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Posts posted by broxman

  1. 11 hours ago, Dave 27 said:

    He has lost some weight has he not,ithat's what threw me.Are him and Candy history?

    When he first arrived as a guest on VHTV he was slim but he put on a lot of weight when he got the apartment but he has managed to lose it again. I have no idea if they are still together, but more fool him if they are, she was a psycho bitch from hell.

  2. 1 hour ago, Callypb said:

    Wasn't there three living room cameras earlier? Did one break? 

    Courtney and her boyfriend had an argument and he threw a chair against the wall and it hit that camera and broke it. Poor Dean was sleeping right below it, he was lucky the chair never hit him. The boyfriend has anger issues!

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