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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. You do as you wish ☺️ It’s good that you know what you like and having Megan going and not willing to renew ,you simply know your subscription reasons ☺️
  2. Megan also for one of the very last bates , if not the last one ..
  3. We will get the answers of Masha’s presence in Barcelona in the next months .. there are so many questions , strange things .. Nelly / Masha , long time real friends , colleagues ( RLC contract ) , they barely spoke while Masha has been in Barcelona , even more ? Nelly never wanted her there .. Masha / Gina .Masha contacted her first so as to let her know of her arrival , she helped her with her demos / songs , possible modeling locations , in general Gina ( and Bruno ) seem to have helped Masha professionally in Barcelona . But , after the last day of Bruno and Gina before moving to their new apartment at the fitness room and the repeated tries from Masha to go more than kissing and touching ( Bruno had no problem , Gina stepped back ) , we never saw Masha again interacting with Gina ( meaning that she never visited her in the apartment ) .. Holly/Megan / Masha .. what can be said about that .. from the confirmed “ best ass in the whole party “ the next day of the party in the fitness room that she spoke out loud in the kitchen the next morning in front of the rest of the cast ( referring to Megan of course and her amazing party costume 😋) , to the common jacuzzi baths , to the touches and kisses , to the absolute zero and cold relationships .. soon after , a 180 degrees turn and daily time spending and talks sharing period with Holly , which also saw them coming very close with some kisses and touching ( obviously and as with Megan for viewing reasons mostly but Masha doesn’t actually care so much and if she wants sex , she does , most probably the “ stop 🛑 “ came from both Megan and Holly ) to the ultimate happening , that is the speculation that this whole crazy relationship period between the three , it caused a problem between Holly and Megan .. Last but not least , the unexplained visit of Hedi for around 36 hours ( if I am correct ) when Masha knew already that she’s going back to italy , but this is the last incident and not of such importance . At the end , she might wanted to relax with sex and instead of going out and finding a guy , she brought from italy someone that she knew she would be satisfied and problem solved . Conclusion .. many speak that it was a disappointing visit and stay , for Masha’s standards I totally agree , but … she created a ton of unexplained things and questions , she proved in my opinion that her visit was totally to escape the routine of Rome and just enjoy herself relaxing and doing some business and just taking any chances of what would be presented to her . She failed in some ( she never managed to visit Martina’s place that she heavily pushed ) , she succeeded in others ( Holly seems a friendship that developed - I also think with Megan and they will solve things out - ) and maybe we see some of them visiting her in Rome , she’s always a perfect host for anyone ☺️ Yes , she’s Masha , a difficult person but at least , you can never be boring with her , she will always create things , stories and generally chats to be talked and analyzed .. And this was Masha for me in Barcelona in 2021 😂🤣 … extra tip , perhaps she gave a chance to Babi in communication with RLC so as for Babi to prove herself as a tenant , for sure she gave her the opportunity , she could have always keep the apartment empty and just have Dina or Alessandro or both make the daily visits for maintenance , the cats and so on . So , even from distance , she gave us the chance to enjoy Babi by giving her the apartment .. and Babi was fantastic 😁😁😁😋😋🥳🥳😎
  4. Pam and Ariela catching up with men fantasies 😂🤣
  5. I think she is just a very clever woman , I agree with your thoughts of the profession that made her famous 😇
  6. Like with all apartments , tuning in whenever they meet up with personal viewing tastes 😇 Its good that you know what you like to watch and G&B aren’t one of the apartments , totally understandable and explained from you ☺️
  7. The problem is that , unless they aren’t a couple that lives in Barcelona so as to have friends visiting and so on , most probably they will be sooner or later become boring like it happens with any COV . These early interactions and getting to know the rest of the apartments and tenants are interesting to watch now in the beginning , but in the long term , it won’t be interesting for the viewers , even Carlos and Claire plus Loraine and Anthony that were willing to participate on shows , nobody cared after a certain period . I think Gina and Bruno will always be interesting to watch because they are a true real life couple . A problematic relation , two different civilization cultures trying to minimize their differences and pace on common ground , Bruno with an endless source of local Barcelona friends and Gina with the strong ties and connections to anyone of RLC Russian department which can provide visits to her apartment and of course , it is simply Gina , smiley , sad , angry , happy , disappointed , caring .. in any case , variety is needed and choices for the viewers so they don’t get bored .. as long as we have them , it is perfectly fine
