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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I totally agree , the really one thing of Lola being an amazing woman is underlined but the rest is just a big boredom and nothingness and just a free rent to be apartment for her to live .
  2. As the week ends and another one begins , the “ Queen in the Bubble Prison Kingdom “ melodrama is ready to excite the audience . The world is ready to watch a series of questions that seek answers - Will Paul be contacted more than 50 times this week ( 7 daily average ) ? - Will the private calls stay at a rate of 15-20 per week ( 2-3 average per day ) ? - Will the secret lover and parallel Leora’s affair in Prague make her happier or sadder this week ? - Will the dance classes , language lessons , salon workings days be enough so as Leora enjoys the real life that she so desperately seeks to have ? - Will the watching tv , iPad , mobile browsing times be reduced or the addiction to it is going to remain in this week’s high level ? -And of course ( how couldn’t be mentioned 😏 ? ) , how many times Leora will masturbate ? Are we going to get the glorified daily performances or will it remain in the poor but breathtaking number of 2 maximum 3 ? The RLC audience is ready to “ embrace “ with affection , love , sympathy and pure understanding of the situation its beloved Queen . Stay tuned for a week full of action and answers to the questions that were just set , the “ Queen in the Bubble Prison Kingdom “ continues with breathtaking action . Peasant 44813 signing off , good night to beautiful Leora girl and everyone watching a girl who watches her IPAD 😇
  3. I think her father needs to sleep at 06:10 Russian time .
  4. Lola was masturbating for nearly an hour or more in the morning , she had for sure 3 orgasms , I don’t know if it was more … Somehow it was masturbation for herself and reflects to “ real life “ but this is a repeated thing and unless she had shared more during her stay , I could say that she wouldn’t be an indifferent tenant . She used to be the orchestrator of so many things in the past , she had sex on camera and this is , the least to say , such a disappointing presence . The only thing that I enjoy as a man is that she’s a mature woman , perfect body , incredible and “ shining “ presence that the most of the girls who have been on camera when they reach her age , would be “ dwarves “ next to her and her looks . I just enjoy her as a woman and nothing more of her behavior or attitude .
  5. Tereza is the best “ cock riding “ woman I have seen since a long time , I enjoy their sex way much more than whenever I have tried to see Loraine and Anthony . The only good thing is that L&A have a good relation with most of the other tenants and they interact with them much more often while Tereza and Timur have kept ( for unknown reasons ) distances except the B2 girls . If it was me deciding , i would try to inhabit B5 with local Spanish couples , preferably ones that live in Barcelona . Other than that , L&A can’t stand to rewatch , T&T maybe it is too much time that they are residing , B5 for me is a “wasted “ apartment except if the couple is in an open relationship where perhaps things maybe can happen .
  6. An amazing evening in the bubble prison , talking to father at , hmm , what it is 22:43 + 6 Krasnoyarsk time zone , 04:43 .. and Paul , at 05:30, 06:30 , 07:30 , these people in Russia never sleep, maybe that’s why Leora copy / pastes their sleeping / being awaken pattern 🤷‍♂️ As a conclusion, today we have seen Leora waking up late , going out , coming back and then immediately at her phone with family . This apartment is full of events and surprises which make it an unbelievable place to wait to tune in when the Queen returns in her kingdom to please the masses 🙄😳😬
  7. It seems that , unfortunately , the casting is completed and we will be getting L&A as the new COV 😔 WTF …
  8. Number 1 addicted , Radi Number 2 addicted , Leora The rest is just the symptoms of ( young ) people nowadays
  9. Another unbelievable thing … phonecalls to father and Paul in open public .. phonecalls to all the rest Prague circle in private .. If someone does always what she wants , whenever she wants , how has she allowed to herself hiding from the public’s opinion because she doesn’t want to by judged for the quality of the people she communicates in privacy ? Or what else she’s hiding her phonecalls to other people ? Personal data I can understand , but talks concerning her life that she needs to go at midnight , in early morning and hide in the bathroom to speak , what for ? 😂🤣😂🤣 Can’t the woman who cares for nothing and no one and she always does things her own way stand the criticism and the opinions expressed for her ? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Santa Leora de Krasnoyarsk everybody .. enjoy the show later , 2-3 hours from now ( can’t wait for the epic post 🥳🥳 )
  10. But please , how an addicted person writing poetic references that even Tolstoy would be jealous , by not declaring his sadness to your post could actually not declare his own disappointment in case she was with people outside and therefore not not being able to watch the show that most probably occurs later .. ahh , well , cultists , worshipers and fanatical supporters till the end , no matter what , which I admit , it is incredible impressive .
