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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Time to see if this will end as another “ friends with benefits “ evening 😉
  2. Another pretty guest at Gina’s , talking with Cleopatra , very nice 😊
  3. I lost Gina’s one year’s birthday , she fooled me last year when she was in B1 😂
  4. I always listen and read carefully ☺️ As long as I don’t have the info you have , I just express an opinion based on things I have personally witnessed with my own eyes and ears through the cameras . I am one of the posters here that I try to defend the tenants and whoever guests appear on cameras because this is also how site rules imply , but in general , I try not to speak negative for the tenants . That’s different than criticizing their actions in a negative way ( which i think this is what I have done ) . Kitty will always be a wild fantasy for me but her actions can’t be reversed , they indeed happened , the reasons are beyond my knowledge and this is that I judge and comment ☺️
  5. A fan is always the one praising at good times and being a strict judge when things aren’t looking nice , this is because of caring . I only spoke about the things we witnessed on cameras , at least this is what I saw and heard with my own eyes and ears . If it was just games which had different intentions , this I can’t know .
  6. If I remember correctly , Gina 26 or 27 , Bruno 23 or 24
  7. All of the tenants they “ technically “ live in this world .. Masha just shares all in her apartment , she could avoid any criticism by going to a studio.. that’s why she will always get the ultimate respect by me , “ private life “ in all aspects ☺️ At the moment , this looks like a sensual / erotical photo-shooting
  8. Let’s see how the photo shooting will be 😉
  9. As long as there are tenants like Tesla / Elian / Holly / Megan / Monica to name a few of the most recent ones , girls that won’t hesitate to have the most of private life they can have as visitors in a foreign country , then , yes , the GOV project can succeed as it has also proved through the years . The voices though and requests “ call “ for more local places , people ask for “ give Babi / Piper / Tanya “ and many of the guests that have been “ great guests “ - catching up with your nice post made earlier 😉 - their own place since they have no issues to be on cameras . For the COV project , it leaves me totally indifferent except if there’s a worth for my personal tastes drama . It serves absolutely for the subscribers to watch just sex and there’s nothing more of contribution . I was kind of liking the events when Carlos was there and his crazy personality , together with much more sensitive than what she was appearing Claire , the amazing Alexandra and Lucian , just examples to show what could keep me tuned in to watch B5 .. for me , they could give this apartment to Cleopatra and Brutus for example , that would be fantastic . Anyway , the mixture as you say it is indeed needed , but the good tenants can make the Barcelona apartments work in a satisfactory way so as to watch and not half of the comments posted here to speak about boring places .
  10. Was catching up with Ulyana’s last night’s bate …🤩🤩😋😋😋 The camera stares are back , the captivating looks of pleasure are back , the original and traditional and no helpful toys bates are back .. And again , ULYANA is back , for whoever has the chance to watch this woman , he/ she won’t regret it , the comparisons to Prague apartment will soon start becoming a trend once again , this woman deserves like she once did her own place , sharing the bed with Olivia might prevent from any B/G action , but watching as many as possible of all of her sessions can be the satisfaction needed covering the adult pleasure side of the site .. As was said in the past , hadn’t the Russian apartments shut down , she would become the new RLC “ must see “ individual .. it isn’t a coincidence that there has been an attempt ( with successful results ) of someone to present side by side 5 Leora’s and 5 Ulyana’s masturbations .. this is an insane video 😋😋😋😋🥳🥳🤩
  11. I think we agree in the general idea and we have differences in some details that as you say , for everyone play a different but significant role of what he/she expects from a tenant and ultimately from RLC membership . I never said that I want Leora to bring everyday a different guy and have sex or a woman and play it bi , this is not how we know and being introduced to her through the years . To be honest , having watched her for years masturbating , it is totally indifferent for me watching her when she makes a calculated show but I will tune in like a “ hungry and not eaten for many days dog “ 😂 if I realize that she masturbates because she felt the need that all women have at times , then I will praise with all of my strength for something genuine and fantastic , unfortunately it doesn’t happen so often nowadays . But imagine now , how many friends she has met at the dance and language lessons that we are learning that she attends , the lies that she says to everyone when they ask her where she lives , with who she lives , the discussions amongst other people when they speak about her and the mysticism and secrecy she has . Imagine knowing a person like Leora , you have developed a great friendship , you have invited her dozen times at your place , you talk a lot of things as the friendship evolves , more private subjects , I speak for normal life and socializing behaviors that all of us have in our lives .. how you would feel if you never got an answer at your repeated questions of what does she do for a living ? And where her house is ? Wouldn’t you discussing it with others in the company of how strange person she is , she will visit and overnight repeatedly at other people places but she has never invited any of you to rematch the favor .. in any case , I don’t know if what I just said is happening , but for me it is more than normal questioning these issues , I find it logical let’s say . Had I to choose between “one more masturbation from Leora “ or “ watch people visiting Leora’s place “ , the answer is obvious . I could then see FINALLY another part of Leora’s character , her spontaneous reactions to talks , face expressions talking some sexual staff perhaps with a visitor , exchanging thoughts and opinions in public concerning issues like Covid , vaccination , political talks perhaps for the situation in Prague , just normal friendly visits for a coffee or a tea and the chance to be introduced to Leora’s extended life in Prague who , as it has been repeatedly posted here , is very active with the socializing she does outside .. which is insane now that I am thinking about it on how she manages to be so lonely inside ( of course the cameras are her company ) and so many different things outside . Let’s agree we disagree on that , each with his own arguments and reasons and let’s enjoy what we see , when we see it , the way that represents our taste ☺️😇
  12. Very nice post , we have been saying / asking repeatedly that this current model ( bringing people from east Europe and let them live for a period before sending them back ) doesn’t help or serve anymore the way the subscribers wish things . It is unexplained why RLC keeps on insisting on it when we see the great success of Gina’s and Bruno’s apartment for example , the success of Masha who is the top apartment in duration in the history that still goes strong and offers always content , even the lives of Martina and Alberto , Linda and Tibor , Mirukawa and Dantez , Kitty and Smith are more natural and in a way approachable to sit back , tune and watch whenever there’s boredom at the Barcelona apartments , simply because these people are locals and live in their home residency countries . I don’t know if Martina would be good to take over such a task in Barcelona , i think I prefer her to be exactly the tenant that she is rather that watching her having the stress how to help with RLC business and whatever Bogdan’s job for RLC in Barcelona is . The fact is one .. the RLC success happened because we had locals in apartments ( Russian living in Russia , the Czech apartments .. ) , the model and solution that made RLC the best site is already tested , nobody can tell why they don’t bring it back and the only answer I have in mind is that renting apartments or wanting to lease in Barcelona and Rome must be extremely expensive .
