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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. I did not want to intervene in defense of Serafina, but reading your comment, I am forced, I am sorry, but because you simply do not ignore it, it seems to me that you are taking this girl too seriously, there are 12 other girls to watch and some of them do real lesbian shows almost every night, then as Noldus says, Ginger will soon become the new Mila
  2. certainly the big party went badly because of Serafima, even the global warming is the fault of Serafima and I think that the crisis in Venezuela is the fault of Serafima
  3. It seems to me that many members need a psychologist, to solve the problems they have with Serafima, I have never seen a malice like this for a person, who is also the most beautiful woman in these apartments
  4. guys, do not make commitments for tonight, there will be the biggest orgy ever seen on RLC, I'm sure 😂🤣🤣
  5. or maybe it's salary day, I'd like to have that of Mila, I'd be fine for a few months
  6. I've just finished lunch and see Laima naked, so it does not help my digestion
  7. I would like to warn new members of this forum, it is not mandatory for a girl to have sex with another girl, who does it is purely for money, trust me
  8. if God wants, Serafina is neither Mila nor Elvira, there are already them to give wonderful shows like last night and they are enough and they advance
  9. so in the end, the treatment Mila, it's up to Elvira, but I think it also joins Laima, to see her now, it's really pathetic
  10. strange, nobody throws shit on Anna, for her candles in the bathroom
  11. I think you have a future as a writer, for a movie, maybe a porn
  12. sorry if I intervene, but it seems to me that you are not very linear in your comments, you say something and immediately after the contrary, however, there is no problem, everyone here do this thing
  13. reading the enthusiastic comments on Mila last night I'm really upset, I'm getting really impatient, I can not stand even these masturbations made exclusively for the cameras, it's strange to say, but it's boring to see a girl masturbate, when she does it for money
  14. RLC must focus on the Barcelona apartments, because on those of the VHTV couple it's light years ahead
  15. I understand that Mila is everyone's favorite, but it seems to me a joke his wandering through the various apartments to show some stupid game, she is the most uninhibited, but everything, has a limit
  16. this is what we will see in the coming months, the girls will come out together for many evenings and sometimes they will offer us some little show, is what they have always done, I'm opening a bottle of sparkling wine, this is my message 4000, how much time I lost
  17. I keep repeating that you give Serafina too much weight, she makes her life, if the other girls follow her it is certainly not her fault
  18. Kaley was the only girl who showed us a ray of sunshine in this apartment, now that she is engaged, it's over
  19. I'm paying once again, so I'm stupid and I do not have to complain, but I have to say that such a boring period was for a long time that we did not see it, this time RLC is trying to climb the mirrors, getting famous girls, but all the evenings we always see the same things, always the same things
  20. of course, the new girls must familiarize themselves with the apartment and see where the cameras do not frame them 🤣 🤣 😂
  21. I will definitely do great meetings, Stella, Anna, Lia, Mia and Gina, I seem to come back a few years ago
  22. yes, they are definitely beautiful, surely RLC to get them back will have invested a lot of money, so maybe they will be more available, however they are always contrary to the returns
  23. however it was very strange the very fast start of Erin and Leia, maybe they did something they did not have to do
  24. also this time we have old hens, the problem that the stock has a musty taste
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