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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. ddhm

    Footy #1

    The amazing EURO continues , epic battles , the crowd going mad with their return in the stadiums , such incredible moments , I don’t know if we could ask for more for what we have seen . Some unbelievable matches before seeing this clash of the titans earlier between England and Germany . Unfortunately , another wrong prediction , but this is the sport , it isn’t basketball that out of 10 times , 9 times the better teal wins , England proved more solid and ready , as I mentioned 2 days ago , except the skills and the ability , you need also luck . My county won the EURO back in 2004 by taking advantage of all the details that were for us , Portugal won the previous one with only one win , we have now England in the quarterfinals when we saw the lost chance of chances by Muller .. but again , this is football .. it was shivers for me watching the passion from 22 players that gave it all , the fans , the contrast of happiness when England scored the 2-0 and the little German girl crying between her father’s hands … what amazing moments we see once again , moments of human feelings and reactions that we have all lost since almost 18 months now and the stupid virus that is dying everyday a slow death… Last match to watch , Ukraine vs Sweden , two teams that didn’t deserve to be in the top 16 , a pair that I will personally go with the team that has done it again and this is Sweden . They play a boring defensive style 4-4-2 , this is the system that brought them in the quarterfinals of the 2018 World Cup in Russia and to be honest , Sweden is superior than Ukraine . Sweden makes more things better , they play good defense deep in their defensive line , they have too much aggression in midfield with the presence of Isaak and Forsberg that even if they aren’t the most cooperating players , they have good individual talent and they can make the difference for Sweden . Sweden seems to know better what they want to do in the pitch , they have more strength and better physical condition .I believe that either easy or difficult , they will go through the quarterfinals . Ukraine is in the top 16 only because they were in a group with the worse team in the tournament , that was North Macedonia . In any case , last match before we get more dramas in the top 8 and as it seems , high chances that an underdog reaches the final .. let’s watch and enjoy 😎
  2. Pff .. what a joke .. almost everyone together and Lola isolated in her room , I simply hate such behaviors .. pff , total disrespectful for me .. one more proof that there’s not anymore this good chemistry amongst tenants that we saw during the first months of Nelly and Bogdan that all apartments used to have good connection .. anyway , it is what it is , let’s hope for positive changes … bring back Ulyana 🤩🤩🤩🤩😇😇🥳🥳🥳😆😆
  3. Very nice written and said , summing up also her first stay with a short reference . Amira , ahh , i adored her since I saw her with this second stay , I find her a class woman , 28 , mature , she respected the RLC members during this stay and she for sure provided content , will never forget her being eaten by carlos 😎 Always a tidy room , clean , taking care of herself , a class … But … this was too much after May .. her interest wasn’t anymore to provide content , she just used RLC for money , sleep , eat , shower , repeat .. and this for me , well , I don’t personally like to watch “hotel usage behaviors “ , I simply hate .. I will also miss her , an incredible body , tornado style tits , fantastic , I can even imagine her providing some extremely sensual sex .. but all things should end , the time has come and it should have happened earlier . Excellent said by you and you also helped me to add my two cents for her ☺️😇
  4. Good points and written in a very nice way , as I said , I have stop speculating of what’s happening outside , it creates much controversy and quarrels here , I just see things inside apartment that make me be totally ice cold , it is for sure not a nice image to see people feeling sad , but the way these two girls have decided to live their life outside of this apartment , it is 1000% their actions that causes them to be in tears , anger management , disappointments , extreme happy periods and the opposite . In a few words , life actions define how life will treat you back . Leora then plays with two men , the guy in Prague and her long term boyfriend , but …. We aren’t present to see and we have never seen this Prague guy so we can at least create an opinion about him and Paul , well , if Leora found a guy in Prague , i wonder how and if anyone here believes that if he was the one and only , why Leora tried to start something with someone else ? So , she’s cheating both then I guess 😂🤣 But of course , I also believe that both play her well , Leora will always return to this guy in Prague and Paul , he knows that he can always have this woman around the way he wishes , after all , without him , Leora would always be lost in her life , that’s why I consider that she has Paul more as a soul mate rather that an erotical still relationship . In general , we try to watch this apartment to see things , we see a repeated situation each and everyday and I am investing my time to apartments that they really respect my money that I invest for RLC , therefore , when I see opinions like yours , respecting also others posters opinions , I am glad that we can still here exchange some really good opinions and ideas about this place ☺️ Well done good friend 😇
  5. ddhm

