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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I have never believed that Paul will revisit .. what for ? So Leora when he sleeps to go in the lobby and phone her male friend in Prague ? Or when he sleeps to go in the guest room and give the calculated masturbation show to remind everyone of the Russian days ? Or ultimately , destroy the lives with her lies not being able to handle both Paul and whoever appears to be her male friend ? Ahh , again sorry I forgot , Paul will visit so as Leora can make one more try to have him moved in Czech Republic or of course take him to her language courses outside of the apartment since he is so eager to learn the language too because he will need it in the future … 🥸
  2. There are eternal Leora fans who simply have their electronics devices tuned in 24/7 with the LR camera always getting major cameras thumbnails at all possible scenarios.. lights off , lights on , small Leora’s appearances , long Leora’s stays in the apartment .. there are people who just live their life based on their fantasy to see once more her pussy , her ass , her tits, eventually her masturbation … if an empty apartment is always occupying the top thumbnails , there isn’t a chance for a better content . I think it was you ( maybe esanders, apologies I can’t remember ) who recently mentioned how two people who sit on the couch can be top cams and two naked women that take a shower aren’t even being watched ? And then there was this “ conspiracy “ post that perhaps RLC is “ leading “ viewership to Leora’s apartment by any means necessary ( which I doubt incredibly much , it can’t be ) , I will add that it might be a really crazy and extreme “ relationship “ between RLC and Leora with both sides have agreed in some special terms .. anyway , just some crazy thoughts to keep the thread busy of one more nothingness evening here 😂🤣
  3. Great to get “ flashes “ of Piper who looks more beautiful than ever , really relaxed , excellent .. still not possible to figure out how Masha , Aaron and Hanna are connected . Time will solve the questions 😏
  4. If it was only this .. do you see any photos of him and her anywhere as a loving couple ? Or if not a loved photo , what about Leora / Paul / Eva ? She doesn’t even travel back for a period to go and check now that journeys are allowed . Paul is now the only real person she can count , her soul mate forever . He is nothing more and that’s why it is disappointing to know that ( except she has told him that she’s seeing another guy ) she has been lying to him for so many months and playing him like a puppet .
  5. Even if she returns , what’s the point honestly ? Seeing her taking a bath ? Preparing food ? Watch IPad or TV ? Ahh , I forgot , masturbate , yes , yes , that’s why she should come back , right ? Otherwise I can’t find any other reason of what a possible return will serve .. 😯 😱 , again I forgot .. we need to watch her publicly phone Big Love Paul telling how a fantastic day it was , how nice she passed her time outside the apartment , the new restaurant she discovered so when he comes visiting to bring him there , her new friends that she’s looking forward to introduce him to and of course speak to him about how much he misses him and having sex with him that she can’t wait anymore .. 🤨🧐🤔
  6. Do you see any sex ? 😂🤣 that’s not my point .. moos repeatedly said what has happened in the past to other tenants who have been behaving exactly the way Leora does .. That’s what I mean by allowing it all .. when there are no “ effects “ from your employer no matter what you do , why should she care ?
  7. As said multiple times , Leora cares for no one but herself , she is so much in love with herself that the world surrounding her is just the peasants environment within Leora’s Empire …. BUT .. At the end of the day , money never brought happiness or peace , it simply makes life more comfortable . For me , Leora is a lonely person trapped in her own decisions and she’s desperately trying to find ways to balance all , hurting in this way herself by being a continuous lier the last 26 months to anyone she has met in Prague ( except Dennis 😂🤣 ) and having completely pissed off her eternal followers except of course the “ same ole same ola “ 😆🙃😝
  8. One more escape from prison , the life outside , the surroundings , the friendships , I don’t know how different she could communicate to us that there’s nothing inside this apartment to keep her wanting to spend time alone or with company .. ahh 😱 😯 , what am I saying ? Of course there is something .. masturbations 🤪😂🤣 How else to pay the language courses , the dance classes , her beauty treatments , the Spas , the journeys to Germany , the latest devices technology ,sexy lingerie , food services and delivery , restaurants , bars .. how much of an exciting life outside that inside the house there’s absolutely nothing except her endless , obsessed and addicted exhibitionism and being nude and masturbate .. And RLC simply allows it all 😂🤣😂🤣
  9. Shisha elements are against Covid 😆 perhaps scientists should also look into this 😂 , the solution might be even in front of them and they haven’t realized ..😳
  10. If this friendship between Radi and Olivia won’t work , i think we might get a really depressed Radi during the winter .. Fingers crossed that Olivia’s kindness will keep this relationship in good terms .
  11. Hmm .. either a sick Lola or crying Lola .. 🤨
  12. You and emnv have the support from the majority here , don’t allow the minority to doubt you even for a second and inevitably affect your thoughts . You both really know that your contribution here is incredible , the least to say 😇
  13. Covid precautions because Leora is unvaccinated 😲
  14. How more weirdo things in Lola’s room …. 😵‍💫
  15. Yep , i think she lost “ track “ of things to do right now that she’s vaccinated and she was too relaxed for traveling . Anyway , some extra Euros to spend which isn’t actually a big deal I guess 😆
  16. She went to Prague unvaccinated .. also to Berlin some weeks ago .. it’s very strange that she travelled at that times without problems and there are problems now .. there are no restrictions traveling being unvaccinated except needing to present PCR tests or in general lots of difficulties and not the famous “ green pass “ .. let’s see .
