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Everything posted by Newark52

  1. If that's what you think, I wouldn't bother looking at her apartment if I were you, as it appears you don't know quality when you see it
  2. I agree the girls in both Girls apartments treat it it as a Glamour job, and to that end they do not appear real, and before any one starts yes I know they live and breath and strut their stuff but that's all. I also wonder if they have ever looked at Leora's apartment (or read their Forum) because it may be of some interest to them to find out what a real sexy, attractive young woman does, ok they may have a bit of a shock watching some of Paul's antics, but it's still part of their real world.
  3. I agree with what you are saying, like you the only reason I joined RLC was Leora, that was back in the day's when she was blonde and in the old apartment, and so did probably many others. She's the only reason I'm still with RLC because I find her fascinating, and more of a pleasure to watch than any of the others, regardless of what ever she's doing.
  4. kase, you are not wrong the girls in the Girls apartments are no match for Leora, she's real woman, the other girls look like they've been manufactured as eye candy (not very good candy at that) in an attempt to remove Leora's dominance of RLC, which is not going to happen
  5. It's good to see some friendship last a long time, I've seen a picture of the two of them together taken when they were both I asume in their mid teens
  6. Oh Leora what's happened, I logged onto your apartment's bedroom this morning to get my daily fix of your wonderful bum whether encased in knickers or not, (I go to work happy) only to be greeted by the definitely not so appealing sight of Paul's hairy ass.
  7. Thanks for the up-date, one thing you can say about Leora's interest in books it ranges across the whole spectrum from Classics to Fiction, but it appears to be mainly Classics that interest her, I may be wrong
  8. I agree they normally go out during the day, what makes this odd, it was around 10am and Leora didn't make too much of an effort about her appearance (she still looked good) and as I mentioned before she did not look too happy
  9. Any one know what's going off with Leora and Paul this morning, both up and out by 10:05 local time? She didn't look happy (could be due to lack of sleep) both before and after she made a phone call, also she put on very little make-up and she didn't spend a lot of time on her hair
  10. I've noticed they have moved a new batch of glamour girls into the all girl apartments, I wonder if this is another attempt to remove Leora's superiority, if so, it's so not going to happen, she will always reign supreme.
  11. I never mentioned that Paul was generally a bad person although he does have his moments he's had Leora by the throat on at least two occasions, and as far as their relationship goes, as I have already posted opposites do atract
  12. If a relationship is sound time is of no consequence, I have been with the oracle for 42 years and it's still going strong. As for Leora the fact I appreciate her is I have respect for women (ok like you, I like what she gets up too) but with Paul he has little or no respect for himself let alone Leora
  13. Leora just tried the new night dress she's been making and I wasn't wrong the moron showed interest for about 10 seconds and then went out of the bedroom, personally I thought she looked very, very sexy in it, and to show his continuing interest he's at his table in the corner while she's in the Guest room
  14. I'm beginning to think Leora sometime's approves of Paul's nocturnal activities, it mean he's in bed most of the day so she has time to do things without him wandering around trying to look like an Adonis, at the moment he just looks moronic, even when he's sleeping. Is there no end to Leora's talents she's in the Guest room making I think a sexy piece of nightwear without the use of a sewing machine, when finished I can confidently assume will be appreciated by everyone except the one who should.
  15. I've just looked in and I can see Leora on the wrong side of the bed so we see Paul's ass in the morning not the lovely sight of hers I hope it doesn't stay that way
  16. Thanks jimbo4, I must be more specific when I start posting about times. My apologies to all those who got excited thinking they'd missed something.
  17. So very, very true, and thankfully for mankind as we know it, there is only one Leora
  18. I see Leora is busy cleaning the apartment yet again, (I wonder how long it's going to last once he gets up and starts flicking his bogeys and scalp scratching a round) and looking good in ski pants, yes she looks good naked, but there again she looks good in every thing she wears, while the lazy Paul keeps out of her way, sleeping. On the subject of that lazy planks sleeping habits, I'm not surprised Leora was able to rub one out around 3 pm local time, as he stays awake nearly all night, looking over his shoulder at Leora who's usually sleeping on the sofa. They say opposites attract, Leora and Paul are a prime example, she's active, clean and has a personality, he's lazy, not the cleanest of people and is moronic.
  19. I see he seems to be looking out of the window, now Paul is either from another planet and he's trying to find home, or he's hoping for a divine message of inspiration from on high, telling him how to sort the lovely Leora out
  20. At least you had the chance, and unfortunately missed it, my commiserations, I on the other hand being in the UK and back at work don't have a chance, she's still in bed when I go to work and when I get home she's usually sleeping (with work and travel I'm out for around 14 hours a day) so unless Leora was to do any thing before 11am local time or after 2:30am which is unlikely, I don't see anything live, so I'm restricted to weekends only for live viewing. Once again my commiserations on missing what was surely a wonderful event seen live
  21. Thank you for clearing that up. That's the second time that I know of that he's fucked her on the kitchen top, but I've yet to see him give her a really good seeing too, where all she's got to do is lay back and think of heaven
  22. People wonder why Leora sleeps late into the morning, there she was sleeping on the sofa when Mr Inconsiderate woke her to watch something on the PC
  23. I think a few of you are missing something about the capture of today's session, I have to ask what part Paul played, (other than pushing her head up and down on his cock when she was giving him a blow job), because from what I could see he was his usual arrogant lazy self just laying there and letting Leora do all the work, at no time did I see him actually fuck Leora, unless he broke into a sweat before the recording started
  24. I wonder if that's as bad or worse than his guitar playing or are they equally as bad
  25. I notice Paul is still as inconsiderate as always Leora's finished cleaning and he's flicking his scalp scratchings all over the place, also I'm so glad with his eating habits the dining table is at the back of the lounge and not where his computer desk is.
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