    Footy #1

    So , after a super fantastic football Monday with two epic games , the last day of the KO stage has arrived with the biggest derby in terms of national teams kicking off soon. An eternal pair of opponents , two of the teams that have offered epic battles , quotes that remained in history like “ football is a game that is played by 22 players and at the end the Germans win “ - Gary Lineker , can’t remember when he said it though 😂🤣 - and tons of details between these two that make us reach today’s game . Both teams have crucial pros and cons . England played a very boring football but they made the group stage with conceiving a goal . Germans were 6 minutes away from elimination and it was only a goal from Goretska that allowed them to continue to the KO stage . Germans present a more offensive football philosophy which is very risky when we speak for national teams tournaments . This high risk , an England that we saw against Croatia with the aggressiveness and tension can make them have an historical qualification so as to reach the final . But , what we saw from England in the next two games created many questions . We also saw Southgate make lots of unnecessary substitutions which shows that he still isn’t sure for his starting 11 . Since game 1 , each half time they play is worse than the last one and it makes you wonder if they will be eliminated once again by the Germans . The fact is that Lev follows a very offensive tactic and philosophy for a national team and in a big tournament that has much risk . The way they play , the will for sure have lots of troubles in defense but also they will create clear and big chances against England . The way they both play ,I expect both teams scoring but as far as the most difficult game to predict , I will go with the German team as the English people believe a lot in traditions and this is one of those times , the tradition will play again a very big role , the subconscious thought that somehow , someway , Germany always wins , I go with the Germans to see them in the quarterfinals . Epic battle , the Match of the Matches in Europe , let’s enjoy .
  6. A nice BJ and perhaps some sex as part of the deal , could make it for a year ( with lots of ups and downs as we see , that I can’t think that aren’t caused of Leora’s decision of how to live her life in Prague ) .
  7. She could have handle all easily if she was behaving as normal as possible and not hiding her private life in Prague . She wouldn’t go through all this mess if she was a normal human being with behaviors that simply happen in front of cameras . Nobody asked from her to perform any sex things , but come on , don’t tell me that some times she couldn’t enjoy a cup of tea or a glass of beer with smiles and good vibes in her balcony with friends , without the daily stress of when she needs to go out of the apartment , when she needs to be back so the paying customers don’t complain , be at a certain prime time zone ready to masturbate or perform a show and so on . Trying to live a fake life just for the sake of money , it would have been a miracle if people here didn’t complain and if the apartment would have kept in being such a success as in Russia . She can’t fool anymore her private life in Prague , in Russia , she can’t fool anymore the people who are responsible for the life she has . Everyone else , and I mean this , EVERYONE , long time tenants with RLC , have managed to adjust their lives in front of cameras and be part of it and after a certain point not even caring for the cameras , actually they know that they are successful because they simply act natural and the paying members reward them for this normality . Here , in this apartment , everything is scheduled , the private meetings outside , the scheduled shows inside , the apartment is praised and actually some more people come to state their opinion only if anything spontaneous happens , like for example the visit of the male friend which for sure Leora didn’t ask like “ come on Dennis , come at home to have diner and relax watching TV “ , it just happened and even if the date was fixed since some period most probably , we actually felt bit of real , human reactions , even ignorance of the guy from Malia’s side was real and authentic and not a fake “ yes , hello , and how’s the weather in your village “ and bla bla bla . My point is that since Leora ( and Malia , but she at least we know that she does whatever Leora asks from her which is even more pitiful ) decided to live her life in Prague in this certain way , she should be aware of all these things that she would have to face . You can’t fool anyone and at the same time everyone adores you and loves you . Karma is a bitch and life in a mysterious way takes back what gives you and the opposite , balance is always except some almost tiny minorities .. and Leora isn’t a minority , she wants to have a super happy luxury life by fooling everyone around but “ ding dong hello “ , Leora isn’t a newcomer , she is an 8 years veteran employee of this business and company and the long fan base can’t be cheated or new fans can’t be achieved with this kind of life . A woman of 30 years of age should be shown more maturity , but if this is the so called intelligent Leora because she can still make the money and she thinks she’s currently “ winning “ , her current attitude , behavior and facing towards life will have many hard punishing lessons in the future .. I am sure the majority of this forum that we are a bit older , we can for sure know what happens when you are young and the mistakes you make because you think you will always be young and nothing and no one can be over you .
  8. We can always combine all options .. we praise when it is deserved and we pay for it and we complain when they deserve it and we rethink if the investment is the right one .. but … at the end of the day , we say it here at the forum so as to share the thoughts , see if others think the same or they are of different opinions .. the power of many can cause things to change , it costs nothing to state an opinion in a public forum and perhaps have some appropriate people who read the posts here to work for it and even if nothing changes , well , at least you tried to do something . I have no worries on how investing money in my private life , i actually live in a place that million others pay some thousand euros to enjoy it for a certain period of time and I have it for free . But my voyeuristic hobby , I can easily share my pervert thoughts here with others and enjoy the talks .
  9. I could never imagine that RLC would have so big problems recruiting girls , unbelievable .. And as a result , we remain with tenants that have absolutely no interest on having a life in front of cameras but they have the biggest of interest to have a place to sleep , eat , go to toilet and take a shower and of course get the € for absolutely nothing , incredible .. this is really ridiculous from RLC at the moment and that they don’t have the power to at least ask the girls to have some respect to the paying customers .. What started happening last year in Prague , it has gradually expanded in Barcelona , the so now called LeMa virus .. and before anyone says that it used to be also before that the girls were going out sleeping and overnight and so on , I need to remind that the girls they were tenants for a maximum of 90 days and they would of course happen to have their fun in this short time out of the apartment and not like now that actually the apartments are indeed their homes after such a long participation time 🤬😡
  10. I will never be bored watching this apartment. , the ability to understand some of the talks and then having other posters contribute also their knowledge , it helps so much to actually have a much better idea of what’s going on . How can I be bored here when no one actually knows what’s going to happen each and every day ? Compare it with the rest of the majority of the apartments and especially the one and only .. 😂🤣🤣😝
  11. Bow down to this post , well done and excellent said good friend 😇
  12. ddhm

