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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. This is a masturbation with the siphon, not the ones imagined of Belle in B2
  2. EUROMIKE69, I first wrote to make you laugh, but looking better I wonder how much shit you have, how long you go looking for photos and drawings, I think so much, I would like to say that beyond these girls is the real world, the real one , Make a favor a little bit this thing, I think it would do you very well
  3. I wanted to be silent, but I have to intervene in front of such stupidity, we evaluate last night, Jasmin on the couch, Rose in front of the computer, treat the bonus to have from RLC, as soon as the agreement is reached, goes to Jasmin and both go to bed To see the porn movie, the blanket movement certainly Rose was masturbating Jasmin with a fire extinguisher, the only real thing we saw was the kiss with the tongue, followed by a big laugh, all over, each came back to his occupations, If there is affection between the girls as you say, it does not last a show's time, you are just unrecoverable, but I must say that reading your comments makes me cheerful
  4. As a member of this forum said a while ago, this is not a forum, but a fan club, everyone has a favorite girl and defends it even in the face of the greatest evidence, so I broke the balls to always read The same things and abandonment, as many did, before leaving you, however, I want to reveal a secret, if you have 500/600 euros to spend and find the right way, each of your favorite girls think I can dedicate at least two hours of their time, I hope to have been useful and good at all
  5. In the REPLAY thumbnails of Barcelona apartments there is only Gina's pussy, RLC has realized that these apartments are just a big expense and will close them soon
  6. The girls have made an agreement, they go out the night on alternate days, however it's nice to always see you happy whatever happens, in italy you say "cheerful person, god helps you", I'm happy for you
  7. I finally figured out how night works for girls in B2 when the game gets tough Jasmin leaves and returns home instead of Rose and Belle when the game gets tough they bend their ass
  8. I also believe that RLC is bringing it to the same level as VH and VV, I'm subscribed to VH and the difference is really low, but RLC now has 20 apartments, it really made a big investment
  9. For curiosity some of you asked RLC to show more dick, you can not watch this apartment, I'm not homophobic but when it's too much too
  10. Euromike69 calm your comments I do not read them, thanks to all the short, intelligent comments, someone, as it always seems, very smoky and few roast, I think this is the maximum that these girls can give us a thought to those who at this are with Lola and Gina, a lot of envy
  11. I think I do not care anybody, but I go to bed because I work tomorrow, please make short, intelligent comments, so tomorrow I do not have to miss half an hour reading bullshit, thank you
  12. Very strange evening in B2, it is half an hour and the girls are not yet in panties, maybe they are approaching the end of the world
  13. I'm happy that Vanessa came back, she had great potential, both with men and women, but for now there are too many men to my liking
  14. Google translator has changed format in italy and it is very difficult to control what is being translated, have patience
  15. Very strange Gina's reaction, she has stuck her eyes to not see the video, so far she did not seem too pudic
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