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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I have already said what you also post soon after the translation appeared . But today , it is a nice evening for the girls with great atmosphere and i find it unfair to comment today about it , but I am sure the near future will give us chances to comment about it . Let’s give the girls the nice evening they have with being fair tonight 😇
  2. The Balkan thinking is based a lot on instinct and too much on traditions ( family , religion ) and it is very conservative in comparison to the most of the western world countries 😁 But these values and traditions have allowed us not to lose our “ identity “ as countries and this is why the Balkan people can understand easier one another 😉
  3. We don’t do it often , glad when we agree in some things then ☺️
  4. Nobody opposes your opinion as you can see , you just say what you think , I don’t find anything wrong with that .
  5. I think they will take a break from each other’s life for a really long period , they will do their own things and if in let’s say 10-15 years from now they are both single , they might try again and this time might end up officially together , like engaged or married ...but this is also coming by a personal experience and a wish , when I ended the relation , it was because I wasn’t ready to bind myself with the GF of that time .. after many years , seeing and experiencing life at a wide range , i understood that this was the right girl for me . But when I tried to approach , she had moved with her life . So maybe , this could happen to them ☺️ with a happy ending 😇 . Perhaps it isn’t their time yet , but it doesn’t mean that it won’t be in the future ...( whatever we discuss of course is only speculations since the couple is together 😂🤣😂🤣 )
  6. You can doubt the translation by asking @The Wedgeif it is real or not , I totally believe it ... plus , it hasn’t been refuted by anyone else who understands Russian and observes this apartment since the day it was first posted . I can only say for sure that hardcore fans have not posted any opinion regarding this - serious in my opinion - issue ,on the contrary , on the day it was posted it was one of the busiest thread days for this apartment with comments made by many other members of the forum who occasionally post at the L&M
  7. My sources have informed me that we will see this in the near future.
  8. Yet , can you please explain this translation recently posted by The Wedge ? Could anyone of us be - better say , have you ever personally been - like this towards a long life loyal friend ? If you will to answer of course because since a week or more that this has been posted , I haven’t seen anyone who is praising the relation and the friendship of the girls to have anything to say about this - very serious accusations in my eyes and moral beliefs - . Here it is what Leora said about Malia to fresh the memory .. “ She has been on Skype to her friend Alexandra in St Petersburg and was complaining that Malia is dull, boring, has no personality and is an embarrassment when they are out together with some of Leoras friends.. Leora does not want to hurt her by telling her to leave and find another place to go to because as she said, " she is a long standing friend,but she was not aware of what it would be like living with each other " Intellectually they are on different levels and this is also proving a difficulty for Leora to cope with. She also mentioned that when Malia was away for the week that she felt more relaxed and happier because she could do what she wanted to do and stated that she enjoyed her dancing and the freedom to do it. She says that she cannot wait for the borders to open properly to pack her off back home to Russia...Leora seems to think it will still take until the autumn.
  9. This is your opinion my good friend ☺️😌 What means “ he is so lucky “ ? Why isn’t that she is lucky to have a man like him ? We all know that even if we had Beyoncé , at a certain point after 10 years we would stare at another ass just to change the daily routine of sharing .. We aren’t Martina or Alberto to know what is actually deep in their mind . We judge the actions and try to “ translate “ them .. but we can’t enter their brain and be the ones to find out why they did so .. all I want to say is that they have their own reasons for anything they do and we can post our thoughts and analyze with the other forum members but the truth , the reality , it is only in the brain of these two people and noone else’s
  10. I am always happy to exchange thoughts with you , this is how it should be ... Martina also likes video games , she isn’t a hardcore player like him , but if she starts , for 2-3 days she can become addicted as well 😂🤣 About common interests in general and how they are towards one another lately , if they feel that something is wrong , I have faith in them that they will sit down ( on or off cameras doesn’t matter ) and try to discuss and find a solution .. but as i said , perhaps the relation has reached the maximum it could give and even if pure and genuine love is present , the priorities in life are different individually on this period ( Alberto very much concerned about his future , Martina less worried and seeing life less responsible as Alberto does )
  11. Nice thoughts and your personal experience adds for everyone to put his / her thoughts in an order as we are all trying to figure out what we watch ☺️😇
  12. Maybe he starts not approving this N&M situation and he has difficulties to confess to Martina .. maybe it has started affecting him ... and also ( out of character and relation but we aren’t Alberto to actually know ) , perhaps his “ current way “ of doing things it is an intermediate way of showing and not saying his disapproval of his GF’s situation 🤷‍♂️ By the way , this thread here is the most pleasant to chat and comment , we all have our opinions and we discuss in an amazing way compared to other threads , wish it was in all threads a similar way ☺️😇
  13. Not every relation is the same , not all people are the same ... not for everyone sex is top priority .. and everyone thinks and is affected different of things happening in his / her private life and has to deal with it .
