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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Hello and welcome to the new ( very nice looking ) male German speaking visitor 😇 German or Austrian or Swiss , need some minutes to figure out , finally after some time a different thing happening in this apartment and great that he speaks English so we can follow the talk ☺️😇 Fast impression , guy must be German
  2. I also want to thank some Russian guys that have appeared lately here at the forum and alongside with the Spanish who help with their translations the last period , they make us have a better idea of things happening in the apartment ( s ) . For whatever matters and I know I speak for many , hope you keep your ears closed and your eyes shut to any doubters and keep providing to the forum , the majority are really cool guys here . Much appreciation for your contribution 😇☺️😌
  3. Pam also doesn’t seem well .. shit happens , they know for next time what they need to be careful of 😇
  4. Bogdan proving his decency once again showing the normal human interest for Amalia , still haters and doubters for a really cool guy 😔
  5. I haven’t been watching so I don’t know if everyone ate the same , then it would be also others not feeling well . We will see how it goes for the rest of them ☺️
  6. 😋😋 Always the coolest our little Ariana ☺️ And Gina , whatever it is being said , always trying to be a good friend and help and that’s why I remain one of her hardcore loyal fans ☺️😇 And Amalia , she’s tough , she will be better soon , she already smiles 😌
  7. Also hello from the greek friend dear Radi ☺️😇 Very happy that you have found slowly your way and you have made yourself happier the last period .
  8. Hmm ... either food poisoning or something wrong with the stomach or the ultimate speculation .. are we getting a second Milena ? 😱😱
  9. As predicted months earlier , this two way life had no future and the bubble was simply getting bigger and bigger . Choices and decisions that have both girls imprisoned in a reality that they created and they are now searching for escaping routes . Malia has found ways , maybe because she doesn’t have the same “ obligation pressure “ for RLC like Leora who owes the life she has due to the bidirectional relationship she has with RLC and her fans , she knows that she owes most of it to subscribers and to her employer for having this life and she’s searching ways to keep everyone happy . The fastest she realizes she can’t have all , the best will be for everyone involved . She sacrifices RLC , happy male friend in Prague and possibly Paul , unhappy subscribers . She sacrifices the male friend , happy subscribers and RLC , unhappy / happy Leora , depending on her mood . Show and drama must go on . Happy for Malia finding slowly her way and not caring so much , you can see how the times with whoever she is seeing have changed her . She has lost weight , she cares for her body , relaxed and peaceful because she knows what she wants and she tries to have it day by day . The two “ wives” /“ twin sisters “ , one happy and the other completely in mess
  10. Kitty in bed , alone , posing as the majority of the girls like Radi , Leora .. I will only say that if she belonged to this “ GOV “ , “ singles category or similar , i can’t think that anyone could compare with her if she was also giving shows or just let’s say act like the others . The natural beauty of this woman is beyond words ( even the tits that have been “ touched “ , fit 😋😉 ) ... Kitty could surpass easily anyone if she wanted , just moving only her little finger let’s say 😇
  11. Sì, ricordo, ma la loro ultima sessione di sesso è stata forse la migliore da guardare, ed è per questo che è stato così chiaro, fino a quel momento perché erano sempre a letto e non usavano il pavimento o la cucina o la camera da letto di Martina dove si trovava. non è stato facile guardare con le telecamere e la cattiva illuminazione. 😉😎
  12. Off topic , lots of madness currently in the world , one more incident in Krasnoyarsk . https://www.google.gr/amp/s/7news.com.au/news/crime/russian-woman-dismembers-toyboy-before-storing-body-parts-in-freezer-c-2404933.amp
  13. Happy to see someone beating my long posts 😂🤣😝 Seriously now good points from both you and JenniferMom ☺️😌😇👏 By the way , you missed as it seems the rough anal fingering all of a sudden and not expecting it from Nelly to Martina that had Martina to take Nelly’s hand back, clearly it pained her with that sudden move , only to let her do it slowly later for a very short time if I remember correctly .. and gently 😁😆
