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Posts posted by broxman

  1. 52 minutes ago, hotkefguy said:

    @broxman and @StnCld316 how do you find @VoyeurVillaNews response? In my opinion we should never pay again any money on this site. They didn't even say they are on it, instead they said they hope it never happens again! Seriously? No rules, no fines, no compensations. They other voyeur sites have strict rules to their tenants and if someone breaks them (like 1 time only in Lifeundercam) they gave us 7 days as a compensation and fined the tenants so it can never happen again. Here they have only 4 rooms and one of them (Tanya) features regular sex (which now we cannot see), the other one (Marna&Greg) offers some sex when they are not offline (it happens mostly of the time) and the other 2 are completely boring (Sam&Fin, Aiden&Sophia) with almost never featuring sex (why they bother paying them?). I am almost sure that voyeurvilla's site is run by 2-3 people who cannot organise their rooms and very often it gets out of control and they are nowhere to be found. Am I wrong on this?

    It's a disgrace that they are getting away with it. Now that they know they can get away with hiding they will do it again and again. For me it's terrible customer service to not even offer compensation of extra days. The fact that they are asking 40 dollars a month for 4 apartments is a disgrace in itself, but to let their tenants do whatever they please is mindboggling. They truly don't believe in 'The customer comes first'...it's quite obviously the tenants.

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  2. 7 hours ago, VoyeurVillaNews said:

    The situation is really unacceptable, we are so sorry for Tanya and friends behaviour. It happened at late night when all of us were sleeping. And not one of us had an idea of what's going on.

    This apartment is hard to manipulate, they are very freedom loving. The last problem with the drugs forced us to have a serious talk to them and it looks like that's the way they reacted to that. 

    Now I hope that will never happen again. I would like to promise you that, but I guess its hard to predict their behavior. 

    Our apologizes once again.

    I'm sorry but this response sums this site up....amateurish. The customer service is just as bad as the tenants. Seriously what is the point of paying $40 for a months subscription if they are going to hide? I truly hope it's a one off, but for you to not insist Tanya gets a camera in the hallway is unnacceptable. Why won't you insist on this? Are you scared she walks away from the project? and you are left with practically no rooms left, because the others may as well not be there.

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  3. 17 minutes ago, hotkefguy said:

    And after all this happening @VoyeurVillaNews is absent again........... 

    They don't do nothing. It happens all the time what with this and the cam covering. There is nothing worse on a voyeur site that hiding from the cams. I would rather they went out and did it elsewhere and the house was empty, than us knowing that something is happening and we can't see.

  4. How utterly ridiculous. Sitting in a hallway on the floor 😁 Tanya should kick this freeloader out for even letting this happen, bearded guy should have been told to piss off if he he didn't want to be on camera.


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  5. 8 hours ago, hotkefguy said:

    There are hidden rooms. But to be honest  it's the only room (your best room actually) that gives as a variety of constant sex with a lot people so leave them be as they are now... Don't fine them, the harm they already did it to themselves.

    I agree. The best apartment on here, in fact the only apartment even worth watching. The black haired guy was so erratic last night when he was with the tattoo guy and then with the big bald guy in the bathroom, he was clearly on drugs. I don't have a problem with them doing it, the only problem I have is when they get annoying as hell and the sex suffers. The lack of camera in the hall really lets this apartment down. An apartment should NOT have any rooms without a cam apart from a toilet.

    I've seen them once doing drugs in the hallway once when they forgot to shut the bedroom door and you could see from cam 7 them sniffing from the hall table. As I say I don't have a problem with them doing it, they are adults. I just hate the constant hiding..The three of them last night kept disappearing for ages and where they were I will never know.

  6. Time and time again you have said that Tanya has been told about her guests covering the cams and yet we are still being subjected to this, Once again this evening one of them covered the bathroom cam. If they don't like being filmed they should not be living there. @VoyeurVillaNews


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  7. I really want this apartment to succeed because of the bi side but their threesomes are utterly boring. It's like 30 minutes of constant oral/hand jobs and if we are lucky we might get to see some fucking. ZZZZzzzzzzz 🙄Otto & Lola didn't do bi much but when they did it was hot and never boring. Once again no fucking tonight, just constant oral and handjobs and Luna once again moaning giving a handjob 😜

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  8. 1 minute ago, SPYING 1 said:

    Dam broxman you never catch a break, you sure have some bad luck

    Haha you couldn't make it up. Just resubscribed on Friday and the apartment is gone offline already and the other two left are ZZZzzzzzz. What's that saying....a fool and his money are soon parted 😁

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  9. Even though I had let my subscription lapse I still looked at the archives, every now and then, for any bisexual activity and last night I seen that there had been an entire weeks worth, So I decided to sub again. I wish I hadn't bothered. I watched all last weeks bi stuff and it was boring as hell. It also doesn't help that the cams in the bedroom are awful. The are terribly placed and cam 10 is not working properly. You can't see much of the action in the bedroom because of the placement.

    It is all one way. Dominik doesn't do anything with the guys except fuck them. I would like to see a bit of reciprocation from him. Good god tonights was the worst. The poor guy was there hours and just eventually up and left after about 25 minutes of handjobs and a bit of oral. 



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  10. 1 hour ago, Lorna Doom said:

    Totally gutted that they have left, but wish them all the best for the future.  The only reason I subscribed to VHTV was Otto so I'll be letting my subscription run out now.  There a handful of guys in other apartments at the moment that I suspect will go bi under the right conditions.  If one of them has the balls (pardon the expression) to play I'll reconsider ....but this site is just too expensive for something that is not catering to my tastes.

    Mines ran out over a week ago. I might have come back but not now. There is just no point. There was only Otto & Henry who, as you say, had the balls to do anything with another guy. 

    Ah well even towards the end of my subscription I very rarely watched, I do not miss it one bit.

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