    Footy #1

    I will be back with predictions tomorrow afternoon as always , we got some serious blows today , need to focus better 🧐 but , if it wasn’t for surprises , what would make this sport the best in the world ? And how the hell would have Greece won the trophy 17 years ago ? 😏🤩🤩😂
  13. I have stated my speculations for these apartment uncountable times and since I believe the end of the previous year , I have stop doing so for a variety of reasons .. i agree with much of what you say and I disagree with some others of your last post .. I am not going in details of what , it causes lots of heat reactions here if we go to this territory from hardcore fans of the girls and I don’t want to go this path . I have established my opinion for this apartment , I will be always discussing and making my posts here in a rather “ lighter “ and less “ serious “ way than what happens in the majority of other threads . But your contribution I certainly appreciate and respect , good to read from you and your analysis 😇
  14. ddhm

    Footy #1

    It’s not me doubting but you can watch him saying what you are opposing .. thank you for the nice wish by the way , sex is always great 😇
  15. ddhm

    Footy #1

    In order to understand the story of this player better , every detail matters . Even the greek alphabet , but as I said , it is fine ☺️
  16. ddhm

    Footy #1

    This is the English name for “ Yannis “ ☺️ Like “ Γιώργος “ is “ George “ 😇
  17. ddhm

    Footy #1

    How do you actually pronounce Giannis' name? WWW.TMJ4.COM Giannis Antetokounmpo says his name is different back home in Greece.
  18. ddhm

    Footy #1

    No problem 😂
  19. I have no doubt on that , they always come back , they need to work for their lives in Prague .
  20. I am still in tears , how will I make it the whole night watching an empty apartment so I give the top cams for the LR ?? 😪😪
  21. I have seen no boyfriend in this apartment and no men in general except Paul and Dennis .. If he is a boyfriend , I can’t actually explain how he accepts not being able to visit his GF at her apartment or at least have a look where his girlfriend lives 😲🙄.. if he is a boyfriend , I can’t explain how he accepts to sleep once or maximum twice with his girlfriend per week , it must be a really serious relationship then 😨 … can it be that there’s just a male friend visiting ?? This is some intermediate answers to winnlove posts some days ago that both girls have no boyfriends in Prague .. obviously my comment towards you is sarcastic and of course everyone knows what’s going on with these two girls ☺️ We wish her a happy night 😇
  22. ddhm

    Footy #1

    We are talking about the “ Greek Freak “ , wrong topic as it is NBA talk 😬🙄
  23. ddhm

    Footy #1

    His parents named him Γιάννης , that’s his name .. I can’t convince you , it is ok ☺️
  24. ddhm

    Footy #1

    It is wrong , I can tell you perfectly about this and can tell you all of his story in details ☺️😇 The correct spelling is Γιάννης ☺️ , google the greek letters to see how it is pronounced 😇😉 We are OT 😂🙃
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