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Everything posted by ooopel

  1. Uh really guys! I don't focus and don't care At any personal insult toward me!But the one who really is mentally handicapped is(SantaTrump)?🤡 because he was fired 2 of the Defense Ministers(Mark Asper, John Mattis),and he dismissed The National Security Adviser( John Bolton), and he went to fired the Secretary of State(Rick Tillerson),He dismissed also the health minister(Tom Price) and he was ready to fired the Attorney General and an justice Minister during his term)and list go on and on... All that (SantaTrump) has did it by his Twitter Account,and he wasn't say any sense reasons! 🤡just maybe they didn't said hello(Mr President) at morning!I really don't know who is mentally disabled at this case!! Me or him and all those(bunch) who still had pray to that liar Saint!!😋🤡
  2. Oh yep that is smart thing and a strategic step if just (SantaTrump) the one who made it ( only just SantaTrump) ! But if President Biden's made the same thing, maybe your yelling goes out far to space by named to it as a dummp policy and make your state seems so weak! 😋🤡
  3. Oh! I hope that can goes to refresh your memory! Ya sleepy Ridgeyy😋🤡
  4. Oyee! Totally as i see! the Hawaii still been a part of the USA even though has threatened by North Korean leader Kim jong to striked it! when that (Santa Trump) went so Hurry to meet him at his country borders!!😋🤡
  5. Oh! And Santa Trump was so innocent! He's the Saint of this age(time) and the Saint will never made anything wrong! Yep ever😋🤡
  6. Oh i hope you don't say Ray Ebb! He the one who was shout at that demonstration in 6 Jan in all media!Oye i'm so sorry made an error (you means corrupt liberals progressive media)and Ray Ebb the one who was leader to that demonstration and made all that riots from behind the curtain at Capitol!?and Ray Ebb the one who was actually unseen President! And the Ray Ebb the one who made all that conspiracy against our Super Hero (SantaTrump)!!! 😋🤡
  7. Oh i'm' so glad you pointing to yourself , oh by the way! hello Mr sleepy Rideyy😋🤡
  8. Oh From earth base to Ridgeyy, again from Earth to Ridgey what about a situation into (bubble lie) on Santa Trump sleepy planet!? 🤡😋😋
  9. Oh what the SantaTrump management has already done during his term!: 1-That related (a lockdown situation) and oil prices has been raised up on all countries even onto the countries who product the oil and a lockdown has begans with SantaTrump manage! So even if you going to blame someone, for more of the credibility! you should starts with SantaTrump manage or don't blame anyone.About that case, by the way, ain't leaders of GC countries and OPEC countries has been allies and so lovelies with the Trump administration?😋 2- If You are concept about case ( the immigrants) such as what Red Party says then you have no case? Read what i said onto my reply to (Sleepy Rideyyy). 😋🤡 3- (the jobs opportunities list) has been going Down has during even with Santa Trump manage in his last year.. So no more propaganda because that doesn't only mistakes of Biden's manage😋 4- I wonder which management has signed this agreement with Taliban movement in Doha?ain't the Santa Trump management and what Biden's has done only had a commitmented (on what SantaTrump already has signed on it) and gone to apply of that agreement..🤡😋 5,6,7- there are no facts just assumptions just more and more of gibberish of Santa Trump (bubble lies)🤡😋
  10. Oyee! That for you (lost Ridgeyyy in Space)😋 and others SantaTrump sleepy supporters such as homework 😋because as i see ain't all media have liberal progressive agenda or that poll it's so fine to Who sellings their minds to that SantaTrump (Ya sleepy Rideyyy and others supporters of SantaTrump 🤡👻😋) !They are ready to accept even poll from a libral progressive media if they against Biden's management and the democratic party(blue party). Something for just SantaTrump political benefit's... Ain't you who shout all times against something like as news Media or against social media (just because they gone to shot down accounts of SantaTrump)by calls them as Corrupt Media's! And goes at same time to depends on them as (sources) even if with a part of them such as (fox news) or even such as polls then you make yourself with no case against them and with no100 credibility... Again oh i think no need to ask about credibility! Because in (renteds minds for SantaTrump) !They don't have anything at all! just selling whatever that SantaTrump has says such as numerous Of parrots... And about( immigration),there are no colors with that case! when the red party says they have case against (immigration), and that means (absolute word of immigration)no make any exceptions!like as a (Wife of SantaTrump), and a big base of many others who comes from Western Europe or all Europe countries, and not for sale based on a political interests of Red Party or even interests of own Santa Trump! No matter if that Legal (with papers) or illegal (with no papers) and you should says! we against (immigration) from all borders (not from the Southern Borders only or just from who has comes from Aferica or even Asia)because there are a big number of citizen from (latino assets) or from (Africain assets) or from (Asian assets) they don't all agrees with red party concept about an( legal immigration),and illegal immigration just only from a southern borders.(When you all shout all long that time against the immigrants? nobody of the experts or a researchers won't will believe you🤡! Because you only means (the immigration) from the the southern borders for a reasons that seem in depth to be( racist) !and that obviously!it's effecatin of a corrupt (rightwings media)!