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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I have said it in the past , “ when a man loves a woman “ .. I think Bogdan loves way much more Nelly than Nelly loves him . Nelly wants to satisfy her bisexual side and she has found completion with Martina . Obviously , Bogdan isn’t interested in any other girl , the chances to hook up with one of those gorgeous women have been unlimited , even the girls I think they find him a very attractive guy and the way I see it , Elian tried to go the next level and seduced him either by being playful to him , being next to him all the time topless and provoking him , she would simply loved to be nailed by him during that famous pool day party with Tesla .. as long as Bogdan didn’t surrender , I can’t see when he will 😁😆 It seems that Martina is the one dealing with all financial things concerning her relationship with Alberto , I also don’t like that Alberto isn’t ( at least in front of cameras isn’t showing any stress and interest to find something fast and desperately in need of money ) looking for a job and he has comfort himself with the RLC benefits and maybe , just maybe , the whatever ongoing relationship between N&M is contributing financially for his life and relationship with Martina which ultimately makes it not necessarily to search for a job outside of living in an RLC apartment and earning the income from this “ job “ . The rest of your questions I can’t answer as they seem to be more speculations than actual thoughts of certain and established things happening between the two .. for whatever matters , I believe that( as it has been proved by the translations ) that Martina and Alberto share anything that occurs in their lives and they decide together , which is something that I can’t say for double face Nelly and Bogdan .. it will never escape my mind that Bogdan was repeatedly frustrated with Nelly for her “ thing “ with Martina and he said to her ( Nelly ) about it but then , as I said in the beginning of this post , he loves her so much that he seems to have swallowed this on going parallel erotical adventure of his wife and he seems unable to interfere , maybe he has accepted it even if he doesn’t like it .. All in all , this keeps RLC viewership in high standards , people seem to like watching the development between Nelly and Martina and at the same time how the husband of Nelly and Martina’s boyfriend react in various situations that they both have allowed to grow strong between them .
  2. I will keep on saying that this is nothing more than sex and i don’t think (maybe because I don’t want ) there are other than friends with benefits feelings for these two .
  3. After a very long time of common interactions between Tesla and Nana , it seemed today that the girls returned back in B4 by themselves ( I haven’t managed to check if that’s valid ) .. This allowed for some common time between mysterious Vivian and Nana , I still believe that Tesla and Nana can be a really fun duo and I hope Tesla continues guiding Nana . In case Tesla has returned by herself , perhaps she found a new date that we will be maybe seeing the next days .. the flowers last night can also be an indication , in any case , let’s hope for another good weekend in B4 like the successful party some days ago 😇
  4. Masha always finds a solution ☺️ , she will be fine at the end as she always does in anything that she needs to face and deal with ☺️😉
  5. Any long destination journey , it is very risky at the moment . I would be surprised if she chooses to go this far .
  6. I also believe that Nelly is for Bogdan the ultimate woman for him and she is his absolute weakness , incredible in love with her and deep , honest, real loving feelings .
  7. Thanks for the info , I haven’t seen her speaking to him , it might be then a good “ escape “ for her spending a short period with her ultimate lover but then what ? Back to loneliness even if she refreshes herself for quite some period 😔
  8. Quite possible , I think she feels a bit alone , kind of strange to be honest as it is very easy to have guests and be amongst people in general .. This is for sure a challenging period for her , it remains to be seen what happens next .
