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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. “ Valuable sources “ say that she’s not willing to return in Krasnoyarsk ( recent and last residence stay city with her ex ) but instead buy an apartment in Ekaterinburg with the ( very much ) money she has made all the years with RLC . Don’t ask me what she will do for a living in case this happens 🤨🤔
  2. Aaron was a mess drunk ( substances perhaps 🤔 also ) , Tereza was in the beginning of the evening and I think she was in full control by the time what you describe occurred , Hanna is Hanna and I can’t think of any other COV female so hungry for sex like her and Timur provides and satisfies all of Tereza’s wishes , so he doesn’t really care of anything , which makes him for me totally fun to watch as he enjoys riding , sharing and whatever more with such a hot woman like Tereza .. i think these two couples having their own apartments anywhere else than Barcelona , being so funny and social with parties and whatever they try , could make some of the finest couples .. the Barcelona project of no local friends kills the momentum .
  3. She was a great guest , she enjoyed being on with the cameras , only if nana stays dramatically long we might be seeing her again .
  4. Very very nicely said .. but tell this to the ones who are here only for tits / asses / pussies .. the talks amongst members who are of your same ideas and beliefs it is also what makes it here wanting to interact and contribute . Very well said again ☺️😌👏👏
  5. They should involved in making things in the villa 😉Although the fun will be double in B1 by having the ones they wish and not “ pressing “ for fun the likes of Karol , Radi and the twins ( Radi / Fiora could be great as I have said 😎 )
  6. Since Malia left and the first weeks that she only wanted to show her happiness of Malia’s departure by showing off , I think anyone who can be a good observer knew that this will happen . How can a person make it every day alone in an apartment when this apartment is so far of feeling it “ home “ , comfortable and indeed a shelter for the disappointing , sad or happy times ? All Leora’s life is outside , that’s why she is away so many hours per day , except satisfying the fans , what is it in the apartment for her to do ? Language courses , have you ever seen her studying or doing homework ? Dance classes , have you ever seen her practicing at home or trying outfit for the class ? Honestly , what is she doing at home so she has a reason to stay ? Ahh , yes , masturbations that bring the income .. fascinating 😂🤣 I have done in the past and will do it again , compare this single apartment to Masha’s ( who by the way makes 6 years this week with RLC ) .. Masha fights loneliness with her cats , she brings people at home ( I am not speaking about sex ) to help her with her outside job activities ( modeling , photoshoots , singing ) , she manages to fight depression and being lonely in her apartment by having her place social . How can we expect from Leora to fight depression , sadness , isolation and boredom ( especially after this devastating Covid era that the world slowly finds its way back ) of this “ single apartment “ ? But obviously and clearly by trying to keep herself busy outside so as when she returns at her prison , the negative emotions are reduced and even if she feels lonely during her stay in the apartment , she has the escape of her phone and her social media .. ahh , yes , and the private talks in the toilet or the lobby so as to get some smiles back (although at times she gets frustrated because they make her angry 😂🤣 ) Good friend moos said it long ago , RLC has allowed all this without any consequences , in the past , tenants have been removed of similar staying conditions ..As jimbo called it also a bit more than a year ago “ Value For Money “ …
  7. I agree 😇 But since then , many site rules have changed also .. in any case , it is mostly as you say but never forget that many good posters have abandoned CC or prefer to stay in the backstage rather than making themselves “ available “ for rants . Especially the site has lost some really good Russian native and great English knowledge people that were helping with the apartments events .
  8. To continue with her lies and have the safety of a back up plan in case Prague doesn’t work . There’s still Ekaterinburg for her in case things go wrong with Paul too , after all , she has made lots and lots of money to buy her own apartment , exactly like Nelly and Bogdan have .
  9. I am sure in this two years in Prague , she has bought much more things that she has at the places she’s sleeping so as not to carry things from home and create speculations . I don’t think that many people here believe that her garderobe is only the one she has in her apartment .. after all , many times she has been seen returning with different underwear and such things .. It’s funny that she tries to hide even this .
  10. Thinga69 explained before managing answering you , it is as he says .. with my theory being ( as with others ) that affected Nana’s presence as well .
  11. It is a forum , new people sign in everyday , repeating occasionally something that bothers me and always analyze with arguments why , it is as equal as the daily ( repeated ) posts of pulo here , the same praising messages of masterchef , the constant blasphemy and disgusting posts anywhere at CC concerning tenants and forum members that are either left unpunished from the moderators or are used so as for the site’s popularity , made mostly from people who either don’t have an active subscription or simply want to troll . The “ ignore “ button has many times been referred to you since you are tired of reading my posts , maybe we should make a competition if my repeated posts are more than your repeated words whenever you are also making a post which makes difficult to read even for native English speakers .😏 I will try not to answer back any similar “ complain “ made by you as it has happened many times and it is the least to do so as not to make the rest of forum members bored and tired with our “ ideals “ differences .