  8. Sometimes distractions like this can be better than the repeated terror making and no positivity Covid 19 daily routine news 😇
  9. I think she is back tomorrow , the PCR is minimum 72 hours in advance , the closest of departure day that someone makes it , even better .. in any case , Masha is soon back 😇 , hope we keep on having Babi around and of course enjoy Tanya once again ☺️
  10. Not impressed by her previous job but because of the talks and buzz she has created due to her country of origin .. plus a tattoo she did recently that has created lots of conflict and threats and so on … kind of what Gal Gadot said recently of what’s going on at the most talked issue of the last days .. so , no more OT and politics away 😆🥸
  11. We need to see if Ariela moves in the villa , perhaps she’s on holidays in Barcelona and saves on renting a room by staying over at one of the apartments , either by permission of RLC or being friends with Pam I guess 😇 I have underestimated Hanna and Aaron , i consider them one of the coolest COV I have personally seen , this is a real couple , it remains to be seen if they are open for shows and so on , but this kind of connection , chemistry , genuine love and affection they have towards one another plus they seem to be quite funny and accepted by the rest of the cast so far , it makes me give to them a 👍👏 .. Great sex , totally comfortable with anything they have done so far , a couple that personally will make me tune in to watch them , especially when I wasn’t thrilled to see them when they first arrived .. I am glad that they have proved me wrong and better i should wait than concluding fast 😬🙄🙊🙈
  12. Mia Khalifa is Mia Khalifa .. no further comments 😂🤣😝😝
  13. Also … Vivian , Riya and Tereza , really great looking girls , Vivian blossoming slowly , Riya seems like Elmira to me but necessary time needed and she has it , Tereza already a step more with sex on camera in comparison to the not so appreciated presence according to comments back in 2017 😇
  14. Epic , legendary , amazing , iconic Mia Khalifa t-shirts from Hanna and Aaron 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Walking in Barcelona like this .. my respect 👏👏😆😆
  15. I believe that they haven’t interacted all this time due to the total concentration of Martina to her studies and she simply didn’t want any distractions . My theory has always been that it was sex for Martina and Nelly enjoyed a bit deeper the whole thing with Martina , maybe because the new life in Barcelona and having lost all her real friends and the life she had in Russia , have made her feel alone . Bogdan also with his duties , not perhaps enough time as a couple and Nelly found on Martina a person she could hang out , share and trust her thoughts except Bogdan . The same goes for Martina , Nelly has been for her like a big sister , she got excited with the passion of sex , but I think she never lost the actual orientation , that no matter what , Alberto is the guy for her , she is Spanish and her whole life is based currently in Barcelona and the future seems to be in Spain for her and that’s with the studies . Nelly has no cause , she’s just keeping company to Bogdan , she has no life targets for what we have seen , Bogdan has his role and she’s just the “ addition “ in a house of new and returning girls and definitely she feels that this is just a wasted period for her . Martina gave her a motivation so as not to feel lonely , still , it has all been her mistake ( also Bogdan that maybe he didn’t care as much because of his RLC duties ) because she chose to ignore repeated talks of Bogdan that he was annoyed of the M&N situation , she tried with alcohol and drags to” find an escape “ , her collapsing was like the warning bell and last night simply happened what’s the right thing to be .. your husband in the house , you respect him and stay by his side and leave the lover aside . It doesn’t mean that anything is happening again , the last time we saw a totally ignored Martina by everyone ( although last night was her choice to isolate in the LR when she maybe could have slept in Megan’s room ) , Nelly tried ( successfully ) to make it up by making the villa exclusive for her and Martina , jacuzzi , dancing and the very first ever and one of the best pure lesbian sex we have ever seen , if not the best 😉😇😎
  16. I admit that I had never caught Miru giving head , being on her monthly days she tried to satisfy Dantez a bit in the morning , the woman is a pro and an easy deep throater , I was impressed 👏👏
  17. Well , optimism and faith needed to see one of RLC’s best once again , even at hided places , I am sure she will provide a fully entertaining summer 😉 plus , doing half of what she did last year , this time with Vivian 🤩🤩🥳🥳 let the new subscriptions go wild 😆😆
  18. I would like to see her in the villa … like this she won’t be hiding on the roof of B2 😉
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