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Everything posted by nicsjom

  1. strange situation Birt came to "be" with Courtney but she has a other guest Brit plays with Curtney just to fuck her and meet some people for "business" ( see in previous visit with Meg an d Nathan)
  2. No news regarding Misty ? She was announced for the beginning of February in her own appart
  3. after been offline and at time between 14:45 and 15:30 ( very early for the girls ) is pleasant to see them in form. It's redundant but after the last days........
  4. Heather in bath Courtney receives the visit of Json(?)
  5. just a question : the same session in white panty ?
  6. The girl's sweet revenge but this time the victim is Dean (
  7. @Mrs.Kitty To avoid some trouble with eyes I use also "Azelastin " one antiallergic eye drops ( Azelastini chloridum Ursapharma). Just for information
  8. It was just a question and not one information don't be worry I am wearing also glasses and some times i rub also eyes looking crying
  9. Teddy is attached at one cross used in BDSM that cross was used by Alex on Anna during some paid session of BDSM (light) at the first appart of A & A But the attachment of submissive is not correct and the fixation on column is not correct too . The position is a doggy style with arms and legs attached on the 4 branches of the cross (2 big 2 little) Dean and the customer have drinken too alcohol and were not able to have a correct erectiuon
  10. Can we post a pic showing Courtney having an headache ?
  11. Grant is not ready to go fix the cam 2 in C& H appart But following what was said previously the managers are Anna & Alex Grant on ly technician If nobody tell him that is a problem he cannot know
  12. Courtney and Dean are sleeping now more than 5 hours the both must be very tired the cam 2 in living room is not fixed yet at 9:00 PM local time
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