  14. I belong to the 2 out of 10 couples , when I was with my longest relation so far ( 6 years ) we would fuck everyday , for sure sometimes less passionate , but everyday sex was part of our daily routine like when we eat 😁. Linda and Tibor are different , for example I don’t know if what Linda does ( pussy photos , tits photos that she seems to sell at her onlyfans account ) is any different than Martina having sex with Nelly , being not materialistic , it doesn’t make it also kind of cheating as it has been the issue the last weeks here . I am not trying to defend their sexual performances or characterize them in a way by trying to use as an excuse the many years they are together . I only want to say that as a couple I personally observe nothing indicating an unhealthy relation or a symbiosis that is forced . I can’t see a couple that has obvious problems affecting their happiness . If sex isn’t the best , it doesn’t mean that they aren’t happy with one another . If Alberto can’t perform more than 5 minutes when he hasn’t seen his GF for some days or that Martina seems to enjoy her sexual life currently more with Nelly , I haven’t honestly had so far any indication of what I have seen on camera that M&A’ relation is on crisis . If anyone here believes that because Alberto isn’t fucking Martina nice or he shows no passion or whatever and this shows a problematic relation , I am sorry , but I don’t agree . You know , sometimes it can be the best sex and total stupid behavior as a partner .. and it can be a great BF with problematic sex relation after some ( many ) years .. are these reasons to believe that there’s no future for a couple ? My opinion as I have stated it repeatedly , it is s simply one .. there’s no future for Martina and Nelly , the question is who will first step back . There’s no future as a couple for the near or a bit further future ( 1-2 years maximum ) between Martina and Alberto .. but these two will remain the best friends ever , especially Martina can’t ever lose Alberto from her life , this man will always be “ her man “... but Martina has simply realized that it is finally time to live her life , taking her risks and satisfying her desires . I don’t think she will initiate another BF relation anytime soon when the time to break up with Alberto comes , but I am sure she will do and have as a crazy life as Gina has , my opinion is that Martina is a mini Gina hard hidden inside , Gina simply doesn’t hide .. M&A is a great relation , there’s genuine , honest , true love , but they both know in my opinion that it won’t last forever and they simply have started coming on terms slowly with that . But this doesn’t mean that their relation has a problem ... they are perfectly fine , it just that this relation has reached the maximum that it could possible give to one another .
  15. I only believe that since the apartment / couple / Martina have become the most interesting topic here at CC , it is hardly ever that we read anything positive , it is like we want to control with our posts whatever they do , whether it is right or wrong . They are for sure on cameras and they will be criticized , it is inevitable .. they even need to accept the negative or unfair comments towards them because it is everyone’s right to have such an ( negative / unfair ) opinion ... but to judge the way that Alberto fucks Martina , I think we should look first ourselves in the mirror and despite everyone of us believing that we are the world’s best sexual machine , to take all things into consideration for their sex sessions ( Covid , stress , unemployment , unknown future to name a few )
  16. I think it is safe to say ( despite being April 1st ) that RLC has found already another apartment in Barcelona and it will be opening it quite soon .. it is also safe to say that they wanted to bring Z&L back but it is unknown now if they go with this idea since it might be that they aren’t a couple anymore . We might be seeing C&Y though , the only certain is that there’s another apartment on the making in Barcelona for RLC .
