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Everything posted by kase

  1. anna must think we are stupid we know he smokes we have seen he before in B1 and smoke with the girls in B1 before
  2. hey leora they are a long time ago i said hi to you but you`re not forgotten you`re still my favorite lady i see you every day when i can
  3. lola and anna have to go we do not want to pay their use of drugs so please go home now and rlc must start doing something about the girls
  4. i wonder what lola and nicole smoke for lola got very dizzy for lola had to have a chair to sit on ??????????
  5. i am depressed to see lola and anna and on useless amateur photographer travel home girls you are useless
  6. what packing nicole disaster i hoped to lola and anna would go first b2wil die out i`m afraid B2 will be a narcotic and many different men visiting as it has been before with lola and anna
  7. phenomenal sex by nicole but i do not know what he is doing out on the porch for the time he has been on porch is he ready for more sex ??
  8. good night kitty remember they are many people who love you
  9. i hope you have learned sofie you do not have to do anything with lola to we know lola uses to bring men to sex with the girls and we know men use stimulant to get sex with girls they are a reason we do not want lola will be anna and lola and polya must go
  10. you must not be bored kitty there are many who love you smith is just a joke
  11. i think the girls are going to B2 i saw that polya had two bottles of liguor today so it will be locked party in B2 maybe ???????
  12. have a good day leora i have to go out for a walk see you leter
  13. kitty you get better and better wish you a good night
  14. everything began a year ago girls bring men home and enough drugs for both apartments they were sex orgy men came to have sex with girls men who had sex with more girls at the same time there was a lot of drugs what did rlc do anything rlc was blind so i do not think B1 and B2 will be normal again
  15. it`s nice to see you again leora i read that you were hot and sexy today but they have always been you have a nice day leora
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