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Everything posted by nicsjom

  1. After party and little rest Heather is awake hope without headache
  2. the "guests" left only stay one girl - the little fat beard and Jason with Courtney and Heather
  3. new party (saterday night ) some incomers are known and members of Meg and Nathan band That party is not for me
  4. Heather and tattooed guest laying in bed to rest after a crazy sex party with the big guy arrived long time after others
  5. Meg and Nathan arrived and I quit no caution for future" nose problems" Good night people
  6. a new couple with little dog arrives just now ( the big beard with little dog and a girl )
  7. some leave some stay (Courtney -Heather - the first couple - the two last boys) a girl friend arrives just now
  8. a new girl boy with glasses come back too and Heather and the other boy also
  9. what is more boring between see Lisa & Grant in bed sleeping or Lisa & Grant with a couple visitors watching cell phone
  10. one couple is missing in living room Courtney and the first arrived boy (they are in bedroom)
  11. the beautician (blonde girl) leaves now we have 3 boys and 3 girls
  12. the girlfriend of boy is there two guys more Heather makes up maybe to go out (?)
  13. beautician at home Courtney just arrived maybe she will also the care of the beautician like Heather
  14. Heather is awake the two girls are in happy mood
  15. Courtney just arrives natural light through the red curtain
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