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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Nana is great , let’s say this for the time being .. OT , I am full of AstraZeneca part 2 since some hours and since I am expecting a total attack from the system to what has been injected inside me 😂🤣 , will be appearing at “footy” thread for my analysis and predictions ☺️😇😎 during the day 😇
  2. Je sais seulement que parfois les deux filles ne dorment pas à la maison. Je pense que l'endroit (s) où ils dorment quand ils ne sont pas à la maison, si ce n'est pas un appartement airbnb ou un hôtel ou quelque chose de similaire, ils doivent dormir chez des gens en qui ils ont beaucoup confiance, c'est quelque chose que nous sommes d'accord je pense
  3. @moos54; I can’t explain how you can always be right 😂😆🥳🥳 I only thought that they would be tired because of last night’s romantic evening so as to perform .. 🤨
  4. Nana .. what a fantastic development , exactly as the majority here would wish I believe .. from shyness in the beginning , tent bates and progress to open bates against cameras , an incredible tease each and every time .. soon to be towards the cameras but this is a great way from Nana .. once again , perhaps the most promising and full of potential current RLC tenant , simply amazing 😇🤩🤩👏👏
  5. Je ne tire que des conclusions en fonction des messages ici, je n'ai aucune idée de ce qui se passe, mais les gens ici publient quotidiennement des choses qui se sont produites et se produisent actuellement. Je suis prêt à discuter d'une manière agréable et à tirer de meilleures conclusions et explications, mais comme vous le savez, peu de gens parlent ici, la plupart gardent le silence et approuvent ou désapprouvent les messages contenant des emojis. Vous avez votre avis et j'ai le mien et c'est bien qu'on échange des pensées et des opinions
  6. Since today , there’s a reference to a post that actually Paul stop with Leora if I have understood correctly , so , he broke up with her and found another woman for a period , still we don’t know if he’s still together with her or he is single … at least this is what I have understood ., can it be then that Leora wanted to get her revenge by just finding a guy that in the end turned to be more complicated than what she was expecting ? And also , can we blame either of them of what happened / happens when Leora just like that and in a month’s period took the decision to abandon her life in Russia and live in Europe and in the capital of the Czech Republic ? Can it be then that the luxury life driven by money to be responsible to “lose” a person that was , is and always will be important ? Ahh , it is always my questions here 😇
  7. Tanya and Hedi have a child together .. according to posts , Masha has said that she was “trying “ to find a couple like them , I can’t personally confirm , but there’s a hint as she was hosting a couple last winter also , the famous gorgeous tattoo girl with her black BF .. Masha and Hedi has been since Day 1 only sex for me , Masha didn’t have any problem if Hedi wanted to have sex with others , at least of what I have understood . We witnessed a threesome between Masha , Hedi and Tanya and many obvious flirting attempts from Babi to Hedi .. well , as always at Masha’s , madness 😂🤣 The last visit of Hedi was rather weird , it might have been the end of the sexual relation that Masha wished , but it remains to be seen .. Tanya and Hedi seem to get along super great , I believe Tanya is always in love with him and she has accepted whatever goes on in his life , but she absolutely takes care of him . Seeing them having sex , can’t actually say what’s the deal , what matters is that we were introduced last year first time around this period to Tanya by Babi in Barcelona and we have the pleasure to enjoy this amazing woman at Masha’s this year . As always to repeat once again , these crazy stories only at Masha’s 😂🤣😆🤓🤩🥳
  8. They know that there’s a show in B2 and decided not to disturb the viewership of the loyal subscribers so as to enjoy the show 😂🤣😂🤣
  9. One week when the last 8 or so has been strangers and with problems … it is always like this with them , they just grow up and nothing changes .. only their age
