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ooopel last won the day on April 18 2018

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  1. Not because of,
    the land gravity i stayed here ..!!
    Not because of magnetic laws
    those my feelings fly ..!!
    Not by sounds law,
    who make my heart sings ..!!
    isn't by the laws of physics,
    the soul of woman can a travel to anywhere..!!
    There is no law to make my heart going to dancing..!!
    except the law of lyrics of love..!!
    don't you think sort of that law it's be there..!!
    there only one law it can do this..!!
    it's the law of love,all butterflies, because of that law,oh dear could be fly..!!
    Signature:ooopel :heart:❤️ to someone ❤️:heart:

    1. ipiratemedia


      The beauty of your poems Is the beauty of a woman that sees with her eyes because that is the doorway to her dancing heart, the place where love resides. But true beauty in a woman Is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives. The passion that she shows and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows. You glow in your words, passionate in your pursuits; you know what you are made of. You are not easily bothered, by the mindless opinions of others, you know very well where you want to go. Even if you are a small forest surviving off moon alone, your light is extraordinary ooopel01.gif.41a54469470766ce916dabf91147e481.gif

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