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Everything posted by nicsjom

  1. Like some weekends yet Oxana arrived with Courtney (note the happiness on Courtney's behavior)
  2. Courtney is lying on the cradle's mattress in the guest room, Jason's usual is in the bedroom bed
  3. Courtney changes decorations of rooms (hall, cartons and bags in kitchen loggia -) (guest room: balloons on sofa, crib disassembled, sofa mattress recovered in the bedroom) (living room receives a carpet and a banner on the bedroom side wall) These changes caused a serious altercation between Courtney and Jason.
  4. last collation before to go in bedroom some exercises look at face of Courtney
  5. Courtney and Jason arguing Like we say in french "tout est bien qui finit bien" ( we say "everything is fine that ends well")
  6. Nathan perv and Meg visiting and have the surprise of Jason
  7. Courtney come back with a guy who was sometimes in passed parties
  8. How many male tenants have a normal job paid by a salary other than received from VHTV ?How many male tenants have regular money's entry other than from VHTV ?( military pay-scholarship-military pension-etc )
  9. Courtney and Jason will go out They are like start a new relation
  10. It's pleasant to see and hear Courtney laugh with Jason she feels in security and happy
  11. some fresh air unconsciously the nature ask to be in touch with the partner
  12. Courtney and Jason are now sleeping after been out for a while
  13. How can we know officially that the relation between Cadon and Courtney don't more exist?
  14. the relation between Courtney and Jason is very special some screenshots in bedroom epilation after hair removal gentle cuddling that's all
  15. Jason cuddling Courtney it is a real complicity between both
  16. Courtney would take a bath with Jason who denied Courtney after bath
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