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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. I hope that for them was clearly a big taking the piss, I do not believe that they think that we have believed in this farce
  2. those who said that Rebecca is very attracted to Belle, right now it seems to me not to even look despite being naked
  3. I'm not complaining, it happens like last time after a while gets boring, surely this is better than the moviesperhaps Rebecca should participate more
  4. every time this thing of balcony, that two balls, could put first agree on what to do
  5. say it is not bad but I think that RLC is following a low-profile line, just look now Lara and Melissa together, I do not know what to think
  6. actually it is very strange to see these girls, a month ago Rebecca was with his head between the legs of Belle and licking her pussy, now I'm here quietly watching a movie
  7. I do not see a great period for my Lima, if it does not integrate with the other girls will remain much time alone with its problems is not good, I did not see Melissa hope they go agree slightly
  8. I must say that the lives of these girls is really hard, are forced to sleep all day, I would not trade with them
  9. He had his hand between her legs, and you could see he was enjoying while watching video on the phone, if she pretended she was very good
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