🤡.And not related to all Americans (people ) interests,and that make of an Republic Party have no case and make even SantaTrump sleepy supporters have no credibility at this case!... Oh Please let me tell that story! When President Biden's calls for a demonstration and shouts in these protesters to hacked the Capitol! And deputy of president inside Capitol and (oh me i goes to says Biden's have no responsibility as The President to protect that building for an 6 hours or more than of mess and all that victims) ! At then i wonder who he's President and have all Absolutely authority for protect his Country and his people from any risky situations ?at least that's what he was sworn on it within that (the Constitution) ? I wonder if he do nothing ?Then he's President for who? For another planets or what?... Oh that totally a sound of sleepy SantaTrump supporters🤡,if the President Biden's was he is the President at (Jan.6) at that time? oh maybe their shout about ( riot onto a Capitol Building or in Jan. 6 riot) goes to another planets.Oh their bias in every where as depends on base who is the President!! 🤡🤡😋
  11. Oh and me who is a puppet at (Media) ya sleepy Ridgeyy! 🤡😋And as i see ain't all media have liberal progressive agenda or that poll it's so fine to Who sellings their minds to that SantaTrump (Ya sleepy Rideyyy🤡👻😋) ! They are ready to accept even poll from a libral progressive media if they against Biden's management and the democratic party(blue party). That become a common sene on SantaTrump sleepy supporters (bubble lies) 😋
  12. Oh my dear @blue is the colour yep you are so right!Those type of audiences! it's so hard to them to accept another side of truths, even if it's so obviously such as The Morning Light...But what,I do with(my qustionings) with that SantaTrump presidency? and with his (slogan together we will make America Great Again ! Maybe will together discover that in next lines... 😋🤡 Oh yep America is great in SantaTrump concept, just if that (SantaTrump) would been just the President,and America is great in SantaTrump concept! if he have a billions in his bank accounts and no paid his taxes whether if he as a President or even as citizen😋! One thing good or bad doesn't matter, i could remember to him, he has doing under that Title, he paid the 20 singal $ in that church for (Electiony Propaganda) that (for honesty of history).. And America is great just if he was a President selling that (case) about (immigrants) to his crowd while (his wife) was be an immigrant in some way or another.And goes to spent all money of payer taxes for(building that wall)for wrong idea. Even if i don't totally agree with(definition of immigrants) at Red Party book, because all people on America are the immigrants in one way or another,no matter who has came to that country of firstly.. and America is great in SantaTrump concept, while he goes to encouraged all those of outlaw to get hacked the 1st Constitution building(the congress building) and had forgotten moment that when he has sworn at frontward of his members to protect him and protect his people(whites and blacks and all colors and All the beliefs of his people ) as was sworn to protect his Country... That America Ya (SantaTrump)who has sworn to protect her as what as (her Constitution says) isn't currently in( his opinion) no longer is magnificent, because he has loss in her fair elections And he's still yet complaining, even though, it's been a year since at then 😋☺️
  13. Maybe he Just ready to that track and all his strength and his speed has spent on it, so no more (strength) just only he has speed for something else on bed😋
  14. Uh! my dear it's real as you keeps said to him, it's so true!The battle against any type of cancer! May Has begins when an ill has Accept that truth, and to be strong and( he / she) has going to fight about what really is so matters to (him/her) like itselfe firstly and to (his/her) family, then to Anyone who (him/her) have so closely related to him or her. At that point his chance would be to win his battle against cancer is very raise up.So all my wish to your Brother get recover so soon and back to you and his family onto fully healthy. ❤️❤️ after then oh, doesn't matter if he has forgettin, and don't goes with you to that fishing trip 🌹🦋🤗❤️❤️
  15. Oh! All the mistakes or disasters during his term and he still claims, he didn't do it!maybe the space creatures who has ruled in a White House during his presidency👻. Oh thank god because he and his presidency has gone to yellow pages of History. at forever... 😋🤡
  16. In the SaintTrump's (bubble lies)! i would be very lucky to be illiterate, Because it's not a thing to could be regret if you loss it😋, puls there is law at Trump supporters book,an intelligence is not a necessary condition to join them.it Prefer without brains in(state on) just brains on state off☺️totally As like as the sleepy function, it's so common on (SaintTrump🤡 supporters)😋
  17. Blah! Blah! Blah.. Gibberish and more and more of bubble gibberish of SantaTrump 🤡😋