  9. I personally have no idea how to interpret her next steps , I wouldn’t be surprised seeing Dick back , everyone knows that they never stopped contacting but I don’t think that it might be in connection to her next holidays destination .. what’s sure is that this is the only guy that could take all current stress and pressure from her as he is for her the absolute guy that dominates her and surrenders to him in the easiest way possible .. I also want to say that a return in any form of either Dick alone or him and Jane also if they are still a couple , will be a brilliant move from RLC as an extended stay in Italy and in Masha’s apartment .. but that’s a scenario that I give 0,1% chances see it happening ( prediction made so as to prove myself completely wrong as it usually happens 😂🤣😂🤣😜🤪 )
  10. More common times for Stella and Radi and Pam a bit isolating and lost since Jordi’s Covid infection . I hope Jordi returns healthier than ever and happy Pam appears again , she has been a big asset for RLC and the story with her BF definitely has hurt her 😔
  11. First real indications that camera life has started making Masha tired .. I do believe she still enjoys it but she’s now 30 and the first signs of what’s next have started “ occupying “ her mind .. Luckily , she has built already an interesting background to make a decent first try living without the cameras for whatever period she wants , either this means going back to her home country or in my opinion continuing her life in Italy . The often holiday escapes seem to be a “ rethinking “ process and analyzing carefully the next steps , I am impressed that she didn’t continue with the idea of a roomate rather than choosing this long living by herself life .. Masha is a perfect survivor and she will find the solution and the happiness she seeks , she has worked hard for it and life will give her back ☺️😇
  12. Never lose hope my good Frenchman ☺️☺️ Because it hasn’t happened yet , it doesn’t mean that it will never happen 😆 After all , Germany and France have borders( I think she was last seen in Germany before a sudden appearance in Barcelona a couple of weeks ago .. ) , I am more than sure that lovely Amy wouldn’t say no to a sightseeing tour of the nice places in France ( away of pure tourism Paris 🙃🙃🤓🥸 )
  13. Seems that we might getting Jasmin again after popular demand lately 😏🤓😉..
  14. Please , keep on the excellent work and don’t allow the minority ( that I know you don’t 😆 ) affect your way of sharing things here , your contribution is beyond words and you already know that the good people in this forum appreciate more than what words can describe your efforts and hard work of your personal time to give to all of us so much of insight info for the important things that occur in the lives of these people ☺️😇
  15. You have a choice , either to believe a trustworthy source ( there are also others who can confirm this story ) like a reliable translator or without any proof and only from your observations , to have the reality you wish in your mind ☺️ I don’t think emnv gets any bonuses by either Martina or Nelly or Alberto or Bogdan by sharing the knowledge , he just tries to help with a valuable information so we can understand better and actually , the info he shared , will always be a shocking one of you think the Masterplan in Nelly’s brain while already in Russia. Anyway , it is your choice and it is fine to have the reality in your mind that you believe fits you .
  16. Let’s hope the others don’t leave her there until she wakes up on Friday 🤯
  17. No further words by me 🙏🙏🙏😇☺️👏👏👏
  18. The thing is that this is now their home in Barcelona and they combine their real life with work simultaneously . I believe also that many are tired watching them , especially with the way that the villa is going , the fact is that N&B have had a really big fan base while in Russia , RLC knows that plus the whatever RLC duties Bogdan has in Barcelona , I don’t know if we see them going anytime soon ..
  19. The only thing I can tell ( luckily there are people here who can back up the comment I made ) is that what you see between N&M , Nelly has been watching Martina from way much time before Martina even stepping foot in B4 .. It’s not science fiction but simple things that have been shared on talks on cameras and not any Sherlock and Mr.Watson discoveries ☺️ Out of respect to “the ones” who have provided this info , I won’t say anything more on that ☺️
  20. I hope the individual times continue , it might also be that Leora after her short holidays realized that she missed spending time and enjoying herself ( and ultimately pleasuring her fan base ) rather having transformed to a woman that she would “ retreat “ in her room after her daily routine in Prague , turn on the IPAD and sit next to her “ best friend “ , watching uninteresting programs ( which if they were interesting she wouldn’t spend endless time on her mobile ) .. hope individual Leora is back , even if it lasts for a short period , the benefits we saw the last two days and who knows , it might also affect Malia too and she starts making things by herself also while at the same time with Leora in the apartment .
  21. And this is like you are with someone that you consider a very good friend and you afraid that if you do something more , you might risk to lose him / her as a friend ..
  22. Extreme teasing kissing positions while eye on eye and face to face staring for both girls , you could tell that if only one would take the initiative to have the first French kiss , it could simply explode .. still , no indications of bisexuality or lesbian stuff from Radislava as no one knows , therefore , teasing will keep on 😆
  23. For everyone speaking about drugs and so on , I only say that I still see Stella awaken , she seems perfectly sober now and fit , she only took a shower and that’s it .. I don’t know shit about drugs , but I think the logical would be that she would just go to bed and as someone said , sleep and wake up on Friday . Even this now with Radislava that is the epitome to fall asleep , she simply is in total control of herself and what’s happening .. just an observation ☺️ By the way , this is some of the “ dream “ things that some obsessors would love to see I guess for the GOV elsewhere 😂🤣
  24. Or she always has a crush on Bruno and needs to be around 😉
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