  17. They are almost 10 years together , can sex be the same passionate as the first years ? Is their sex now part of their routine and less as pleasing the other ? It will be for sure some crazy horny days , some days that maybe they fuck even 2-3 times , perhaps 10 times per year in this way , I don’t know , just saying .. After 10 years , sex is top 3 priorities , especially being young , but your partner / boyfriend / husband / lover is much more than a nice sexual experience . By the way , of course everyone of us who are crazy watching Martina , we believe that we can fuck her everyday the whole night , non stop , we are stallions .. and we would do this if she was our GF 10 years after ... no one seems to forget how we have all been dealing with long term relations .. i can only give congratulations to those that they still fuck their other half , husbands , wives , lovers , GFs’ like the first day , week , month , year they met her/him .. yes , perhaps 2-3 out of 10 couples after 10 years they still fuck like there’s no tomorrow .. but I believe the majority belongs to the other 7 out of 10 .. and this is where I categorize M&A .. they have their ways to appreciate one another , for whoever is watching this couple the last 4 years due to RLC can judge much better and comment with much more knowledge than all of those that Martina and Alberto has become the most popular apartment since last autumn .. and I seriously doubt if they would be these comments if Martina hadn’t sex with Nelly .. we speak about the passion of Martina because we saw her with Nelly ... perhaps she’s also not easy with other men and maybe not a good female lover .. perhaps she doesn’t like many things at bed while being with a man .. We judge Martina because she had sex with Nelly ... I can’t even think and imagine how many would be angry if she was teasing all the time and not doing anything .. everyone would beg that she has sex with anyone ( boy or girl ) , it wouldn’t be then a problem that Alberto would be cuckold ... we see things according to what personal desire and imagination want to fulfil ..
  18. If Ariana’s first day speaking on the phone information is valid , she has around 70 days left ( 9 months stay she had said )
  19. Perhaps Nelly is for Martina then the escape she needs so as to have herself distracted from the problems that Alberto faces ( which wouldn’t be nice because it is like not supporting him ) or with Nelly , she maybe has a friend that at the moment needs so as to know how to handle Alberto ( young , not enough experience ) .. Last but not least , perhaps Nelly is for Martina then an incredible checkmate move , having injected her to the Barcelona apartments world , she saw her popularity increased to sky limits , being the most talked person nowadays for RLC and everything concerning her life , her relationship with Alberto , the sexual things with Nelly , everyone is commenting and watching ( out of apartment hours , if Nelly is also out at the same time , Bogdan , etc etc ) .. It might be that Martina holds at the moment the subscriptions at a satisfactory level and therefore she has secure her RLC presence ( these last two are insane speculations and totally out of character and i don’t even believe them , but .... women 😱😱 you can never be sure .. - sorry to all the forum ladies - 🥶 ) .. I choose that Nelly might be then the distraction she needs so she thinks clearly what needs to be done with Alberto and his problems and at the same time having a friend that being older might be also a good advisor ..
  20. The sexual life of the girls is impressive 😂🤣 At the same time , Holly bating , Sera teasing bating , Leora teasing bating .. 02:00 am almost their times 😂🤣😂🤣 I don’t know what’s going on with us men , don’t we know how to flirt anymore and we live them single ? 🥳🤩 Or is it that they are so strange and difficult that no man can stand them ? 😂🤣🥸 Food for thought 🙃🙃😁😆
  21. Every thread seems to need a “ pulo “ when it is quiet .
  22. L&M’s apartment went also UM at the same time , tech issues most probably , perhaps a server as it was mentioned elsewhere at CC .
  23. You couldn’t say it better 👏👏😇
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