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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Malheureusement, en raison de l'orientation du forum et de diverses autres raisons, de nombreux traducteurs se sont arrêtés avec leur contribution, je les comprends personnellement
  2. How do you judge the actions between Leora and Malia then since you believe the translation ? What’s your explanation ?
  3. It is much more difficult the actions than the words , it is obvious to everyone what needs to be done but since it isn’t our lives , let’s hope that not only Kitty , but also Smith , know what for the better interest for this couple is .
  4. I only know that if in this translation false allegations were made , based on the serious of comments , I would expect people who support the girls to come and contradict the comment . So far , no one has done so . I think this says it all about the truth of the post .
  5. Nice and unique Kitty ☺️😇 It is finally time for the next step in life , it doesn’t work anymore like this .
  6. As long as you manage to make your GF bate in front of you , then you have achieved quite a lot .
  7. I am a fan of pure , real and spontaneous people , a fan of those who live and enjoy the life in maximum , this means having much craziness of course , I “hate” the ones who “ pretend “ or fake or any close to these characterizations . That’s why I enjoy Gina , Masha , Martina to name a few 😇 I will write it again , i like to watch tenants that live WITH the cameras and not the ones who live FOR the cameras . The above 3 names are an example , some more and some less with this attitude Linda and Tibor from the couples category are in this direction also I believe .
  8. Watching something that gives you pleasure and makes you happy , absolutely understandable . But , do you encourage Leora’s attitude towards Malia and after all that has been revealed she said about her ? Doesn’t bother you knowing details and seeing this ? I can understand the part that you want to skip the feelings that Leora has for the friend in Prague and playing two men in front of cameras , especially the “ love of her life “ , the other I can understand , let’s say he is a game for her so she can pass the times that she’s bored and enjoy whatever she feels to . Not being alone , boredom , sharing company , sex perhaps etc etc etc concerning the whatever comfort she gets from her friend in Prague . I am really impressed you just skip her behavior towards Paul and even more for me , especially having Malia as your favorite , her actions towards her best friend . Except if you don’t believe the post that came from The Wedge . Or you keep being skeptical for the translation . In any case , it’s good that you are back and me personally I can read your posts , I just believe there’s a lot of controversy of what you believe and then watching the girls .
  9. Thank you for the info , I never knew this detail about RLC asking Masha and what needs to be done . I know there were arguments , I was watching them 😁 , but didn’t know this detail .
  10. Good to know they are still together , they seemed a good match ☺️
  11. I always believe that the biggest desire for Masha will always be Dick / top knot .. I think this man was for her the absolute alpha male .. I think she could have an orgasm after an orgasm for him , I believe no one has fucked her as she wanted except him . I think she would submit to any of his desires and me personally , no matter how much I like(d) Jane , Masha and Dick could be one of the most amazing couples . But living in Rome and Dick becoming part of Masha’s social circle .. this would be great .
  12. It’s nice that she acts like a man ... we want to fuck as many when we are single and be Casanovas , she does the same .. the problem is , as i have said repeatedly , that the men are presented like the wildest and best fuckers and don’t know what else to say and the women like the biggest whores because they want to fuck everyday another guy 😂🤣 Bullshit I say
  13. I think he cared about Masha and they were really loving one another . But I think it was a relationship that had nothing to give to both of them anymore . They had tried all , they even changed partners , relationship as a trio . It was time for both of them to break out and move on . I believe that this is the best Masha we see since she broke up ( of course if the virus hadn’t hit , she would have even more socializing with friends , perhaps more lovers and generally a crazy life of a single woman at her 30s ☺️ )
  14. The problem is that if Leora has confessed the things to her friend about Malia , she continues doing this with Malia next to her . Isn’t this the biggest hypocrite that someone can be ?
  15. Most probably they will be overnight soon , a show had to be done .
  16. Nobody knows the truth I believe apart from these 3 . Whatever has been brought to the forum as shared knowledge , it brings Masha being the one responsible because she wasn’t caring for Sasha and Sasha didn’t like it . My opinion is that after the first really difficult year without him ( or with relationship around her ), being single she has benefited her , both personally and professionally . I think that the separation made her good .
  17. Even if she gets the virus , like any of us , what’s the problem ? Is she going to die ? When we get the flu virus , do we die ? Can’t she be totally informed of what’s going on ? Isn’t she up to date of what’s happening being a virus carrier ? All I want to say is this .. we can’t live with the fear not to get the virus , if we get it , we will be one of the millions who got infected . But we will not also become one of the millions who died .. statistics show that death rates indicate people who carry other diseases or aren’t 100% healthy and they are usually the ones with complications ... otherwise , the population would have been exterminated .
  18. In two weeks time , slowly everything will start to operate . Easter needs to be over so mass gatherings are prevented , expect government announcements soon . By May , life will start be formatting again , slow , but it will start . It’s proven as the time passes by , that the virus is exploding due to the gatherings inside the houses , outside people behave accordingly , masks , social distancing and so on . But many just go to houses , legal or not , this is how the virus survives . There’s one thing that everyone forgets . The virus wants to continue be “ alive “ by infecting . It can’t continue be active if people die , this is the basic fact of each virus . Divide and conquer in a way 😬
  19. Threads that were negative opened , but they soon after stop being active because supporters would go there to defense of the girls . One was about “ L&M fake masturbation and silly shows “ .. another one was about “ speculations and outside activities “ .. I personally checked the forum out of curiosity how it was last year on this very same month and the people who were posting here .. The difference is incredible . By the way , my humble opinion is that many people have stopped to post here because it is an absolute boring apartment and nothing is happening . It hasn’t been anything new worth commenting , except maybe if the hours of the girls outside have increased or when they overnight , these are the questions regarding this apartment I think .
  20. I am against the curfew and movement restrictions ..it’s against all constitution laws and beyond , there could be other ways ... it’s a big talk and recently here at the forum I had to express my personal opinion and obviously , everyone believes differently and I respect . I am against curfew and movement restrictions , that’s all I can say in general . I still respect the rules because I am not more clever than all the others who do so ☺️
  21. Many things , questions that lot of people have , if anyone finds the time and read all the archives concerning Martina and Alberto / Nelly and Bogdan during all their appearances by both couples since they joined RLC , you will find most of the answers as to everyone’s reality and script that has developed in his / her mind . A journey to memory lane and studying the participants , it is the best way to “ marry “ the past with present actions and for anyone to make his/her own conclusions . No matter whatever we are speculating / trying to figure out / explain , the truth is only one ; That only these 4 people actually know what goes on because it is for each of them their lives . And for whoever can somehow , someway interpret their actions and what we see , no one can go inside their mind and know what they think .They only know what’s going on . The history of these 4 people is quite big with RLC , archives are here at CC so for anyone to read and understand better .
  22. The BF of her good friend that moved in Prague is back , maybe to cook .
  23. She has respected the rules in general , I think watching her the last 13 months , she has been really brave , especially living alone for much time , if she didn’t have the cats and the cleaning lady who stayed in her place for a period , it would have been really difficult .
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