  11. Ohh well 😔 Obligations of work i guess and the apartment not being empty while the rest of the hours that she’s in she’s sleeping .
  12. It’s Sunday , as you say , 50-50 😉 To be honest , watching this pitiful and sad week that she had , spending as much time as possible with people outside it is the best thing she could actually do nowadays .
  13. Thank you for the fingers . Can you please share counter arguments of the things that the majority here knows that I am right but don’t dare to come and say it in an attempt of not knowing what’s going on with Leora , defending her , supporting her , worshiping her even at things that they are causing health problems to her ? Can’t you see her eyes how they are that she puts cream everyday to cover the tired ? Can’t you see her sleeping disorders ? Can’t you see that there are so many small details which suggest that many things are wrong ? But please , the fingers will solve the problem and Leora will be happy that one more person supports her life . I think she’s proud . So , please , anything to say with writing a post or just the fingers which I don’t actually understand what you think they will make me change my way of expressing my thoughts and what my observations for this apartment and its tenant are ? If not , a great evening to you 😇
  14. So , the daily schedule has become more hardcore as it seems … the sleeping times have changed to very late morning hours falling asleep because of an insane amount the whole night at the mobile , waking up very late afternoon hours , then going out for the usual daily routine ( which actually is the best she can do and I hope she does it much much much more for her mental health ) only to be back inside the bubble self created prison to open the TV , the iPad and just enjoy the mobile till she sleeps again … ahh , wait , was it that the things that I recently mention that she does on a 10 ACTS daily basis ? 😂😂😂🤣😂 It was just earlier going to sleep and earlier waking up. With high possibilities that since it is Sunday to overnight despite the light being on suggesting that she most probably comes back , I HONESTLY hope she spends it with someone so she has a bit company and someone to talk and spend many hours together than watching this wreck , someone completely lonely and trapped and isolated in a place of her own creation . I just feel sad for the number 1 addicted fan that he interferes whenever his personal preferences are fulfilled by his Queen and in case nothing happens again , I will miss for one more day reading his epic anthem and poetic reference to what he witnesses , ahh , how much I miss this . Santa Leora de Krasnoyarsk ladies and gentlemen in the year of 2021 , November . Enjoy the Queen , she deserves all of our attention so she gets the top cams so she can manage such a cruel , full of difficulties and challenges life in the beautiful city of Prague almost a month before Christmas .
  15. I don’t have a reason to lie , what for ? It was just happening in front of my eyes , no speculations , nothing at all . If the phrase “ double action “ is much , change it to anything you like .
  16. Good night all , it was fun to watch and sometimes , it would be nice to praise and encourage the girls so as to give moments like this and of course be “ angry “ with them when they think that we are fools 😂
  17. I find your description the most accurate , especially the college girls dorm room sharing 😉
  18. Good night dear friend ☺️ Let’s hope that the best is yet to come 😎
  19. I answered earlier what I meant double action … full sex for Daniela and her guy while Buffy and her guy were kissing and cuddling .. i don’t search the replay now as I was watching and was making the play by play ..
  20. Nah … focusing on doggie style position of her movie .. the AirPods make a good work for the atmosphere 😁
  21. Always great to see women trying to masturbate watching porn as it isn’t so regular .. Holly very picky trying to find a good “ scene “ of the porn video at her mobile , I think before she started , she was focusing on a BJ 😉
  22. Buffy joined on the 8th and on the 14th she has a guy on her bed .. I call it as fantastic
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