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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. it is clear now that the girls are working with molten america time, but Americans are so stupid as to make do with what they see, do not think so, I have the tariff for the services of the girls: each additional hour awake at night 7 € go to bed doing nothing 13 € go to bed naked and masturbating 35 € dance naked every 30 minutes 50 € lesbian scenes, priceless how sad
  2. if you think so well, I do not want to convince anyone, just read some translations of Kitek
  3. It already seemed pretty clear before work were these girls, think of all trips in the East who have made
  4. it is true that we have spent many months boring, with girls who were out every night and girls who did nothing but now is really exaggerated, I think that the RLC error was to show us the things of September, now they can not replicate and people get angry
  5. given that the environment is that, I would give advice to RLC to increase their earnings, now that "we discovered" that the girls earn compared to how much skin they show up, why not do as the peep show, we send money and girls get naked more, it seems a good idea, at least it's clearer
  6. yes, maybe I overdid but bothers me to see these young girls fall so to earn a little money, I apologize if I have offended people
  7. you who want so much good in Belle, do not you feel a little shits in the will that she did not sleep the night for you to see some pussy, they are people and not play at our disposal
  8. I would say one thing, I live in Europe and I'm not awake all night to see five minutes Pussy, the victim of all this is Belle, one of two things, or it's his decision and then this girl must really go home so why does it hurt, or is a request for RLC and if so can I just say, RLC go Fuck off
  9. BB Thou who more experienced in this apartment, what do you think happens, it seems to me a strange situation
  10. what a waste it is Jasmin, a beautiful girl who does not cooperate, however, to our amusement, shame really
  11. work of fantasy, perhaps they rest because tomorrow comes a new girl and they party until morning, dreaming does not cost anything
  12. I see from the published graph that we Italians are decreased on RLC, maybe we're smarter than everyone when something interesting will come back definitely return we too
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