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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. fruit on the bed of Megan, who knows what will happen, surely something we have never seen
  2. it seems to me that we have returned to many years ago, when at least one girl remained active until morning, I do not understand but it is so
  3. so mark this thing, Sara and Aurora are lesbians on Thursday, but not Friday
  4. remembering that Carla was also bisexual, maybe right now her apartment is the most interesting
  5. whoever would have said that Damira would have seduced Fiby and that Fiby would have been seduced by Damira, RLC always amazes more and more
  6. sparkling evening in all the apartments in Barcelona
  7. for me Damira is a special case, I don't have proof, but surely she comes from the world of porn
  8. Noldus sleeps rightly, Stella went out around 7.40
  9. it seems to me very strange that after many years and in particular with the new course followed by RLC, we still talk about real life or shows, as you say, the cameras are not hidden, so every girl knows that what she is doing is seen by thousands (for now) of people, so please once and for all, what we see is a show, exclusively a show, if someone wants to see real life, you have to connect to a video camera that frames a street or a square, I sent a letter of protest to RLC, they should do two show times, one for the European time zone and one for the US time zone, we, we must see Sofie instead for the lucky ones, big orgies with new girls like Deby, when the pornstar will leave, she, will become the queen of the house
  10. swingers clubs exist all over the world, however, I can't really understand if you're serious or joking, clubs are places with a few dozen people and everything stays inside, these couples have sex and they exchange dicks in front of thousands of people and knowing that everything that is transmitted on the Internet remains online forever, these are couples created for the show, like the stallion of Damira, really enough, to say that they are authentic couples
  11. Definitely wrong, but Damira would have sex with everything she walks and breathes, as long as she sees her current account full of money, she's the most "professional" girl we've had in these apartments
  12. at this point, I really wonder if everyone wants to see many nights like the one we had last night, save your money, I point out at least 10 porn sites where you see the same things without paying a euro, maybe Damira's stallion is gone away, after all his work he did it so he could return the Gigolo
  13. finally I saw the replay of last night, we say all that has been seen in these months, concentrated in one night, I must say that I appreciated the replay, because you can also see people's expressions, like when that gentleman of Damira had sex with Deby, spray of lubricant and sex like in classic porn movies, besides Deby seems to me the youngest of all the girls and it makes me a bit disgusted to see how it is used, but this is my opinion, anyway the scene that I most impressed is Damira who gives her stallion a blowjob in front of her room, I don't know if involving a girl, it's one of the most vulgar things I've ever seen and vulgar things I've seen a lot, they should make a single subscription between the twelve apartments of RLC and thirty of VHTV, so much the same things are seen, perhaps the girls of VHTV, are more beautiful
  14. a long time ago, someone had wondered why Megan had been moved to B4, now you have all the answers, in the evening I watch the replay, then I tell you what I think
  15. after I will watch the replay, it seems to me that there was the perfect evening, I don't want to think about how many Kleenexes have been used by all of you, it seems to me that the only one who didn't have sex was Fiby, but surely I saw the new course that will happen soon, so everyone's dream became a reality, there was no train, but all the rest yes, at this point the transformation from RLC to VHTV was done, I ask you please stop saying that in VHTV they are all the porn actors paid to do shows, RLC is completely the same, after all, we pay to see this, luckily there is replay, because for us Europeans times are becoming impossible
  16. therefore Anabella is sacrificed, she is sacrificed by the stallion
  17. must be recognized, that Belle certainly earns his salary, runs from one apartment to another, never a fuck concludes, but is always present
  18. boys, don't be greedy, quiet evening tonight, after the big orgy last night, give the girls time to recover
  19. here we are, tonight, you can see the thing that will change the meaning of these apartments, Rocco and Nate have arrived now the Damira stallion is missing and we will see the famous little train
  20. this time I was good, instead of commenting on this shit, I saw a good movie and then I went to VHTV, maybe really, if you are passionate about what is happening now in this apartment, come on VHTV is another story, I wonder if RLC assigns a "boyfriend" like Damira's to every girl, Barcelona male escort agencies will remain without staff to work
  21. indeed, even better, if they invite Nate, they could do a little train, Nate first, the new boy in the middle and Rocco behind, would really be a novelty
  22. now that Rocco has arrived, the cock lovers will be happy, the only novelty at this point is if the two guys fuck each other
  23. we make bets on which the girls will participate in the "game" between the boy and Damira, I believe Anabella
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