  10. They will put balloons for Malia’s birthday and they will have at least a glass of wine or a beer after the complains for Leora’s amazing birthday celebrations a week ago .. hmm , pure speculation of course , it might be that Malia wishes to spend her birthday with her friends outside the apartment because inside the apartment , visitors aren’t allowed according to Commander Leora even for a drink at the balcony or a bit karaoke or whatever .. it can’t be that the friends are exposed on cameras 🤨 … they can be exposed in ALL of the rest of RLC apartments but this is a New Castle in Prague reigned by Queen Leora and only the Queen and the Princess are allowed in .. all the rest ( I guess also the Prague friends ) they are considered peasants and they don’t worth to see where these two girls live the last almost two years 🤨🧐 But .. the Prince who goes by the name of Paul will be visiting soon and then all complains will stop as we see the big love of Leora reappearing and take his position next to Leora’s New Castle Prague throne as the “ Return of King Paul “ ☺️ … I wonder if Princess Malia actually will have the “ airplane sign “ next to her name when he visits so she can enjoy some holidays with her friends in Prague or we will be seeing her interacting with Paul … do you think that Leora and Malia will be making massages and whatever we see all these months with the door closed and Paul in the LR watching television or with a laptop or IPAD watching Russian programs ? Can’t wait for Paul to visit and have all my questions answered ☺️😇😎
  11. Complete nudity against half and a rather boring show in Barcelona that even the girls there don’t seem to enjoy .. we have the winner for tonight 😎
  12. Very interesting theory that this could be a farewell party ( highly unlikely and doubtful as far as I am concerned but well , let’s hope 🤗 )
  13. I think she has exactly the guy she wishes , a guy that accepts her and appreciates her the way she would wish from a man .. except if you believe that there are many men who would accept their GF having a ( as it has proved ) not only sexual relationship with another woman but also emotional .. so , Martina is fine ☺️😇
  14. L&M , episode , hmm , wait .. 🤨🤨 one year , yes .. so 365 or something like this .. Malia will slightly massage leora , leora will slightly massage Malia , nuru massage after an hour or so and stereo masturbation our mutual rubbing around midnight european time ( if they aren’t tired I forgot to mention after last night’s romantic dates ☺️😌 ) .. what ? No ? Something else ? I am tuned in contributing for top cams as there’s no action elsewhere .. One more amazing evening between the two good friends ☺️
  15. We still don’t know the current relationship he has now with this apartment , however tanya is always the mother of his child and willing always to take care of him .. plus , if he comes , it is always late morning hours 😎 To be honest , I would love to see a stranger as a visitor , a newcomer or .. Alessandro 🤩🤩🥳🥳
  16. Money rules .. Covid times , unemployment , not actual effort having a normal job besides the free apartment , toxic relationship that will both regret of the results when they are older and there you have it .. no matter if we are criticizing here , it is absolutely mostly Kitty’s fault because she knows that this leads nowhere , at the same time she’s playing with dozens of men promising them whatever she does so as in return to get some gifts or whatever from wealthy Arab guys and that’s it .. real life it is though as there are many examples like this in Europe .. 😔
  17. Exactly .. but not in this apartment except N&B.. B2 needs urgently changes..
  18. Stunning Tanya tonight 😋😋😋🤩
  19. Pff .. once again , such a nice woman and can’t be sex satisfied by her partner and she needs to use a toy 😔 I honestly can’t understand us men sometimes .. we can provide unlimited pleasure to women in so many ways and we just let them do it by themselves 😔😔 pff .. still , such a nice woman ..
  20. This is because she’s a Good Samaritan .. she needs to support financially her abandoned within a very short notice of one month long term ex relationship boyfriend and the shelter business .. so , I believe she has a very strong reason for the shows , they happen for a good cause 🤨😇
  21. Exactly ☺️ I am glad you understand my frustration , I guess it is a wonderful world for you this forum here and you are part of the trolls also and you approve such behaviors 😂🤣😂🤣 Have a nice evening , I will keep on being the bothering troll here and I won’t be shut down like you managed to do with hundreds of others .. 5,4,3,2,1 ready for the laughing and confused emojis 😂🤣😜🤪😝 by the person who upvoted all of a sudden 😂🤣😂🤣 your comment … what’s his name ?? Ahh , yes , I am a premium member now , I can check , it is the guy that he “” ahhh , ahhh , my Queen , I am cumming all over your beautiful tits and a big kiss to you know where “ … 😂🤣😂 😂🤣😂🤣😂
  22. The romantic full moon watch over Charles’s bridge last night has caused tiredness today 😇
  23. If it wasn’t for the child , i could see Tanya becoming Masha’s roommate 😇 So , why not Babi ? Perhaps renting her current place and stay with Masha ? Of course it might always be that Masha prefers this privacy she has now .. pff , let’s see 😎
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