  12. A nice post about Nana , I agree with some of your thoughts and disagree with others . I think Nana has been a great tenant for a newcomer , however she could be way much more . This girl is one of those “ slow built “ examples that appear to do for the first time a job having a lot of moral issues inside their mind which ultimately prevent them from a complete blossoming concerning a job that they chose to do . Nana was en route a fantastic and great stay but that dammed leaked video of Tesla made her step back and abandon any thoughts of exposing more herself . I am also a big fan of her tits and ass , I like them equally as she reflects more the preferences i wish of the outside looks of a woman. Her personality and character are also a big asset , she has created no problems with a strange behavior , being stressed or isolated and strange let’s say , on the contrary , she was always a good roomate and brought good feelings and emotions to the rest of the villa’s residents . BUT This is an adult site and the majority is paying for adult content . Walking naked or taking a shower are definitely nice , a couple of masturbations were also fantastic ( even her hiding ones in the beginning were great for the pleasure of the voyeur ) but this is it .. this is where she stop when in my opinion she wanted to enjoy more , that’s why she was attempting flirting and perhaps finding a boyfriend only to send them away after in a way testing them ( not so fair speaking from the mens side 😂 ) . In any case , I think it is the small details that she suddenly stopped evolving and wanting to show more that brought the criticism . We should never forget that everyone knows what they sign for , if the girls don’t want this , they shouldn’t be there from the beginning . Nana for me has been / still is like making a personal bet with herself , if she’s so daring to fight lots of moral values in order to persuade herself that she is a complete independent person ready to do whatever she wants , whenever she wants . I think these were her thoughts entering RLC , during the way , she kind got confused . I personally don’t have a complain as far as being a newcomer , it is just that the last 3-4 weeks I get the impression that she is just renting free and enjoying Barcelona and as a paying customer i would have liked to see things that I know that she has already done but somehow , someway , suddenly she stopped doing . As far as the B1 girls are concerned , there’s simply one reason to love them , watch them and be entertained , this is the simple fact that they are trying to live , act , behave and appear as natural as possible like living in their normal daily lives without cameras . Girls with boyfriends , eating , dancing , partying , masturbating , a complete in and out the apartment life for all 4 of them and I think the viewership results of B1 simply tell the truth of the subscribers satisfaction of what we have been offered so far . A nice Nana comment then , but , if she can’t fight anymore her moral issues , there are also other girls I think waiting to occupy this great bedroom in the now finally “ freedom villa “ 😉
  13. This was an “endless battle “trying to arrange it the way she wanted , she does want to have her room like a small private apartment , her own space as she wishes .. At the end of the day , a good personal space builds good psychology and Radi is a person that she has issues with this . Let’s see with the chair then .
  14. A new puppy for Kitty and smith as it seems and creating a bit of chaos .. let’s see .
  15. A drunken Tereza making fun with Aaron 😁 , a “ non functioning properly Tereza “ always entertaining to watch 😂
  16. The villa will come back to life , it needs time for this extended 14 months period to have it in a way back as it was ( not all months were bad with Nelly and Bogdan , with Megan and Holly the first months were quite entertaining to be honest , the huge decline began soon after Tesla / Elian joined when Nelly - and Bogdan - couldn’t allow / accept the way that life was brought by those two magnificent / crazy ladies 😆)
  17. I believe she will always be around , we just need to be patient with her new school things . She is now part of the Barcelona apartments world and she always loved to be with the B4 girls .. let’s see ( also Gina can be a person to hung out )
  18. I don’t think it would make her any bad if she would share it with anyone ☺️ than having it alone 😇
  19. I copy / paste you … same ole , same ole “ my love Leora and a kiss everywhere you want “ , I am learning only from the best . Are you nervous missing your love and obsession ( your words , not mine ) ? Did you speak to her today and did she tell you when she’s back home ready to make the performance so as you can send her your loving message ? You know all and I know shit that’s why the post by the way .. P.S . English language says “ you were “ and not “ you was “ same ole same shit by you in language skills 😂🤣😂🤣 Enjoy because this isn’t the place to bring my differences with a cultist like you .
  20. What I am saying for months and months in a sarcastic and not perhaps fair way , your use of native English language confirms my saying and thoughts .. it has never in history of socializing with other people a proper way to lead two different lives , one in the working place / rent free / loneliness and sad apartment and a life outside of this place full of LIFE , sad and happy moments , events , communication , socializing , ups , downs , activities , hobbies ….LIFE .. It is a pity , always in my humble opinion , that few people support the idea and what it is the obvious solution for this torture for her to end . She either quits ( incredibly unlikely ) and find her own path of life with bank account money or FINALLY make her place open for people to visit , to interact , to have a coffee or a tea , sit in the living room and enjoy company , be with others and laugh , smile and be happy , SIMPLY , BE HUMAN like the rest of the people in her circle , like all normal brain beings . But , since I know that the laughing emojis whenever I refer to such things like I want to control Leora’s life appear ( I wonder when my friend the dog will judge my statement again - hello scutus , I am a bit busy today and don’t know if I post a lot at the forum at other sections , just helping you so you don’t need to hunt my comments elsewhere so as to give your laughing reactions - ) I stop here and give the food for thoughts the same way I am doing for more than a year . The solution to the problems and her life is obvious , is she willing to change it and finally find peace and relax by becoming a normal human being behavior person ?
  21. I can’t think that there are many who don’t , I mean , what and how much more can we ask in almost 2 weeks .. 😇
  22. Big big kudos and many rounds of applause for B1 and its tenants . In less than 2 weeks and since they “ embarked “ RLC for this current journey , they seem to have “ resurrect “ RLC from its ashes and they make it everyday better and better to watch . It is for sure the most fun to watch , entertaining , enjoyable and relaxing place to watch . All tenants with their own personality , we have seen a welcome party , butt plug masturbations , dildo ridings , finger and toy masturbations , pussy eating , blowjobs .. the best is yet to come , the girls like to be part of it and they want to contribute , offer , entertain , be generous to all of us that we pay but MOST OF ALL , they respect us as customers . In such a short time , almost anything we have seen from RLC the whole year these girls have provided . Well done again and maximum respect to Fiora, Ulyana , Olivia and Harley for trying to bring back some of the old good RLC entertaining days . And for whoever is of a different opinion , sit back , relax and enjoy B2 , the twins and Queen Leora 😂🤣😂🤣 Edit ; almost forgot today’s half naked and with the aprons home made cooking by Fiora and Harley 😂🤣😋
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