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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. OK violent was probably the wrong word to use, how about intense, eitherway she is still and in my opinion always will be Queen
  2. I agree. Now let's get back to the subject of Leora bating, Leora we all know she gets excited by the fact so many of us are watching her, again today (is it me or is she getting more violent when she's rubbing the clit) she proved that when it comes to bating the Spanish girls are not in the same league and she will always remain Queen. My thanks go out to those who downloaded the event for those of us less fortunate to see it live
  3. I agree, knowing Paul I very much doubt he would not retaliate IF Leora hit him, he would at least grab her by the throat as he has done on at least a couple of occasions before when angry. As for Leora bating in front of the camera's, he may not be the brightest star in the sky, but he's not stupid enough not to know how they keep the apartment, and it's not just by her walking round naked as often as possible, although good to see
  4. The girls in Spain can rub out as much as they like, but when it comes to quality there is only one Leora we may have to wait a while, but she always makes a special effort to please every one including herself, and being watched by so many of us adds to her excitement and pleasure, this is why the young pretenders in Spain will never take her crown, my only problem is she goes for it in the afternoon local time so I like many others have to rely on those who capture the event, I personally leave home around 11am local time, 5am in the UK As for her masturbating when Paul's around, I've seen video of her rubbing one out in the Guest room he's walked in when she's almost at the point of no return, he's decided to try and help her and she went straight of the boil, they both got angry, so I can see why she's afraid to go for it when he's at home, he's not involved so she is not allowed to play
  5. I agree I was in Russia earlier this year and went into a bank and changed £200 and got rub19,800, I thought I was rich until I went shopping, I've just looked again and all I will get for my £200 is rub17,391
  6. I noticed this morning when he got in and undressed he made for the for the front corner of the couch, probably wishfull thinking on his part, blow job Sunday, he got to fuck her Monday, (all that's left is for her to rub one out) Leora was having none of it the sun was shining and it was afternoon beach time Around 17:00 local time they both went out, and assuming they do get a bonus (I can't think of any other means of income) from RLC they are doing quite well out of it, because Leora gave Paul quite a lot of folding money out of the draw in the hall before they went out.
  7. Unfortunately I was at work, but thankfully some one posted the video and I downloaded it, as usual Leora is left to do all the work, and I don't care what others say I think she gives a pretty good blow job. In my opinion if he wants more of the money, he should get of his lazy ass and take charge of Leora once in a while because when he does she gets what she really wants more than one orgasm, but asking him to waste that energy to often is a big ask, when this is energy that could be better used for nose digging. You may have gathered by now I'm not a big Paul fan I think he gives Neanderthals a bad name, but watching Leora in all her moods and do they vary, keeps an oldish man happy
  8. BBsq69, I totally agree with you, although in my opinion there are two ways of looking at this, as there has definitely been an increase in action compared to only a couple of months ago. If has suggested this is Pauls way of changing Leora, I'm all for it, he's just got to keep up with her, when her fanny needs attention it's going to get sorted one way or the other. Also if RLC do pay a performance bonus, and Paul is out of work as mentioned, they need money, and I have to ask do they get more for fucking or Leora rubbing one out, personally I would pay more to see Leora. The increase in his ability could be down to what Leora is feeding him, after seeing the way the dog goes at the cushion, I suggested she feed him the same
  9. Yuri, Correction make that three certainties, if Leora bates after 11am local time I along with quite a few others will miss a live session
  10. Yuri there are only two certainties in life one is night follows day and the other is Leora has got the most perfect body I have ever seen on a woman, while I agree she has an almost perfect ass, I'm a tit and fanny man.
  11. That's good news for Leora, but it's a long wait until the Autumn even in Russia, and other than providing entertainment, what is Leora going to do with all that freedom, as she won't be watched or have to account for her movements all the time.
  12. Hi Pepe, I agree, but thanks to Leora (Paul was out) bating this morning an old man went to work happy. Thanks Leora
  13. As a big Leora fan, now I have a new job which means I leave for work around 11am local time and get home around 2am local time, I have no chance of seeing her lovely fanny or the possibility of seeing her bating live, as she usually is getting up around the time I leave for work, and is usually asleep by the time I get home. OK there are weekends but Paul's around.
  14. Yuri, I've seen the way some Russian police women dress, It's only recently that they've ordered to drop the hem lines on their skirts, so anythings possible
  15. The uniform in the wardrobe is for a Russian Police Reserve she came home with it on some time a ago and tried to show Paul there is now a pip on the epaulets which now makes her a Junior Lieutenant, did he show any interest NO! This may also account for some (not all) of the time she's away from the flat, I've seen her take a phone call get dressed quickly and out of the door
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