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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. The end of the world is coming, ear plugs at the ready Paul's got his guitar out
  2. Just watching Leora getting ready to go out, she looks absolutely fantastic in red underwear, and even better when she's happy which doesn't happen too often.
  3. I personally think Leora could keep their the apartment on her own, because she always make sure we all have the best seats in the house Just an observation, both this morning and yesterday morning, Leora being the exerbitionist she is, was flashing her fanny for us all to see but she never touched it once, could it be she would get carried away which would be asking for trouble with Paul still in bed, I missed last night with her on the LR sofa so I can't comment
  4. The pictures brilliant, Leora being just that Leora, as for the joke don't give up your day job
  5. 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 minutes when used metaphorically never pertaining to an exact period of time. Yes Paul is getting better but very, very slowly and that's only down to Leora's perseverance, but she knows she still has a long way to go.
  6. I agree Leora is the most entertaining of all the girls on RLC I will never get bored with her bating, even if you do. As for sex being boring, it's been posted that they have been together for many years (someone posted childhood) so the days of having sex while swinging from the chandeliers are long gone. so if you are in a long term relationship you will know what I'm talking about, also as I see it and many others do, the only problem Leora has with sex is trying to get Paul to last longer than 3 minutes. True I have yet to see a party in this apartment, but that's Leora and Paul's want, although Leora's had a girl friend stay overnight on a few occasions RLC supply the apartment and furniture so we can look into their lives 24/7 this said, they have to put up with what they are given, and looking at some of the other apartments they are doing pretty well
  7. To quote the late great Groucho Marks,"he may look like an idiot, he may act like an idiot, but don't let that fool you he is an idiot"
  8. I work with engineers like Paul they are highly educated planks, no common sense I think this was surgically removed at some point very early on in their careers. I agree Leora does need a social life (he needs to get a life) but as thing are she isn't going to get one, because he's a possessive moron, and at the risk of repeating myself he treats her almost as a slave, and it has to be said she puts up with it for some reason. This can only be a recipe for a relationship disaster, unless he changes
  9. I've just been watching them, Paul's laid on the sofa and as usual he's more interested in the PC and biting his nails than snuggling up to Leora, ok so she may not want sex, but it would be a start if he just gave her a cuddle, and refrained from groping her at every opportunity.
  10. We should carry on this conversation by starting another forum, what I was trying to get across is that for some one who's around his 30's ex military, he is so out of shape, (I'm 64 next month and can still do a mile under 6 mins) it's no wonder Leora get's frustrated with him, and she has to do all the work when it comes to sex, if he doesn't sort himself out soon he could find himself having a heart attack, then he will be no good to anyone, Leora bless her she does try and try very hard at times to get him motivated to no avail.
  11. I've had the same happen to me it took a lot less time, it happened a few minute ago, I was watching desiree bating , then blank screen, less than a minute
  12. I started my military career as a Red Cap, after 3 years made one arrest and didn't know how to fill out a charge sheet, so I retrained to be a PTI and enjoyed being the most unpopular guy on camp ending up going through the ranks as far as Major, I said good bye to the Army after 21 years, I still meet up a couple of time a year with some of the guys who are now in there late 50's, 60's and 70's and they are all in better shape than Paul. This following of Leora by Paul has been going on a long time at least the last 7 to 8 months, and at the moment it's the only exercise he gets, even when she's asleep on the sofa and he's at his desk on the PC he has to keep looking over his shoulder probably to make sure she's not doing anything also this is probably why he doesn't go to bed until silly o'clock. I agree he's got to change and take charge and satisfy Leora's needs as a woman, and I don't mean a quick fumble under the duvet, he's got to be attentive, gentle, then he's got to make her beg for more, I know this means he will have to waste some energy, Paul it's got to be done, because at the moment and I may be wrong I think we subscribers at CC think more of Leora at times than Paul does
  13. You are correct, he's got to start at being a more attentive human being, and the sooner he realises that a relationship takes two to make it work. Leora is in my opinion working very hard at this relationship trying very to make it work, and it appears Paul couldn't care less, he seriously needs to change his attitude to his wife as I have mentioned before all he thinks of her is someone to wash, clean, cook and fuck. this has to change, Paul she's not slave
  14. I think you're right when with the fun to despair bit, probably focusing more on despair, because Leora waits on him all day every day and I don't think he really appreciates any thing she does for the oaf (that includes sex) also with his alleged military training that's not the way to react in a surprise situation, so I personally think there's more to him being so jumpy than meets the eye for him to give such a reaction.
  15. One has to ask, why should he be so jumpy and afraid when he knows the only other person in the apartment is Leora, and why take it out on her
  16. What a beautiful sight this morning when I when I looked into L&P's bedroom there was Leora's bum in all it's glory facing the camera, this simple act alone will make me happy for the rest of the day.
  17. I'm surprised now you mention it, being the exhibitionist she is the chair has never been moved and used for rubbing one out, also while she was looking at her phone in bed this morning around 3:30am local time she spent a lot of time looking at camera 7 and how close it is to the bed, so I wonder if she's had a light bulb moment, and we may see some action at that end of the bed with her bating to that camera.
  18. Leora as serene as you look in that chair, it's no substitute for the thrown you should have
  19. Foamy, sorry to hear that a portrait of a squirrel will have to wait, and I agree she looks good in anything she puts on, but the good news (unless I'm speaking too soon) musicians all over the world are rejoicing, it looks like Leora's hidden his fucking guitar.
  20. Sorry to disapoint, but I think you will find she's using the knickers she took off earlier to stop herself leaking all over the carpet
  21. I only have Windows 10 on the boat, but it downloaded ok at home on my MAC
  22. An old knackered one by the looks of the effort he puts in
  23. Unable to open the file, I watched this live and Paul just gets lazier, it was an effort for him to slide off the sofa, and then he just sat there while Leora went to work
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