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Everything posted by Rod001

  1. Dasha is Hot she wants Demid to play with her rather than with her PC Dasha est Chaude elle veux que Demid joue avec elle plutôt qu'avec son PC (Attachment Purged)
  2. Kitty & Smith Very Quick Sex in SR 2017-05 Part 3 Smith is the guy who at sex level can be compared to the cartoon character of Lucky Luke "he shoots faster than are shadow" Smith est le gars qui au niveau sexe peut être comparer au personnage de Bande dessinée de Lucky Luke "il tire plus vite que sont ombre"
  3. Kitty & Smith Very Quick Sex in SR 2017-05 Part 2 Smith is the guy who at sex level can be compared to the cartoon character of Lucky Luke "he shoots faster than are shadow" Smith est le gars qui au niveau sexe peut être comparer au personnage de Bande dessinée de Lucky Luke "il tire plus vite que sont ombre"
  4. Kitty & Smith Very Quick Sex in SR 2017-05 Part 1 Smith is the guy who at sex level can be compared to the cartoon character of Lucky Luke "he shoots faster than are shadow" Smith est le gars qui au niveau sexe peut être comparer au personnage de Bande dessinée de Lucky Luke "il tire plus vite que sont ombre"
  5. Linda & Tibor is the only couple very in love, they make very different things together and what they do always at the end they exchange a sweet little kiss, this couple is for me the best discover for a longtime. Linda & Tibor est le seul couple très amoureux, ils font des choses très différentes ensemble et ce qu'ils font à la fin, ils échangent un petit bisou doux, ce couple est pour moi la meilleure découverte depuis longtemps. Here just after doing a duet dance on the kinect / Ici juste apres avoir fait un duo danse sur la kinect so lovely / si adorable
  6. 3 couples 3 couples, who is in love / 3 couples, lequel est amoureux Easy no / simple non [Media Removed]
  7. ha ha ha Merci le petit Larousse ha ha ha je ne l'avais pas reconnue, je crois que j'ai besoin d'une nouvelle paire de lunettes mdr
  8. 2017-04-24 Video HD 1280 x 720 9min30 Gina & Lia & Mia in the sofa 02 (Gina touch herself ) Enjoy [Media Removed]
  9. 2017-04-24 Video HD 1280 x 720 4min30 Gina & Lia & Mia in the sofa 01 (Gina no panties) Enjoy [Media Removed]
  10. 2016-10-11 Barca1 Video HD 1280 x 720 Short sex video 4min20 Barca1 Lima Short Sex With Guy in Sleeping Room After download and see Only if you like this video don't forget to let me know by click the like button ^^ Enjoy (Purged)
  11. Hi Habs, I like to receive comments this allows to go always more of the front. But a constructive comment ...... and here is just something you don't like. First you don't love my recording, you only love the original capture from RLC i added in my videos and it's not the same. You don't like my intros it's your right, but it's my sign on all my videos and that go never go to changing except with another intro. also for the music it's my choose and i understand It can not please everyone, so put the sound off. As a reminder, i'm banned 2 times from RLC Premium because of stupid idiots who have sharing my videos on porn sites, but the stupid ones do not like to work and start to go up my videos apparently do not motivate them and that's good news (It encourages me to leave my intros and other crap as you call them) ^^ They are so stupid to the point of broadcasting a video that I had specially dedicated to them with a special message. see little clip and pic added below Using the word crap In view of what is added in my videos is a little strong i think, but maybe i don't give the good meaning at this word in regard of what you want tell me. Another thing i don't have ask members only for like, what I said exactly is : read what is writ in Big RED 2017-04-30 Video HD 1280 x 720 Last video from Leora for this month ^^ If you like what i share with you don't forget to let me know your appreciation with the LIKE button on reputation, to much of my videos is downloaded more of 100 times (like the video just above downloaded 151 times and only 12 like) and have only few LIKE And you don't like my video so you don't need to like the post ^^ after that i don't understand the meaning of your post except for be negative to me because i don't have add just a pure capture of RLC videos. Finally you have three choices 1° you don't download my videos 2° you download and turn 7times your tongue in your mouth before start a stupid topic 3° You make the good choice and take a Premium RLC And honestly no matter what you're going to do, I don't care Bad_Boys_.mp4
