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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Slow improvements , but very important ones to make her life easier .. well done Masha ( also being a responsible person ) 👏🏻👏🏻🤗🤗
  2. Hmm … it seems then that her citizenship can be established as Italian ..😉 green pass then for her , easy traveling within EU ( not sure of her passport though ) , still , prepare to see her at bed the next day or two if the vaccination affects her system 🤨
  3. I have no info , I only speculate 😇😎 If you dig a bit the Internet with patience , you can find a lot concerning RLC’s management through the years .. in the early years of CC’s and RLC , lots of info were revealed of the model business , some people who perhaps were associated and so on .. if I stand correct , the company changed management between 2016-17 .. maybe older CCs members can clarify things , but there are people here who know a bit more of the history of the site and some more details that perhaps reflect to nowadays status .. in any case , since this is “ sensitive data “ , I find it better that detailed info remain with the people who have a bit more knowledge than being shared with anyone ..
  4. If Leora hadn’t had sex since 2019 , I hope she doesn’t feel like there are any “ spiderwebs “ settling down slowly .. the dildo use can solve problems for a period , but we are talking of a possible dick absence that started in her previous life decade ( 20-29 ) and continues in this one ( 30-39 ) 😱😱😱😨🥶
  5. I don’t speak about the IT , for what I believe , there’s the main RLC HQ ( I believe in the USA run by Russians ) ..In Barcelona , there’s a “ person “ who let’s say manages the whole Barcelona project , the Manager if you want . Bogdan is having an “ auxiliary “ job for RLC , logistics mostly and other things that require let’s say “ an assistant “ ..All decisions go through this “ Manager “ and Bogdan simply makes them happen .. I can’t see a business like RLC with less than 5-10 IT people to handle the worldwide live feed , keep track of illegal content distributed in the internet and so on.. perhaps a business with maximum 50 employees handling in all cities everything plus the HQ ..that’s my thoughts on that .
  6. Sorry to say , but I think the majority judges here as “ good guy “ , “ bad guy “ nice or whatever by the looks at an almost 80% , even more .. the guy with the big belly last week , I can’t understand why he was judged negative , I guess it was his appearance , the tattoos perhaps .. the other guys they have been part of a sexual game and fantasy , toyboys for Masha , I am sure she would have never had guys inside her place if she wasn’t sure of the consequences .. therefore , this guy , since he did some PC work and no tattoos , nice looking , it is considered a good guy , mostly of his appearance i believe ..
  7. Excellent said , you just make the vaccine and that’s it , no restrictions and life slowly back to normal .. the science has given a weapon ( of course it is still not 100% efficient but with the time it will be better and better but it protects according to all worldwide tests ) , it is up to anyone if they want to risk and get complications and end up in an intensive care with oxygen bottles or to risk by ( maybe ) getting 1 out of 1 million cases ( even more ) that something might happen and get vaccine complications .. Denmark , Sweden and Singapore simply went to the next step , more countries to follow .
  8. There’ someone who runs business in Barcelona , many people know his “ name “ who don’t prefer to post , he has been mentioned in discussions on cameras . Fior just drives the girls to excursions and he has nothing to do with RLC , at least of what we know . His more often appearances in the villa , it might be a request by Bogdan to at least share a bit of men talks and a beer or so , since the B5 couples are completely done with the villa and want no connections to it , Alberto doesn’t like the villa atmosphere or shows any fun to be around these people ( in comparison to Martina ) and Bruno is just too young for Bogdan to share some talks of his age or mentality 😂 .. So Fior is just a good friend of Bogdan ( and Nelly ) and he simply hangs around .. if you aren’t bored and you search older forum member posts , you can find out about the background running of the RLC concept in Barcelona .
  9. Question … how do we ( you ) know what she says ? If anyone wants to answer , is Gag-Her providing the translation in a private group for some “ privileged “ and “ hardcore fans “ or applications used to translate the live feed ? Thanks for any response ( or not 😇😌 ) .