  13. I am always an admirer of your posts and comments as you know and I have stated this publicly here at the forum , the reason is exactly what you are referring in your current post , that is you being a “ fiercest critic “ as you say , something that deserves my big respect and I think also from the majority here ( which might be the reason that has brought you to have rants with the “ usual threes “ … ) Anyway , I am at times and I admit , more strict of the way I post a comment here concerning Leora but look how I analyze my frustration of this particular apartment . Imagine if all of the apartments had the way of life exactly how Leora has chosen . Do you honestly believe that RLC would have made it to last 10 years ? Imagine the rest 10 apartments that the tenants led an isolated and lonely - inside the apartment - life like she does . What would be the meaning to tune in and watch a different tenant at a different apartment simply be back from any outside social activities only to be naked and masturbate whenever this tenant feels so ? ( that Leora usually does at prime time - european - schedule ) .. The way I see it , me and thousand other subscribers pay for Leora’s dance classes , for Leora’s language lessons , for Leora’s beauty appointments , for Leora’s latest IPAD , Iphone and Apple Watch , some of the most expensive lingerie and cosmetics .. I totally get it that for you ( and thousand others as the views indicate ) a masturbation as a compensation is enough , for me , it is more that I would like to see but .. not forcing her to do so obviously but because she would feel to do so , then we could see different things than what she has been doing in this apartment the last 22 months . I repeat , imagine if Masha for example who is under the same project like Leora would lead a same life , wouldn’t be any frustration posted justified ? I don’t care also what she does outside , in a way I like that she has a life and she tries to enjoy the things that she doesn’t want to do ( ultimately share ) in front of the cameras . But for me , this is something I don’t appreciate and I criticize it , very strict at times as I have said . It is a life against all social interaction rules , moos54 , who is a long time viewer of RLC and one of the longest time members here has explained what RLC did to participants who behaved the way that Leora makes her “ private life under cameras 24/7 “ ( to use a recent comment that you made if I am correct describing how you think of the site ) . Apart from all that , I agree with the Brazilian but Pulo has also this nice image that he has posted a couple of times with pussy styles , so , she could maybe play this game with the fans here and check the reactions ☺️😇
  14. She is playing you so you tune in and watch the reality show .. other than that , she is one more participant that RLC is behaving to her with full freedom and ideas of what needs to be done and his desir to see us all left mind or hiding😆,, aserkkng tsjub
  15. More private life things hiding .. or not comfortable .. or .. she simply doesn’t give a shit of RLC rules and what she’s supposed to deliver ( to RLC knowledge of course .. )
  16. To be honest , i haven’t also witness or seen her practicing on what she learns at her dance courses .. maybe because her dance courses need a partner ? Or is she shy on cameras ?! Who can honestly tell … she can’t bring the classes inside definitely.. but in all of her dance school classmates , I wonder if there are classmates asking her what she does for a living , where is she staying , if she needs any ride back home after the classes .. last but not least , can it be that the so called LB be jealous of all of these activities by her and him not being able to join / participate ? And the repeated calls to Paul being the ones describing her excitement about her recent activities and asking him / begging him that she can’t look more forward till he joins her in Prague and declares her endless passionate love to him ? 🤨 Ups , forgot , is she telling the “ LB “ that her ex is visiting ? Pff , too much soap opera even for me 🙃😁
  17. Jane and Dick if they are available …Piper as well , then we could talk RLC business ..
  18. I completely agree … Nelly has nothing in common anymore with the COV RLC project .. she in only a tenant because there’s no alternative .. the more she stays , the more her myth sinks .. Pity 😔😒
  19. Another “ private life Leora evening “ away from her private life “ obligations “ 24/7
  20. She only brought this to herself .. did or didn’t she have videocalls to guys ( showing them her tits and body in general) , asking / inviting them in Prague ; telling them that she is single and that they shouldn’t worry about anything ( accommodation / meeting ) when they arrive in Prague ? Did she or not make Smith appear like a fool / stupid by completely ignoring him and during their epic arguments calling him a “ psychopath “ ? ( I don’t care about the reasons , being incapable to satisfy her sexually / being an addicted drug / alcohol user ) , what did she do to protect her image , Smith and whatever more from negative posts ?? Don’t get me wrong , extreme Kitty fan here , but in my eyes , Smith is a hero being able handling her endless ups and downs .. the least I can say is that she either needs some quality and amazing sex by either Bruno or Dick and then we can talk again about her RLC contribution ..
  21. Paul .. greatest boy toy in RLC and someone who deserves better .. but what can we expect when everyone here has been “ laughing “ and making fun of him because he wasn’t satisfying the sexual needs of Leora in a way that all the ones who were judging him would do better than the best porn actor … ( Jealousy is my nick name 😂🤣😂🤣 )
  22. She could always ask for “ delivery “ ..
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