  17. To bring for some hours another routine than the daily nothingness and achieve top cams / replays 😁
  18. All nice written , well , fair and square ☺️😁And that’s why the endless criticism then here that appears negative or also not fair and square .. for all the reasons you presented , that’s why they will always be voices pointing towards her and the nothingness that especially in this apartment has elevated . As was said recently and it was opposed with laughing emojis, Leora while on talks soon after Malia’s incident with one of her female friends on Skype , she said - according to her - that if she was ever to return in Russia , it wouldn’t be Krasnoyarsk but Ekaterinburg and she now is in the position to buy with the money she has gained her own apartment 😎 Yes , you definitely say this a successful business plan and model ☺️
  19. I think only very few , even less than with Malia , had the slightest hope that anything would happen.. i think if there was anything expected was if Leora would have a nip slip or her negligee will show what’s hiding under it , kind of an “ accident “ , the real question is why Leora doesn’t want to have such evenings with people who considers as friends in Prague and the more extreme question , why doesn’t she share an evening with any visitor she chooses from when she knows that this ( the simultaneous cameras presence of people next to her ) , without doing anything , being naked or masturbating or teasing is enough to give her a whole weekend full of top cams and therefore incredible big viewership ..
  20. RLC has allowed this “ behavior “ of Leora in front of cameras , this inevitably turned to become her bubble ( i speak about Prague , at least in Russia she had a life and she wasn’t hiding - at least at this level she does in the Czech Republic ) .. There have been some really great postings this week , one coming from slipper ( if I am correct and apologies if it was from someone else ) attracted my attention , suggesting that Leora might be in a kind of contract and in a way lots of “obligations “ both concerning her presence on and off cameras are sealed in this contract . For sure there’s a contract since it is a “ cooperation “ between an employer and an employee and for sure things are signed … Leora loves her job , she is a truly exhibitionist , she just wants to show off no matter what . I do believe she has an addiction to this world , I could even also say that she is in a way “ trapped “ but she simply loves this world and her behavior shows it . Her biggest problem though , in my humble opinion , during this stay is that she has been fascinated and charmed by the European way of life . I think you are American and you don’t have the knowledge of my words perhaps when I say this , but Europe and the difference of choices , cultures , traditions and history that surface at any step you make while outside of the apartment and especially at one of Europe’s most photographed capitals , has create a very big difficulty for Leora to marry her outside activities with her inside obligations . The solution - AND I WON’T GET TIRED OR BULLIED REPEATING - it is so simple .. she needs to adjust and adapt the western culture and way of living inside her apartment as she has already done outside of it . She can’t have a two way life , she can’t pretend that it is all good inside when she’s totally bored , she can’t pretend that it is all nice outside when she returns home to sleep , rest and work. The more she doesn’t give to the majority what they expect ( more content ) the more the criticism will raise .. the negative I mean .. for all the rest that live with the expectation of one more ( calculated ) masturbation , well , have fun .. I can always watch Ulyana nowadays that brought the new aura needed , the fresh air , with also calculated shows perhaps but not with shows that I have seen for more than 3,000 times and with shows that also don’t hide a private phonecall , endless iPAD watching or sleeping .. we , the subscribers , have the choice of what we watch .. each on their own , as long people want to see Leora’s ass watching IPad before sleeping , kudos to them .. they like it , they get it and Leora keeps on enlarging her bubble life that you are very rightfully referring to .
  21. Well , let’s make a fair conclusion tonight .. No matter the opinions , the differences , the thoughts , nobody can deny that the forum has been red hot and with a variety of posters since many hours when Leora has a visitor at home and not the usually same ole same ola while she masturbates that 4-5 people will express their admiration and praising and that’s it . The way I see it , the members , the audience , the fans , the subscribers are “ begging “ for anything new from this apartment . People want to see different things , people want to see another routine . Yes , who doesn’t want to see one more masturbation ? But I think the voices asking for a different kind of content ( better say a bigger variety of content ) seem to become more and more . The presence of so many people posting and expressing their thoughts while a visitor is in the house , well , what more can be of a proof ?
  22. Son.. he made one mistake and he acted bad once and we made the conclusion that he is a jerk .. whenever then we make a mistake and we misbehave , we should be considered jerks .. he got drank , he lost control ,it wasn’t the best for him with cameras covering the incident , yes , he wasn’t not a nice guy that night .. but he has reappeared numerous times and he has always been decent and trying to be a good friend .. I will go and judge him with the many and more good appearances than judging him for his one and only negative . Imagine what I could write for the evening that a drank Leora and tired Malia were seeking his company .. and Leora couldn’t make it without speaking to him the whole night and being completely naked .
  23. We only know she has a male friend … but NO ONE knows if she’s having penetration sex except her .
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