  14. ddhm 3,625 Posted 14 hours ago It seems you are also offended that someone characterizes your posts as BS .. you can see now how annoying it is with the emojis . Enjoy your day as well . Quote ddhm 3,625 Posted 12 hours ago You haven’t answered posts that concern you but you showed fasts reflexes and instincts when your comment was characterized as BS 😂🤣 Have a nice evening and a friendly advise , show the same sensitivity to other posts as well 1 1 1 Quote scutus 6,405 Posted 12 hours ago
  15. Yes ... I know . This is because you finally obeyed and you bent the knee 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  16. They will be going ( N&M ) soon on holidays together ☺️ As for traveling , 17th May , the place i live will welcome minimum two flights from Glasgow 😇
  17. The worse you can do is to alternate someone’s posts . You just prove your seriousness you have as a person . You really sink yourself where you don’t actually deserve , according to your rhetoric here and pretending to know everything . I had my ( small ) doubts that you perhaps could be different and keep a decency level , but jimbo4 has figured you all out completely . For a person who knows how to “ fight “ with words , I am impressed that in the continuous comments from jimbo and referring also to you , you never stand tall and give an answer or defend yourself . I guess you have no power to alternate his posts or comments like you do with mine . Well done , I can understand why the quality of Leora’s life has reached this point by people who behave like this and want to admire themselves as loyal followers .
  18. At least these girls provide adult entertainment content at times 😉
  19. Actually , they both want to be somewhere else ( or being with someone else ) but they have prevented this from allowing it to themselves with their decisions and actions .
  20. I understood your comment 😉 My answer was the same style , but it contained the necessary seriousness 😁 I believe only my eyes and what trustful translators let us know at times . I haven’t seen any people in this apartment except one guy 3 ( or 4 times , i don’t remember exactly ) and products that are inside the apartment and have Czech language written on them . All the rest , everyone makes his/ her own conclusions ☺️
  21. Can I politely ask why you don’t share your opinion in the forum ? Is it because it concerns the life of Leora outside the apartment ? Because for this I counter post that the actions inside the apartment that we see ( and therefore we are entitled to judge and comment ) have a strong relation to the ones outside , aren’t they ? Why was so many things discussed when Paul and Leora lived in Krasnoyarsk and people were commenting and now they don’t anymore ? Is it because if you say your opinion , you have the fear that you get confused / smile emojis like the rest of us who actually try to make a chat here ? Is it because you have knowledge because you speak with the girls so you “ do know “ but can’t tell for obvious reasons ? And what does at the end helps the forum and the people who come daily here to develop their theories based on what we see when someone seems to know the truth and not sharing it publicly so as to shut all of our mouths and have things for the rest of us understood ? That’s me politely asking and if you want you answer . And also , why you disappear for periods and you appear again after certain weeks ? Except if it is private reasons of course . You spoke about patou when you last disappeared that our behavior ( mine ) seemed to make him disappointed and disappear because I made a comment concerning the daily phonecalls and what does it serve here at the forum knowing who and how many times per day Leora phones either Paul or the male friend in Prague and how many times they phone her , only to be proved some days later that no one made patou disappear and he was just on holidays . Looking forward to your answers , which if they don’t come , I respect you keep it for yourself but then it would be nice to explain why you have so much hate( don’t like ) for the guy that Leora communicates the last 9 months .. and also , why aren’t you so sensitive with Malia’s friend outside of the apartment ? Do we have proof that he is different only because Malia has chosen to “speak “ via sms with him and not with phonecalls like Leora does ? I am having questions , patou has questions , you seem to know the answers . This apartment desperately tries to have chats here at the forum , but it seems then that what will always be important is when and for how long Leora masturbated , if she did it with a vibrator or with her fingers etc . etc . etc . I am sorry to tell you , but when you can make this thread here worthy again to discuss and be interesting and you simply don’t help when you have the power and knowledge , I honestly can’t understand your choices and decisions ( that I 100% respect )
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