  18. Uh my dear @TBG 150 sorry for my curiosity on this,but Uh really you do great job by that support to your Brother! And I don't wanna my sound seems to be phony or particularly you think I say this just because i saw your comment on here, or i says this just to give you maybe some of fake solidarity! But what you doing with your Brother, it's rare and great something!I wish he goes through out of this with so healthy and totally a recover, because in a close past,i was one of that ill cancer!Uh thank to god!I had passed through on it with less damage! As i know so well!how much all families are suffering onto that situations!all that therapy sessions,plus to mute off all anger or any hopeless feelings toward that (our sick relative)! It's really something has needed a lot of postive power or energy !So,even from that angle or even that perspective,all that efforts should be ends on With a lot hope for an recover of our patient!Maybe that is the best something could be happins! Uh my all feelings with you dear @TBG 150 ,and with your brother🌹🌹, And i wish him to get recovers as soon possible and go back to his family with fully healthy! Just one something i would to say i wish to you and your family all goodness and happpiness in all long this life.🌹❤️❤️
  19. Oh won't no lie☺️i feel lost without SaintTrump 😋 it was a hard year without him! It was silly guy with his Karisma ! Or his many characters! He was funny too! always make me smile! huh and he made the news goes to be funny most times! Oh my god Please help him to wake up from as the president role oneday because he got kicked from white house since a year ago😋! Happy New Year (SantaTrump🤡) at any wherever you have been😋
  20. Oyee my goddess!i really loved this girl!she hit those guys on their ego!so shout function not only for us as (a women) ! Ohha!There are some of coward guys will goes to click on it when they needed too! love you so much yo girl😋☺️
  21. Oh just i would to say !Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my dear friends on my list and to(Everyone's on CamCaps) and i wish all ones their Dreams comes True 🌹🦋💖❤️❤️
  22. Oh hello my dear @ipiratemedia, just let me say!you my dear, you have your own way to express about your thoughts or view toward everything! It very creativity and so innovat way! Oh my dear! there No Way to seen me with you in same level or even too close on it😋! You make something like this seems so impossible !Oh i know my place here! And because of that! I'm always being ready to learn under your hands! you have skills of teacher who will be happy me always to study under his hands. And also it finds all likes and appreciation from the eyes of elite or Pro ones! You make me travel or i feels with them such as an Magical journey in Space of thoughts and Land of dreams,even if in main line or main title within them seems a bit sad!oh Really, i feel just hopeless right this moment, cause of my language doesn't help me at all to say more and more!maybe I had failed to explain my feelings about all Beat in my heart toward these (your) work. Ohhh! I was try as much as can made you to get realizing how many Beats of likes in my heart? toward all these of (your) work! And my dear Please don't think! we are far from each other, because, you are live in west and i'm lives in east? My fast answer! nope, again nope (definitely isn't is you dear)we are walks in the same emotions land,and we drinks from a same river of ideas,so for that, i always feel our souls and hearts are too close till last borders maybe it matching from each one to another! Oh let me say something my dear late dad has always keeps said to me! My dear one all people are the same!They comes from one moment of birth and they ends at a same moment of death!They're all on the same ship at someday or another,oh definitely!they'll get to the same destination or to the same purpose. {All human maybe beings are the samething، no matter of their gender, Whether it is a man( like as you🤗) nor as a woman(like as me☺️). and no matter of their Multi colors, and also no matter their beliefs or even their identities or their homelands !In the heart on that! In the core of that's !They have the same thing and they have a same Of composition!They all come from a small unit called the cell! But each of them has their own message and each of them has their own way to expressing their thoughts and about themselves!or to defines about themselves ! So should choose, my daughter,about What would you like your message to be?And what would you like to have as a beautiful memory about you?}End of quote. So my dear Joey keep it up and again keep going to do that, it's your own way to say your message which wanna in best way!Oh i forget to say as always!Merry Christmas Happy New Year to (Everyone's on CamCaps ) and to you and i wish you all Happiness all next years in your life! Oyee just bring that joy rains to me with you dear Joey🌹🦋❤️❤️
  23. Oh just i would to say !Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my dear friends on my list, and to(Everyone's on CamCaps) and i wish all ones their Dreams comes True 🌹🦋💖❤️❤️

    1. Amy3


      💋 Happy New Year ooopel. Hold my hand and we’re half way there. Hold my hand and I’ll take you there. Somehow, somewhere, someday… 💜🌹💜  

  24. Song in English lyrics 💖❤️:

    Nowhere to escape
    No branch
    Smile retrograde

    Never fear of loneliness
    Tears and regrets
    The heart is hot: toward the distance:

    In the past, the wind cream is engraved
    Flexing wings
    Also fly
    Keeping you in the direction of the light

    Recalling the old, the old, I am stubborn
    I want to rely on the light of this dark night.
    Also, it’s face with a long song.
    Rove of life is not angry

    How much is left?

    Who will know
    Never fear of loneliness
    Tears and regrets
    The heart is hot: toward the distance:

    In the past, the wind cream is engraved
    Flexing wings
    Also fly
    Keeping you in the direction of the light

    Recalling the old, the old, I am stubborn
    I want to rely on the light of this dark night.
    Also, it’s face with a long song.
    Rove of life is not angry

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