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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. I have finished working now, I connect and what I see two girls to bed and poor Belle trying to keep vigilant, those balls that say they do not complain give us some advice on what to do
  2. I think this is really due to public complaints, among these I include myself, but please do not take this matter
  3. I would say to them, no matter you to do this, all right even if you watch TV, this view makes me very sad, no one should do things by force
  4. Melissa seems a British collegial, she is very pretty so far has shown little am as I said it seems to me a very strong character
  5. Now I go to bed because as I said I have a job, I hope for everyone to be a night to remember
  6. you are right but I am for freedom of speech, if a person disturb these comments can not read them, I write a few posts a day because I have to work and I try not to be repetitive
  7. maybe you saw put yourself agreed, one evening you complain because nothing happens in the evening after who criticizes criticize because nothing happens try to have a clear line
  8. is a hard race between Barc1 and Barc2 for those most boring, it is true that girls do what they want and are not included in our service but the RLC participation involves a bit of work
  9. Good evening everyone, I have also allowed to send mail to RLC to ask if something will change in the two apartments, we know that is useless but because to shut up
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