  12. Hi everybody, i have added a link for Premium CC on my last video posted for Barca1 if you don't have downloaded it before MAB link is dead ^^
  13. Et puis cela fait aussi plaisir de voir que les gens aiment ce que l'ont fait / And then it's also a pleasure to see that people like what we did
  14. Bonjour phantom, c'est une constatation, beaucoup chargées peux aimées sur presque toutes mes videos et je n'échange pas de videos contre du like sinon j'aurai déjà arrêté depuis longtemps, seulement via le bouton like cela permet de voir qui aime ce que l'ont partage donc je trouve cela normal qu'après l'avoir visionnée (la video) si tu aimes tu like maintenant si tu aimes pas faut surtout pas like lol Bonne soirée
  15. I agree with you mod FTS ^^ Strangely many members are true ghost here ha ha ha Curieusement, beaucoup de membres sont de vrais fantômes ici ha ha ha Like i said in my last post on the Leora Videos Topic : Comme je l'ai dit dans mon dernier article sur le sujet des vidéos de Leora: Last video from Leora for this month ^^ If you like what i share with you don't forget to let me know your appreciation with the LIKE button on reputation, to much of my videos is downloaded more of 100 times (like the video just above downloaded 151 times and only 12 like) and have only few LIKE Si vous aimez ce que je partage avec vous, n'oubliez pas de me faire savoir votre appréciation avec le bouton LIKE sur la réputation, beaucoup de mes vidéos sont téléchargées plus de 100 fois (comme la video juste au dessus téléchargée 151 fois et seulement 12 like) et n'ont que quelques LIKE Members You have also in all apartment a topic named like this / Vous avez également dans tous les appartements un sujet nommé comme ceci : Leora & Paul ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos May 2017. There you can put a comment about videos and pics you see on all the topic apartments. Là vous pouvez mettre un commentaire sur les vidéos et les photos que vous voyez sur tous les appartements à thème. You like your CC site so give it a lifetime / Vous aimez votre CC site alors donnez lui un peux de vie
  16. 2016 Elisa & Fima Video HD 1280 x 720 Short 2min20 Elisa go Naked in the Kitchen [Media Removed]
  17. 2017-04-26 Video HD 1280 x 720 4min40 Hi everybody, Little story of this video, i have take a capture for 10min, RLC make bad diffusion... frozen screen, sound out... Petite histoire de cette vidéo, j'ai pris une capture pendant 10min, RLC fait une mauvaise diffusion ... écran gelé, coupure sonore ... (it's not my internet, i have start a Youtube playing at the same time for check if it's the streaming but not), after cut all frozen scenes and other bug rest only 4min40 and not all is perfect. (Ce n'est pas mon internet, j'ai démarré un fichier Youtube en même temps pour vérifier si c'est le streaming mais non), après avoir coupé toutes les scènes gelées et autres bugs, restez seulement 4min40 et tout n'est pas parfait. I have add a flash effect at all moments i have cut the bad parts so you can see how many you have in the scene. J'ai ajouté un effet flash à tous les moments où j'ai coupé les mauvaises parties afin que vous puissiez voir combien vous en avez dans la scène. [Media Removed]
  18. 2016-12 Video Elisa & Fima LV Porn Afternoon 2016-12 [Media Removed]
  19. 2016-12-24 Video Elisa & Fima the X-Mas BJ [Media Removed]
  20. 2017-04-27 Short Video HD 1280 x 720 1min12 Zoya & lev little blow in Living Room Zoya_&_Lev_Short_BJ_27-04-2017.mp4
  21. 2017-04-27 4 Little gifs suite Zoya & lev little blow in Living Room
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