  10. One more time .. speculating but a possibility , after all , no one so far is opposing my opinion 🤡😝😂🙈 Some months ago , I said that RLC was under the “ LeMa “ virus .. that is having 2 girls who pretend enjoying whatever they have been doing for more than a year , only to gather the spotlights , live a luxury life and to their mastermind , enjoy all of the fantastic privacy life they have outside of the apartment , with part of the money that goes from our subscription to this very apartment . Two girls that have been fooling the audience , still collecting the bonuses , having the second best apartment in the whole RLC and going against the number 1 RLC rule “ the private life of other people 24/7 “ .. they have had zero showing of private life in their apartment , as good friend moos54 has repeatedly said , such actions in the past led for RLC to have participants moving out .. But no , it is Leora ( and yes I get it , the person that elevated and made RLC known and for sure many credits to her ) and RLC needs to “ protect “ the once referred as “ The Queen Of RLC “ by any means necessary . In my humble opinion , it isn’t a coincidence observing carefully the facts and things happening gradually to the ( Barcelona apartments ) other places , there has been soon after an incredible reduce of shows , reduce of tenants socializing too( yes I know , the virus but still Gina and Co. never had issues , summer 2020 and till end of 2020 it was also quite a lot of events ) , in general ,a slow but very obvious downgrade of things happening. I came with the explanation that the Barcelona tenants aren’t any stupid , why should they bother and expose themselves and do nearly everything and perhaps getting paid even less than “ the Queen and the Princess “ who have been hiding everything , yet , they still had a super incredible life outside the apartment with friends , lovers , social events and so on … Therefore , the actions in Prague slowly impacted Barcelona ( the so called and invented / christening 😂😂🤣 “ LeMa” virus ) , they slowly all stoped also doing things . We had a small period of a possible “ fire in the house “ with two of the most amazing girls that ever joined and they instantly gave the boost that RLC needed , only to “ sink “ so very soon after with the whole RLC Barcelona atmosphere , I am talking about Elian and Tesla . I don’t know if it was Nelly and Bogdan , the rest of the girls , the leaked video , but I only know that these two girls came determined to provide content , they arrived in Barcelona to live in a villa and simply “ absorb “ everything of the luxurious life in a villa during a summer in Barcelona ..hopes soon were “ buried “ like the majority of things happening .. Fast forward , we reach today , “ the Queen “ keeps on living her luxury life , her only contribution is to walk naked , spreading her legs and have an “ army of followers “ melting and supporting each and every step she does , which ultimately keeps on feeding her with the bonuses and enjoying a “ private “ life in front of cameras 😂🤣😂🤣.The what ?A private life ? Nice joke …here we are , autumn 2021 , only yesterday also we experienced also at an apartment that lived perhaps the most beautiful of them all , a super model type, Kitty , the one who would stare the cameras and tease and dance and so much more some years ago , having also the covers and masturbating underneath 😱😱Who ? Kitty , the one that at least she was always pleasing her fans with this while she had her problems with her boyfriend , Smith . The conclusion is that it isn’t any coincidence at all whatever is happening , “ the Queen “ keeps on with her luxury and I dare to say that she might be the highest paid tenant ( she deserves , don’t get me wrong ) while doing and showing nothing of her privacy ( except of course her often masturbations for the hardcore audience that the majority of RLC members who watch her as one more apartment are deadly bored watching ) , that’s the reason then for all of these people to do anything more than simply sit back , relax , enjoy the easiest stay of them all ( since the majority are now repeaters ) by doing nothing , just wondering around naked at times , eating , sleeping , movies watching and so many daily life things since their only “ obligation “ ( according to many people here at the forum ) is to just be on cameras and not putting anything to cover them and such things .There you have it , cameras 24/7 , people living in front of them , getting paid for it , that’s all .For more , as long as elsewhere for the same life people get paid perhaps even more , why should they do ?
  11. Please 🙃🥳… his “ sources “ are trustworthy .. it is the ones that tell him also what’s happening outside 😆 “ LMAO “ and “ you are fool to believe that isn’t happening that way “ …. And bla bla bla bla ..
  12. It has always been this way , the couples apartments have always been the “ real life deal “ let’s say .. it is just that they aren’t so many nowadays like in the past and if the content isn’t this interesting ( Kitty and Smith , Mirukawa and Dantez for example ) , the posts are always a bit more strict .. but in general , that’s how the couple apartments “ work “ ☺️
  13. It’s like this since 2-3 months , but Malia’s presence wasn’t allowing for the “ small “ details to be seen … two camera obsessed people , Leora and Radislava , two obsessed top cams girls , Leora and Radislava 😎
  14. The language of truth once again ☺️ Always a big help to remember the things ☺️
  15. We got the “ punishment “ during the night when she decided to masturbate , only to follow the “ new general RLC trend “ , that is masturbating under the covers .. who would have thought that one of the masters of cameras teasing and seductions during her first RLC years would have such a development…
  16. Except the “ jump up and down for hours “ , numerous times we have seen guests just being there and enjoying a good atmosphere , great sex sessions in the bathroom with the invited guests , that’s why my point of being one of the most interesting apartments to watch , I wish it could be like this also elsewhere ..
  17. 😔😔 Who would have ever thought ? Even Kitty under the covers and hidden …. 😔😒😞
  18. An investment of more than 2,500€ , it needed to be also nicely rewarded 😉 I think she just surrendered to her “ on fire being horny “ period 😆
  19. Μπα … απλά εκείνος είχε καλή φυσική κατάσταση και αφού ξεκουράζονταν λίγο , επανεκκινούσε 😆😆 Τον Dick τον γούσταρε και σαν τύπο , πιστεύω πως θα τον ήθελε για φίλο της 🤨
  20. I will make one more comment to say and speak the respect that I personally give to Masha .. with the bathroom she has in her room , she could make any of her guys ( girls ) that she brings in the apartment to feel less discomfort and shy and simply do all inside there and away from cameras.. BUT .. It is “ sacred “ for her that whatever concerns sex , happening in front of cameras .. she could “ protect “ the visitors , she could take away from them the “ difficult “ feeling of being naked on cameras , even more having sex .. for her , it is a “ sacred “ territory not to hide and show everything , we are customers and we pay and she respects us till the last cent .. and what’s why she has my personal ultimate respect ☺️
  21. Camera look from the guy , I think a sign of “ shy “ , not comfortable now that Masha went to the bathroom ..
  22. Τι να πω ; Νομίζω πως αυτήν την περίοδο είναι σε φουλ φάση που θέλει σεξ όλη την ώρα 😆 Απλά δεν υπάρχει κάποιος να την ικανοποιήσει όπως ξέρουμε πως θέλει , πρέπει να εμφανιστεί ο Dick το συντομότερο 😁
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