lonely and alone in a bubble prison with only escape her portable devices to communicate with the world .. but of course , when the time comes and this will be more than a small problem that it is currently , people will wonder what the hell is going on .. as it is exactly “ what the hell is going on now “ in comparison to recent or further past months .. the downfall is occurring day by day and the cultists deny to see it . If you call this protection by just enjoying a woman performing just to bring the salary at home like there’s nothing else in life , please enjoy free , the Queen is just only starting 😂🤣😂🤣
  20. I don’t think it is anything serious , quite frankly it might never happen again 🤨 we will see
  21. to any administrator .. as you see the 20 pages limit it’s a fun thing and not helping .. luckily we were allowed to continue and we managed the back and forth posts answering ☺️ Good night all , it was hopefully the introduction of Luya tonight even with this way ☺️
  22. It was the same with Anna and Rasputin the first night and look what’s going on now 😂🤣
  23. That’s a wrap .. a genuine moment unfortunately not shown on us but the girls enjoyed themselves for themselves and that’s fine for me .. Holly will deliver , that’s not a problem ☺️
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