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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The General is a woman , currently absent from B1 .. she’s scouting and marking the Barcelona territory for divide and conquer 😂🤣
  2. Bring back Tesla and Elian and let them enjoy Barcelona in the winter with Ulyana and Harley .. RLC problem solved 😁😆😄😃
  3. Sweet Harley is back by the way , maybe narrating her weekend adventures Fiora 😇
  4. I think she was in a hurry also , not as pleasant as the recent ones .. the lighting of the Barcelona apartments has always been a problem .. In the master bedroom in B1 for example , i can’t say that it helps 😔
  5. We have people that monitor everything , who she texts and what she writes ( and when ) , who she talks and what they say ( and when ) , be patient and your questions will be answered 😇
  6. Addiction to masturbation actually brings “ unfeeling “ results , therefore , even if the world is falling apart , the masturbation happens without any distraction 😁
  7. Let’s repeat … Leora hasn’t seen Paul for almost 2 years .. how many here believe that she didn’t have sex with anyone in Prague ?? …….Answers given …. Leora had sex with anyone in Prague . Has she cheated big love Paul or is it morally fine ? Is Leora playing everyone here as she wants ? ……. Answers given …. Is Leora in a big amount responsible with her way of life and being an RLC tenant for more than 25 months since she rejoined in Prague for the low numbers of RLC ? Obviously she was responsible for the popularity and big numbers , is it the same with the negative results ? …….answers given ….
  8. Let the winter game season begin .. 🥺🤣🤣
  9. Obviously RLC isn’t just for me 😂🤣😂🤣 , BUT … my biggest wish has been granted by having Ulyana back , I found back so much of my lost excitement to watch a tenant without being bored of the repeats . All the years that I am watching , there are few women that I would praise in the way I do for her , I can give dozens of reasons but since this is the wrong thread , will leave it maybe for a possible “ play by play “ action sequence hopefully in the short or definitely in the long run of her current stay .. She is now ( for me obviously again) the reason that this site ( RLC ) can find some of the lost action since it has been for a long period on sleeping 💤 and hibernation mode and Noldus presented the real facts of it some days ago … I can already bet that next month it will be a 30-40% up , you can even save this post 😁😆 Sit back and enjoy Ulyana , if she goes for her real life sessions like the ones we witnessed when she was with her boyfriend , pfff , this will be 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
  10. The General has entered RLC for this 4th journey at the world of cameras , totally horny , with new tricks , upgraded and more variety technics than what we have previously seen and especially during her last Barcelona stay . She seems to have discovered more about pleasuring herself ( although she was always giving fantastic performances ) , the anal pleasure seems to be a” must feel it “ occasion , well , let’s hope that soon either a boyfriend or a hook up in Barcelona will make us witness how her new and advanced pleasuring technics have evolved with the “ real deal “… soon 😉😉😉😋😋 hopefully
  11. The General for one more unique pleasure moment ..😋😋😋 Sit back and enjoy all 😇
  12. I noticed when suddenly there were no lights at the thumbnails immediately after she was gone , I slept and had to wake up after some hours for work and was massively surprised that there were no posts regarding her going out all of a sudden , that was my trigger to post the absence message . For me , it is so clear that all her happiness and what she wants for her life is happening outside and I am perfectly fine because she is happy with that . The apartment is used only for work obligations and rent free and nothing more ( this is actually what I don’t like but there are also 9 other apartments for me ☺️ ) , i also many times believe that she’s sad and unhappy being alone , but i can’t prove it of course and that’s how I see it in any case ☺️😇
  13. She plays them all .. Paul , her male friend in Prague , Dennis ( when she’s drunk to show him her tits ) , Malia and ultimately the viewers .. ahh , yes , Leora cares just for herself ( which is nice to be honest because she listens to noone 😎 )
  14. But it has made “ self proclaimed stars “ who judge and criticize the people who pay for the well and comfort living as “ peasants “ 😁😆
  15. Packing is the wish for the majority 😂🤣 but maybe they are unpacking winter clothes for the cupboard 😂
  16. I think you are wrong yelt , all love and affection and the way the relationship is built , it is there , even a strong candidate who occupied Martina’s mind ( for the wrong reasons in my opinion ) and created a big mess and problems is out of the picture . As I have said in the past , I would always consider Alberto being the one abandoning Martina , in comparison to what many people believe, for me it is always Martina that needs Alberto and not him her , he will always be able to survive emotionally even if he is going to be hurt of course .. But Martina losing Alberto will be tough ..
  17. The X-Factor will be ( together with Ulyana ) the “ resurrection reasons “ for RLC .. hopefully 😉😉🤔
  18. Well , i am impressed .. after the so many phone calls to big love Paul , the concentrated hours for two days to craft something nice , Leora just abandoned the apartment around 01:30 , untied ( when she leaves usually all nicely done when she goes to overnight ) , whatever she sews also just like that … I think that one of her good friends in Prague could offer her much better things to do than sitting alone on a Saturday night at her apartment . Luckily Leora has enough brain to enjoy her life all the way she wants away of the cameras , either feeling not well , doing anything important that can easily distract her mind. I hope big love Paul is waiting with such big patience the phonecall(s) during Sunday and he won’t fall asleep this time because I am sure Leora will be explaining him how amazing and beautiful and fantastic her Saturday night it was that it will take her 4-5 different phonecalls to express her excitement ..but what I am saying ? I think her messages just before exiting was to him letting him know that she’s not feeling well and that she goes to one of her salon friends for the night so as she can have someone to take care of her while not feeling good and Leora is unhappy and sad with him because big love Paul isn’t coming to Prague to take care of his big love Leora … It is always Paul’s fault like all people around Leora , she’s always the one doing all right and no mistakes 😌 Ahh well , prime time was offered , therefore mission accomplished ( even the usual praising message which analyses the action made 😇 ) , the new sheriff though has entered the cameras world upgraded and horny and without having done anything at prime time so far , she is stealing impressions ( and top cams thumbnails almost daily ) 😬🙄 The competition will be great to enjoy 😂🤣😂🤣
  19. Nana in a great mood for a night out , so much change of confidence with the presence of a real life friend , strange to see that it needs some small details like this appearance of her friend so as for everyone to see a truly and original behavior and attitude ( and not struggling at times for doing things , being bored and so on ) .. Anyway , everyone trying to improve a bit the weird B4 atmosphere and for one more day , N&B isolated from everyone else ( like Radislava when she was doing the same , totally deserved strict criticism about this couple’s ongoing behaviors which obviously causes problems of the daily life routine of the rest ) .
  20. Ahh , ok , thanks for the info , didn’t know this detail , didn’t hear it during her confessions at least to the guy we saw quite often sleeping with her and trying to have her . Anyway , a nice private - before the cameras world - life detail that always helps for a better understanding of a tenant .
  21. It seems like Saturday night out for Nana and her friend , fantastic ☺️😇 Nana looking great, my crazy instinct says that whether Nana’s friend had a chance for anything more on cameras , she wouldn’t hesitate .. I dare to say that she might do more than Nana .. ahh , well , just some thoughts of a crazy voyeur 😂🤣
  22. Yes , I noticed the hugs too at night .. very nice . About the threesome , I was referring to her long time 6 years relationship she had in her country .
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