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Everything posted by sr71gn

  1. I haven't really see them much but their apartment is huge
  2. Anabel and Efim who are on rlc have an outrageous apartment --it must cost a fortune
  3. she got done good and hard --they are like transformed since they came back--I wonder what happened
  4. I woud love to see iris here --so red hot!
  5. This is quite ridiculous after just watching the brunette the other night ---come on --give me a break!
  6. They are playing cards in jess & sams room--you think there is any chance of intermingling there?
  7. Wonder if her pussy has healed up==She was having a lot of pain when he was trying to stick it in last time
  8. The night is young--I think- anna looks a lot more rested than the last time here
  9. They need to bring kitty in here for one of their foursomes --She is a very classy 10+ He would jump her bones no matter what anna said
  10. Thank you so much for your translation --It is so difficult sometime to figure out what is going on without knowing the language---Did you happen to hear what type of work they do?
  11. How do you capture these pictures and them post them?
  12. Do you mean she he left her asleep all alone in the apartment---I thought she knew he was leaving as he had just been talking on his phone before he left--Why didn't she raise hell with him before he left I wonder
  13. what balt2103 said "10.41 - 10:47 was good. She acted like a woman who is in love. and stopped immediately when she HEARD someone coming into the vicinity of the living room"
  14. brunette's boyfriend has a lasting hard one but I think he treats her badly--I don't think she realizes how really hot she is and that guys would be killing to be her special one
  15. her boyfriend got a call and after talking for awhile he got dressed and left--she stayed in the bed--he was gone for quite awhile and when he returned she started screaming at him--I'm wondering if she found out that he had went to see another girll----If she leaves that only leaves anna with apparently a very sore pussy--alex had it way up this morning and she could barely get it in without a lot of pain--earlier this morning alex was laying on the living room couch with just the brunette there --he was playing around with his dick and all of a sudden the brunette started sucking on it--she then stopped for some reason but started up again only it looked like she was starting to love on him--I thought for sure they were going to fuck when suddenly anna appeared--They broke their contact off very abruptly
  16. anyone know why the brunette is so mad at her boyfriend this morning--it looks like she is trying to get someone to pick her up
  17. well they got my money for another month ............
  18. brunette is outrageous-- great body-- -long black hair--black short dress --that guy is so fkin lucky
  19. brunette just has to put panties on --she is not going to be able to slide in quick enough with panties on--blue girl trys to constantle fuck or blow her man--she aint leaving any room
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