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Everything posted by Rod001

  1. That's maybe why RLC no more need freecams and close the Leora freecams, do more done on the premium, it's like you give some cocaine for free everyday and after you said now pay the build. when you are addicted, you pay for your small daily dose. Be sure one thing, RLC no cry about money, here is the rank evaluation of them: yes you read well : it's in $ not in "like click" lol Who's says RLC is not a good buisness project Hail CC
  2. Leora le changement entre 2016 et 2019 in 5 pics Last mounth : 2019-05-22
  3. Hi maxi lol it's not the speaking language, it's about the Leora tongue language , this tongue who move around the dick and if Leora speak martian ,it's also good for me lol
  4. Oh you our Goddess, give us this daily language 2016 at begenning in the new apartment Amen I like Dog and i have one before, but never he comming in my Sleepingroom, he can go everywhere but in SR that's one thing disturbe me on the sexual Leora activities lol
  5. Leora & Paul First Apartment 2013-07 +/- 3 weeks after join the RLC Project
  6. A True story happened on 2014-12-25 Let me tell you... Before you go to sleep A long time ago in a galaxy far far away ... ...Ok not another galaxy and not so far... On the place actualy occuped by Eva & Sam, lived a princess... ...ok a ordinary girl named Dasha ... Every day she was alone at home, his boyfriend when he returned, only used it for emergencies related to the bag with balls... yes it's true, you can believe me. She is waiting for Prince Charming who will speak to her of love... ok she waiting for that her boyfriend (Demid) does not come back too tired and fucks her like a savage to give him that orgasm she has been waiting for so long. But that never happened... ... So what a poor little girl can do, when she is alone ... Clean, cook, eat, read... ok ok well, what can she do then ... BANANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA This story need to be continued, so click to the "like button" if you want to see more, for i sharing the files from this story with you, i want more many click, i said MORE MANY CLICK (Not 1 or 2 or 3 or 15 more)an unwanted proposal of click, a maximum overdrive click on the"like button" if you want the dream come true and come to you, you know now what you need to do. the complete file contains 65 photos and 2 videos a short version and a long version that come from my personal collection (6 years Premium RLC, it's a lot of things to share with you, is not it) Sex is money and the current money on CC is "1 click" on the like button", maybe like that on the futur you become more generous with all the uploaders ^^. Hail CC This Event is close Now Monday 2019-06-17 00h Paris Time
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