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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. Belle, the morning after the brought back home fainted said that he could not regulate drinking, we hope that this night someone checks
  2. one of the last times Belle was back home in their arms, but back then there was Anna, and Polya, now I see no one who can help her
  3. those who live outside Europe, when he returns to his country can reclaim VAT on purchases made in Europe and this is achieved with receipts, or as you say you have the money to them RLC
  4. I think Jasmine went to bed very early because you have to get up at dawn tomorrow morning, maybe she is invited somewhere to celebrate halloween are just suppositions
  5. until now I thought that RLC intervenes on how to behave but the girls Having regard to the nothing now, this is not true otherwise we would have more movement
  6. I do not see alcohol around, we know that if there's nothing that happens, we hope for tomorrow night that prepare us a good surprise with the two apartments unified
  7. Good evening to all and good Sunday, this evening it seems that nothing has changed, we hope in the future
  8. many of you have seen the ballet tonight of Rebecca, her every little was going to check the computer, it looked to see if he was doing well, with those who were connected in your opinion
  9. But this time Jasmin was in the bathroom with the tablet and not with the phone, what he did he did it for himself
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