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Everything posted by cyberleader

  1. nice one having traulled through all 11000 pictures and could not find one sparkles to the rescue
  2. unfortunately they have been waxed from there too
  3. i would post but i dont fancy being put across stnclds knee and having me khyber spanked for being a naughty boy,so ask ze81 she is a proper hottie
  4. we know what you mean ary and patty naked together,that is christmas birthday easter and payrise all in one package
  5. gravitational flucuations,and yes tidal drift would cause mass floodings,and at the same time expose new land
  6. your logic is correct there,may end up overshooting by a few days
  7. all we need now is for someone to speed up the earths rotation say 35,000 mph so the four weeks can race by
  8. that i can testify too,being naked is not a problem in fact everyone,you will not be disapointed with her exhibitions
  9. its only sony phones i will use,i refuse point blank to have a iphone and not keen on samsung either,when time for my contract renewal the xz is next
  10. az screen recorder,i used it whilst i was away in october,get it from playstore
  11. sony phones are even better,plus there is a screen capture app that i have like bandicam or fraps
  12. threre are plenty people people who work from home,have spare room set up as office so why cant they do it,if it makes them a few quid good on them
  13. if its that fake why watch?.i am sure the crusty tarts on rlc sitting around looking at cell phones all day it what you would rather watch,weather they are cam models or not still better than there,if she is caming then she is unclothed,i would rather watch the cam session
  14. the way i see is this 1 no tips are coming from me or anyone else who is watching via VHTV 2 the view is much better here than some grainy picture webcam as all you can see is 1 dimentional webcam view 3 they are naked and having sex or just showing the goodies
  15. who cares if its for cam or not,they are naked and having sex
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