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Everything posted by nicsjom

  1. Courtney and Jason will feel the in touch the phone break that contact
  2. I think it's false tattoo like she used previously after some time (3-10 days) that tattoo will be unglued with varnish solvent It's a piece of make-up
  3. Oxana , Meg , Nathan are the last guests remaining ;Bree just left
  4. Courtney and Oxana in morning ( Bree and Tiny girl Meg and Nathan with Jason also are he last awake or not gone ) the next to leave is tiny girl
  5. Courtney and Jason are in love but for long without live separate ?
  6. one other guy arrived around 4 o'clock LT black clothes whit big 7 on chest:
  7. one gone (the boy with holed jeans )one other comes ( when he was the boyfriend of Heather he sprayed his cum all around, as the handjob of Heather excited, deserving the nickname "spreading boy"
  8. the participants made some discussion groups ( not number fixed they can move from one to an other group)
  9. All guests not arrived yet ( I heard Jason they would be over 13)
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