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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I don’t mind the shows , as I said , currently is the only way , for Malia at least , to justify her RLC presence and paycheck , i don’t think she offers anything . Leora has the privilege of being “ untouched “ as being the longest RLC participant and for a variety of reasons , still the RLC anchor lady . I agree that Leora by herself in the apartment feels more comfortable and free but there are also times that she likes that Malia is there . But the bigger image is as she stated some weeks before , she prefers and feels better when she has freedom to do as pleased .
  2. I disagree .. For both of them it has been sex , I think it was clear with the threesome that Tanya was involved . I just think that Masha wanted a dose of sex since she missed it 😂🤣 and asked of him to visit her . I think Masha is doing Nitin business and holidays at the same time , Hedi will be present from now and when she returns as I also hope with the Covid restrictions loosening to be able and enjoy an amazing summer at Masha’s apartment . I think it will be great 😇
  3. I think that was the issue that was talked yesterday . Hedi had the weekend off , Masha asked him to travel to Barcelona but it would have been a 13-14 hours journey and he believes it didn’t deserve to do so . He was also expressing kind of disappointment that Masha didn’t seem to understand the explanations he was giving . I saw that Tanya made sandwiches for him , most probably for his journey back to Bolzano and work again . Another observation also is that tanya and Hedi don’t seem to have much contact with messages or in any similar way let’s say , much talks yesterday when Babi and Hedi woke up and Tanya joined them , felt this way at least . In any case , i am all fully pleased to see all three of them , they are a good friends company with great chemistry and ... having Babi and Tanya showering together and two magnificent asses , excellent 😇😇👏👏
  4. I answered to the post of the fellow member Miraguy , I am sorry if it seems related to your posts concerning and expressing what you are pleased to see , but believe it or not , it was just a comment . I agree that it was a comment very much affected by yesterday’s chat in the forum . On the contrary of what you believe , I have many times said that I enjoy reading your posts and I have always disagreed on your numerous attempts to abandon the forum . I believe that your problem with me is that I don’t show the same appreciation according to what this thread suggests that we do . I just have my opinion like you do , I praise the girls and I criticize them in a negative way when I feel they deserve it . It isn’t my problem that you don’t like my opinion and approach of the girls presence , I also don’t mind if you don’t respect the way I see things . But I think you should respect the right I have to post here regarding whatever has to do with the girls and not think that everything and everyone here should be adjusted to the opinions you have .
  5. Nah ... this is what the fans of this thread here love to watch and it is nice for this apartment . Both girls side by side .
  6. She’s an excellent cleaner to be fair with her , Serafima and Amira to be fair are really great with tide and cleaning ☺️ But as you know and with the tattoo indication on her neck ( a Queen 👑 pattern ) , this would be a “ peasant’s “ job for her royalty to have officially 😂🤣😂🤣
  7. Yes , it was my mistake .. I might have mixed in my brain the chats also here for Zac and many times reference of Venezuela and Dominican Republic , my mistake again , omedo made the save ☺️😇
  8. I don’t think that it was a bad decision setting the apartment UM when the cleaning lady appeared , I just think that the current cleaning lady has no problem to be seen on cameras cleaning and she also seems to have good relations with the girls and boys . Now that I am thinking of , maybe some overnights can be at the apartment of this lady 😉😇
  9. Yes , you are absolutely right , my mistake . I mixed it thinking something else , thanks ☺️
  10. Masha pays for it ☺️The Barcelona GOV/COV seem to be a paid service from RLC .
  11. Hakeem was great .. jealousy of men here because nobody ( let’s say few to be fair ) can have the way he had his life ( a normal daily job and in the evening a different woman to fuck everyday and 2-3 standards one to overnight ) , this is what happened with the comments . He did exactly as most single men who love sex would do . Have as many women to fuck as possible .. and he did ☺️ You can’t be honest to women if you want to achieve this , but he didn’t promise them relations or marriages . Hakeem was great , active , a good example of how a man can be successful with his sexual life .
  12. They need a new apartment , they deserve in my opinion ☺️ This is the worst together with Masha’s . They were offered to go to the previous Zac and Luna apartment but they didn’t accept the offer .
  13. Martina reads CC for sure , I don’t think in regular basis though . For the majority of participants , I don’t think it is of much interest for them to search sites regarding their RLC presence and photos / videos with them , I don’t think they care so much . But Monica also is known that she reads CC , Radislava and Leora .
  14. I only think that RLC foresees the future and they also know that there’s no future between Gina and curly , so adding Bruno as BF can justify better any possible break up in the future and leaving the apartment only for Gina as “ single “ 😂🤣 ( except if anyone here believes that if and when they break up , Bruno will take over the apartment 😂🤣 )
  15. I can’t prove anything but I believe both her and Megan have been asked from RLC to extend their stays , they are tired , subscribers are tired also with the same girls all these months , especially when they haven’t been doing anything of importance . To be honest , Megan and Martina dancing and interacting recently ,might be the most interesting thing that Megan has done is recent months 😂🤣
  16. For many people , a distraction can help so as to concentrate as enough as needed to the main goal . Sex with Nelly might be a relaxing thing for her so as to be focused on her main studies goal . I haven’t personally noticed Martina emotionally attached to Nelly so far , she is just enjoying the new things that life offered her with the changes she allows for herself to have the last months ( socializing with the rest of RLC colleagues , new friendships and activities ) .
  17. I think it is pretty obvious she is bisexual ☺️ After 10 years with the same person and especially at an age that the world is all in her hands ( still also for Alberto , he is only 30 ), it is normal to question everyone and everything that surrounds her . It needs big effort for a couple to make a 10 year relation stronger as you suggest , i would take first as priority to keep it “stable and healthy “ , especially during the hard times because of the Covid era that there aren’t possible alternatives so as for a couple to discover and add to their daily routine . My opinion is that they both feel that things are for sure different between them , not in a worse way , but as for questions and thoughts that have grew in their minds concerning the future . I can’t see them losing this strong bond they have , Martina is aware that Alberto will always be “ The Guy “ , it doesn’t mean that he will always be her BF or they get marry or whatever , but she knows that she can’t afford to lose this man from her life , he will always be there for her no matter what but I think and hope he is also clever enough to see and realize that if things aren’t the best for his personal interest , to let this relation go for the best interest for both of them . I admire him that he put no boundaries to Martina and appreciates her honesty, but in the long term , this won’t be so easily accepted like now . Except of course if he feels depended on her , although the way he has his life currently doesn’t look so . Perhaps after summer and the closer we get to the end of 2021 , we can find out more of how this couple wants to proceed with their lives and RLC presence .
  18. This is because none of the people who have posted so far here find it important to create a new thread describing something more specific . The majority of members doesn’t like complicated things , needing to go back and forth at different threads to read one or two extra posts when it can all be gathered together . Anyway , it was just an observation that I felt like mentioning after the chats we had this past week regarding a similar more or less issue .
  19. Both her and Megan are tired of their stay , it is more than obvious . I will also say that it might have been difficult many times for Holly to be in the same place with a guy she was having as sex partner / unofficial BF during her previous stay and sharing the villa many hours per day and seeing him with Gina . Nothing can be proved , but I highly doubt that it was easy for her .
  20. Dear friend , you see also in this thread here how things can become off topic like the chats we had recently at the Leora and Malia topic .. just a simple reminder that the idea of adding multiple new threads , despite seeming to be right , at the end everyone will comment where there’s “ chat traffic “ let’s say .
  21. Another recent example is Anthony , he was always seen as Loraine’s BF and never mentioned but he was also as “ rejoined the project “ when they both became tenants some months ago .
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